Here's the link to show podcast: https://www.hernco.com/golfclub/radio/2024/8_31_24gc.mp3 Today, Saturday, August 31st show featuring...
* Matt Adams Fairways of Life w/ Matt Adams
* Casey Isa, Director of Operations, Baseball at University of Hawaii, Manoa, and fundraising through a terrific golf tournament at Ewa Beach Golf Club this September 19. Register here https://bit.ly/4g3LRNE
* Michael Patrick Shiels, author, broadcaster, and my travel guru extraordinaire...and writer extraordinaire, and becoming an Extra...like in acting... extraordinaire
* Adam Boguchi, Hawaii Area Manager, StretchLab
* Ron Sirak, award winning writer, author, Golf Channel contributor, LPGA Media Excellence Award, PGA of America Lifetime Achievement in Journalism award recipient...
We had a great time...lots of in depth discussion about the state of the game on the professional level, body health for athletes, supporting UH Baseball programs through golf, travel destinations and which destinations are popular post pandemic and which are not, why StretchLab is a great option for athletes to take care of their bodies, and The Solheim Cup and The Curtis Cup underway this weekend and it's a tied game...or it was on Saturday.