Ka Wai Ola News

Ka Wai Ola News Indigenous media outlet sharing news, features and events with a focus on the Native Hawaiian community

Last November, nearly 400 members of the Hāna community - with generations of ʻohana ranging in age from 8 to 83 - parti...

Last November, nearly 400 members of the Hāna community - with generations of ʻohana ranging in age from 8 to 83 - participated in Hāna's 9th Annual Makahiki Ceremony. The event was the culmination of months of work and planning, including learning and practicing ceremonial chants, making instruments like kāʻekeʻeke and kalāʻau (pictured here), and growing and preparing foods specifically for the celebration.

Read Ka ʻAha Makahiki ma Hāna, Maui
By Donalyn Dela Cruz, Photos Shandelle Nakanelua

🎶✨ Don’t miss out! Join NaHHA for the Poi & Palaka Mele Series during Ho‘okipa Hawai‘i Weekend! Enjoy a FREE afternoon o...

🎶✨ Don’t miss out! Join NaHHA for the Poi & Palaka Mele Series during Ho‘okipa Hawai‘i Weekend!
Enjoy a FREE afternoon of beautiful mele on the rooftop at Ka Lewa Lānai at Royal Hawaiian Center, featuring the incredible sounds of Hōlei and Hawaiian music legends like Ku‘uipo Kumukahi, Karen Keawehawai‘i, the Jeff Rasmussen Trio, and Kawika Kahiapo!

Lise Vaughan-Sekona is OHA’s new Community Engagement Director. She is responsible for the development and implementatio...

Lise Vaughan-Sekona is OHA’s new Community Engagement Director. She is responsible for the development and implementation of OHA community outreach initiatives to inform, involve and engage the Native Hawaiian community, working closely with OHA’s advocacy, communications, and land divisions.

Vaughan-Sekona oversees a team of OHA beneficiary services agents located on five islands with kuleana to help identify high-priority needs, interests and initiatives within their respective communities and find ways for OHA to engage with and support them.

To read more about Vaughan-Sekona visit www.oha.org.

Mahalo to everyone who submitted testimony on Feb 4 for the first hearing of HB 1358 Relating to the Public Land Trust W...

Mahalo to everyone who submitted testimony on Feb 4 for the first hearing of HB 1358 Relating to the Public Land Trust Working Group. Thanks to your support, this bill has moved forward with amendments to the House Committee on Judiciary and Hawaiian Affairs and will be heard on Wed, Feb 12, at 2 pm.

Please submit testimony again to ensure that OHA receives its fair share of Public Land Trust Revenues by Tue, Feb 11, by 2 pm.

Submit the SAMPLE TESTIMONY IN SUPPORT OF HB1358_HD1 below to https://bit.ly/testify-on-HB1358-HD1.

Aloha e Chair Tarnas, Vice Chair Poepoe, and members of the House Committee on Judiciary and Hawaiian Affairs,

I am writing in support of HB1358_HD1 for the following reasons:

Ensuring Transparency and Accountability:
HB1358_HD1 provides funding for an independent third-party audit of the Public Land Trust Inventory System. This is a necessary step to correct decades of incomplete or inconsistent accounting practices and to ensure that OHA receives its full 20% share of trust revenues as required by law.

Funding OHA’s work:
The Public Land Trust Working Group was established to hold the State of Hawaiʻi accountable for its trust obligations to Native Hawaiians. Without full funding, OHA cannot fulfill its legal mandates to improve the conditions of Native Hawaiian and advance community empowerment and economic development. The working group determined this audit is a necessary first step to making to make OHA whole.

Fairness and Justice:
This bill is not just about funding, it’s also about fairness and justice. Under the Hawai‘i Admissions Act, the Hawai‘i Constitution, and Hawaiʻi State law, OHA is entitled to 20% of all revenues from the public land trust, however, OHA only receives a fraction of this amount. As an OHA beneficiary and a voter, I urge the committee to pass HB1358_HD1 to right this wrong.

Mahalo for the opportunity to testify.
[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]


Representatives from Kamehameha Schools, the Office of Hawaiian Affairs and the mayors of Taputapuātea, Tumaraʻa and Uturoa from the island of Raʻiātea in French Polynesia signed an agreement is to strengthen ties of friendship and cooperation; contribute to the preservation and enhancement of our unique heritages, affirm existing cultural exchanges; and initiate educational, sports, and artistic exchange opportunities. It also aims to collaborate on sustainable development issues to ensure economic and social growth while protecting the biosphere of our communities.

A delegation of leaders from French Polynesia and Polynesian Voyaging Society, attended the special ceremony to celebrate and sign the agreement.

Signatories include: Jack Wong, Chief Executive Officer and Dr. Randie Fong, Executive Culture Officer of Kamehameha Schools; Kaialiʻi Kahele, Chair of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs and Mayor Thomas Moutame of Taputapuātea, Mayor Matahi Brotherson of Uturoa, and Mayor Cyril Tetuanui of Tumaraʻa.

