Video number two, from the new "Psychosis to Song" album. The track, titled "Psychosis", is by Can't Take a Picture (Dan Workman and Nikki Hune) who made this moving portrait of an intense journey.
I (Heather) made the video - most of the footage was shot in and around a large retention pond I have studied hard for an art project I've been working on for over a year (called The Brio Memory Project - another story, obviously). The site was once a subdivision containing 677 houses - demolished after countless people were sickened from toxins leached into the soil and groundwater from the Brio Superfund site that the houses had been built right next to. You would not know what had transpired there if you were to walk in the site now. To me it symbolizes trauma and the possibility for healing. Appropriate for this song.
The rest of the album is just as amazing. Listen to it on CIA's Bandcamp page at https://ciarecords2.bandcamp.com/album/psychosis-to-song
"Psychosis", by "Can't Take a Picture" (Dan Workman and Nikki Hune) was recorded for the album and project, "Psychosis to Song", released in January, 2025. T...