Karl Pellimer is a professor at Cornell University. Karl wrote a book called "Fractured Families and How to Mend Them". In his book, Karl identifies 6 Pathways to estrangement.
The 6 Pathways are:
1) The long arm of the past:
*Your history
*Your Childhood
*the events that took place in the past to contribute to a sense of hurt and mistrust
2) Legacy of Divorce
3) The Problematic In-law(s)
4) Money and Inheritance
5) Unmet Expectations
6) Value and Lifestyle Differences
I do believe that some of these reasons are catalysts for fractures and estrangements. However, I do believe there are others that include the legacy of estrangement in families as well.
Other countries are identifying rates of estrangement around 20% in the UK and Australia. In the US Family Estrangement rates are between 25%-30%. This statistic continues to climb.
Family Estrangement is painful for everyone involved. It's not about blame and fault it's about finding love and safety in family relationships.
Stay tuned as I continue to share more on this topic.
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