Hanauma Bay Reopening - Morning News Dec 4, 2020
The Hawaii News Now Sunrise crew was live at Hanauma Bay on Friday Dec 4, 2020, to cover the new aspects of Hanauma Bay Nature Preserve being open to the public with COVID-19 restrictions.
Sea Inspiration making a drone video at Hanauma Bay
Today we had a permit to get some drone footage of Hanauma Bay with videographer Ray Hollowell from Sea Inspiration for a study. Here is a short clip showing the Bay and the drone in action. Mahalo to Rep Gene Ward for joining us!
The Coral Pledge Launch KITV Coverage
Brief footage from the launch of The Coral Pledge
First ODA Cleanup Dive at Hanauma Bay
We could not resist putting together a few more snippets of the first ODA cleanup dive at Hanauma Bay last Sunday. This is all footage from Ed Sisino's head-mounted GoPro, so you can see what trash Ed was picking up, as well as some floating boat parts that the divers managed to safely bring to shore via the Cable Channel.
Net Killing Cauliflower Coral at Hanauma Bay
Here is another clip from Sunday’s cleanup dive at Hanauma Bay. This shows how long it takes to get net tangles off the reef, even when they look small. This net had clearly been stuck there for a while, and unfortunately it killed several Cauliflower Coral. When nets get entangled on coral heads, they not only damage the coral tissue, but they take away the sunlight needed by the symbiotic algae to photosynthesize … the corals often die. Cleanup dives help to save our reefs by removing these coral threats! Video by Ed Sisino.
Removing Nets from Hanauma Bay
Here is an example of what the ODA divers encounter on their cleanup dives – tangles of nets that have smothered and killed coral heads. The divers use special cutting tools, and it’s not easy removing net tangles while the surge pushes back and forth. Thank you Tammy Smith and Ed Sisino! This is the reef near Witches Brew, far inside our marine preserve. Video by Ed Sisino from the first ODA cleanup dive at Hanauma bay on Sep 22, 2019.
Mahalo to US Congressman Ed Case (Hawai'i – District 1) for wearing a Friends of Hanauma Bay T-Shirt while advocating for our coral reefs!
Kaiser High School Wipe Out Crew at the quarterly cleanup
Here is a video of the students from the Kaiser High School Wipeout Crew pulling a tangle of nets off the beach to make sure the next high tide doesn't pull it back in again. What an awesome job, thanks for coming to our quarterly cleanups!
We will report this to the DLNR and hope they can pick it up early next week.
Hawaii Kai Neighborhood Board Meeting Jan 30, 2018
We mentioned a few weeks ago that the Friends of Hanauma Bay were honored with a Certificate of Recognition by the Hawaii Kai Neighborhood Board, a great recognition of our efforts to protect and preserve the Hanauma Bay we so love for almost 30 years! If you did not catch it in person or on ōlelo, here is an extract from the Neighborhood Board Meeting. Well done, Friends!