I weight lift / body sculpting, live in Hawaii and I do other dope s**t. I am more into team-based games, but I have an open mind. 1_Supreme_Knight_1 Follow me on Twitch. |||||||| My Gamer Tag and Twitch name is slightly different Supreme Amor on Xbox and 1_Supreme_Knight_1 on Twitch. |||||||||| My Twitch Name: The Number 1 (One) "Supreme" Underscore (The Symbol _ ) "Knight" Underscore (The Symbol
_ ) The Number 1 (One) |||||||||||||||||||||| https://www.twitch.tv/1_supreme_knight_1
I am somewhat of a retro gamer, I like do to play throughs, I game to RELAX, like after the gym. I started streaming to capture some of my amazing game-play, now that I do, those plays actually only happen once or twice a day - before I streamed they seamed to happen WAY more often...
Well, what exactly would you hope to find out in a couple of short sentences? Let's start with my Name,
David Eaglewolf Templarios. Yes, this is SUPREME from the Jersey Shore. That was a long time ago, and yes, now, I have Latino last name instead of Sicilian name that has the same meaning in Italian, Knights Templar. I grew up in North Jersey and the Jersey Shore. My Mom is from Jersey, and my Dad is from the Bronx, NY so we all grew up in the shadow of Manhattan Skyline. I have Degree in American Studies, and I am currently a Graduate Student, and a former infantry US Marine 0341 including Special Operations in small boat (zodiacs) amphibious assaults.