Ola Ka ʻĪ is an annual Hawaiian language community event celebrating Mahina ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi that is held at shopping cent...

Ola Ka ʻĪ is an annual Hawaiian language community event celebrating Mahina ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi that is held at shopping centers across the pae ʻāina. The event features speech competitions, music, games, prizes and more!
Upcoming Ola Ka ‘Ī Events a Puni Hawaiʻi (across Hawaiʻi):
Pepeluali (Feb) 8: Ola Ka ‘Ī Hilo ma Prince Kūhiō Plaza (Hawai‘i)
Pepeluali (Feb) 8: Ola Ka ‘Ī Honolulu ma Kahala Mall (O‘ahu)
Pepeluali (Feb) 15: Ola Ka ‘Ī Maui Nui ma Queen Ka‘ahumanu Center (Maui)
Pepeluali (Feb) 22: Ola Ka ‘Ī ‘Ewa ma Ka Makana Ali‘i (O‘ahu)
Malaki (Mar) 1: Ola Ka ‘Ī Kona ma Keauhou Shopping Center (Hawai‘i)
Malaki (Mar) 1: Ola Ka ‘Ī Kaua‘i me Ni‘ihau ma Kukui Grove Center (Kaua‘i)
For more information visit www.KaWaiOla.News.

Mālama Makaliʻi Ocean Festival 2025Saturday February 8, 2025 at Kawaihae Canoe Club. Opening protocol 9:30 am Festival 1...

Mālama Makaliʻi Ocean Festival 2025
Saturday February 8, 2025 at Kawaihae Canoe Club.
Opening protocol 9:30 am
Festival 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

Celebrate 30 years of Makaliʻi together with Mālama Makali‘i Ocean Festival, led by Nā Maka Onaona, Kawaihae Canoe Club, and Nā Kālai Waʻa — a gathering that began over a decade ago to honor our Moana, voyaging legacy, and the communities of our moku and waʻa.

Please bring your own chair and water bottle.

Makaliʻi has brought together an ʻohana, raised generations of voyagers, and voyaged to Kahiki, Satawal, and Mokumanamana. Through it all, they've learned that success comes from the time spent with family and community to “make ready." The work ahead to complete repairs on na moku and waʻa is vast, but necessary to “make ready” for future voyages. All of this work is possible through continued support! www.nakalaiwaa.org


Ola Ka ʻĪ is an annual Hawaiian language community event celebrating Mahina ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi that is held at shopping cent...

Ola Ka ʻĪ is an annual Hawaiian language community event celebrating Mahina ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi that is held at shopping centers across the pae ʻāina. The event features speech competitions, music, games, prizes and more!

Upcoming Ola Ka ‘Ī Events a Puni Hawaiʻi (across Hawaiʻi):
Pepeluali (Feb) 8: Ola Ka ‘Ī Hilo ma Prince Kūhiō Plaza (Hawai‘i)
Pepeluali (Feb) 8: Ola Ka ‘Ī Honolulu ma Kahala Mall (O‘ahu)
Pepeluali (Feb) 15: Ola Ka ‘Ī Maui Nui ma Queen Ka‘ahumanu Center (Maui)
Pepeluali (Feb) 22: Ola Ka ‘Ī ‘Ewa ma Ka Makana Ali‘i (O‘ahu)
Malaki (Mar) 1: Ola Ka ‘Ī Kona ma Keauhou Shopping Center (Hawai‘i)
Malaki (Mar) 1: Ola Ka ‘Ī Kaua‘i me Ni‘ihau ma Kukui Grove Center (Kaua‘i)

For more information visit www.KaWaiOla.News.

E Hoʻolauleʻa Kākou iā Mahina ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi! Let’s All Celebrate Hawaiian Language Month with a special Bilingual Issue...

E Hoʻolauleʻa Kākou iā Mahina ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi!
Let’s All Celebrate Hawaiian Language Month with a special Bilingual Issue of Ka Wai Ola.

The staff of Ka Wai Ola newspaper wish to mahalo and acknowledge the ‘ōlelo Hawai‘i community contributors and translators and who made this issue possible. Their ‘ike, loea and no‘eau were invaluable to our production of this special issue of Ka Wai Ola.

E ola mau ka ‘ōlelo Hawai‘i! The Hawaiian language lives!

Read in English or ma ka ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi at www.kawaiola.news.

The Senate Committee on Hawaiian Affairs will be hearing two bills from OHA’s 2025 Legislative Package on Tues, Jan 28 a...

The Senate Committee on Hawaiian Affairs will be hearing two bills from OHA’s 2025 Legislative Package on Tues, Jan 28 at 1:00 pm:
- SB 268 Relating to Island Burial Councils
- SB269 Relating to the Budget of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs.

Submit Testimony on SB268 and SB269 by Mon, Jan 27 at 1:00 pm.

SAMPLE TESTIMONY available at www.oha.org.

OHA’s Kakaako Makai Bill, SB534, is scheduled for Wed, Jan 29 at 1:00 pm.

