Finally, there's a book totally devoted to women's health issues. And to make matters even better, it promotes a holistic approach to healing and prevention. This book reveals a multitude of startling facts that many women are possibly unaware of. For example, it's a little known fact that women suffer the same amount of heart attacks as men. But a woman's symptoms are vastly different from those
of a man. Women seldom have the traditional chest pains and left arm numbness. Their symptoms are totally different. This book will alert you to the symptoms a woman should look for. (Page 30). There are also symptoms that will alert you of an impending heart attack well in advance. Read on and you will be advised of supplements that can stop the blood supply to cancerous tumors causing them to whither and die (Page 43). There are supplements that can prevent tumors from spreading, and supplements that can change malignant cells back to healthy cells (Page 42). Looking to lose weight ? Obesity used to be looked upon as the failings of a woman who continuously overeats. We now look at this issue as a treatable disease. This book will give you some good ideas on how to address this issue using natural methods (Page 46). If you would like to slow the aging process, don't look for any pharmaceuticals to help you. You can, however look to (Page 8) of this book for some very informative information on how to throw Father Time some stumbling blocks. There are numerous ailments that predominately affect women and there are numerous helpful supplements described in this book. The sole objective of this book is to inform you of the holistic options available to you.