SB534 is scheduled for Wed, Jan 29, 1pm, for a joint public hearing of Senate Committees:1. Water and Land (WAL)2. Hawai...

SB534 is scheduled for Wed, Jan 29, 1pm, for a joint public hearing of Senate Committees:
1. Water and Land (WAL)
2. Hawaiian Affairs (HWN)
3. Housing (HOU)

Submit Testimony by Tues, Jan 28 at 1pm to https://bit.ly/testify-on-SB534

Aloha Chairs Inouye, Richards, and Chang and members of the Senate Committees on Water and Land, Hawaiian Affairs, and Housing:

I SUPPORT SB534 for the following reasons:

SB534 will give OHA the authority to develop residential housing on specific parcels in Kaka‘ako Makai, as originally envisioned when OHA and the legislature reached a historic settlement of past due amounts in 2012.

Further, by raising residential height limits along Ala Moana Boulevard, this bill will enable OHA to maximize the value of Kaka‘ako Makai lands as intended by the 2012 settlement, and generate revenue to expand programs and services including loans and grants that directly benefit Native Hawaiians.

Finally, SB534 helps address Hawai‘i’s critical need for affordable and workforce housing, by giving local families and essential workers the opportunity to live, work, and thrive in urban Honolulu through its workforce housing mandate.

I am personally concerned about the housing crisis in Hawai‘i. We need to build more affordable housing for residents making less than 140% of Hawai‘i’s median income, and this bill does just that. At the same, the bill maintains existing open space along the waterfront and dedicates funding for public infrastructure and more public access, setting the standard for developments across the islands.

In summary, passage of SB534 would be a critical step forward in creating systemic housing change, addressing development inequities, and fulfilling promises made to Native Hawaiians by the State of Hawai‘i. Mahalo nui for the opportunity to submit testimony.

[Your Contact Information]

OHA Legislative information at www.oha.org.
Link in bio.


The opening day of the 2025 Hawaiʻi State Legislature, OHA leadership and staff offered oli & lei at the Queen Liliuʻokalani statue before visiting state lawmakers. Each legislator was given a primer sheet with information relating to Native Hawaiian concerns in their districts.

Learn more about OHA's 2025 Legislative package at www.oha.org/legislation or link in bio.

Under a Jarvis Moon tells the story of 130 young men from Hawaiʻi who were part of a clandestine mission by the U.S. fed...

Under a Jarvis Moon tells the story of 130 young men from Hawaiʻi who were part of a clandestine mission by the U.S. federal government to occupy desert islands in the middle of the Pacific. Watch the whole story online here https://www.pbshawaii.org/pbs-hawaii-presents-under-a-jarvis-moon/
PBS Hawai‘i

Under a Jarvis Moon tells the story of 130 young men from Hawaiʻi who were part of a clandestine mission by the U.S. federal government to occupy desert islands in the middle of the Pacific.

Kaulana Mahina is a small business devoted to creating teaching resources from a Hawaiian perspective. In addition to pr...

Kaulana Mahina is a small business devoted to creating teaching resources from a Hawaiian perspective. In addition to providing mahina workshops and writing and publishing keiki books, Haunani Miyasato has branched out, offering a mahina curriculum kit for kumu, cards, stickers, and more.

Read it online at KaWaiOla.News.

In 1983, a hui of passionate young educators from across the pae ‘āina united with the ambitious mission to ensure the s...

In 1983, a hui of passionate young educators from across the pae ‘āina united with the ambitious mission to ensure the survival of ‘ōlelo Hawai‘i and together they founded ‘Aha Pūnana Leo. The group included (front row l-r) Makalapua Alencastre, the late ‘Īlei Beniamina, and Larry Kimura; and (back l-r) Hōkūlani Cleeland, Kauanoe Kamanā, Kī‘ope Raymond and Pila Wilson.

The first Pūnana Leo preschool opened in Kekaha, Kaua‘i, in 1984. At the time, it was still illegal to use Hawaiian as the medium of instruction because the 1896 ban on Hawaiian language was still in place.
In 1986, after a three-year lobbying campaign by ʻAha Pūnana Leo, the Hawaiʻi State Legislature passed a bill lifting the ban on Hawaiian medium instruction in public schools.

Photo Courtesy of ‘Aha Pūnana Leo.

Read it online at KaWaiOla.News.

Aha Punana Leo

Head Start is part of the Hā Initiative that uses the framework of connecting students to the ʻāina. HeadStart and Early...

Head Start is part of the Hā Initiative that uses the framework of connecting students to the ʻāina. Head
Start and Early Head Start providers all incorporate elements of culture-based learning using basic ʻōlelo in instruction, introducing food from the Native Hawaiian diet, and having guest speakers that work in culturally significant fields, such as navigation.

Read it online at KaWaiOla.News.



560 N Nimitz Highway #200
Honolulu, HI

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Monday 8am - 4:30pm
Tuesday 8am - 4:30pm
Wednesday 8am - 4:30pm
Thursday 8am - 4:30pm
Friday 8am - 4:30pm




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