4-18-24 Story Bor Social Media.mp4
This Thursday tune in for Story Borealis, the program dedicated to the art of oral storytelling with host Ingrid Nixon. We explore stories about the strength and wisdom of women… a precursor to Mother’s Day.
That’s this Thursday at 11 a.m. on KBBI.
1-18-24 Story Bor Social Media.mp4
On Thursday, January 18th, tune in for Story Borealis, the program dedicated to the art of oral storytelling with host, Ingrid Nixon. The theme? Generations …
That’s this Thursday, January 18, at 11 a.m., here on KBBI.
12-25-23 Story Bor Social Media.mp4
On Monday, Dec. 25th, at 11 a.m. celebrate Christmas with stories and songs on Story Borealis, the program dedicated to the art of oral storytelling with host, Ingrid Nixon.
That’s this Monday, at 11 a.m. here on KBBI AM 890 and KBBI.org
12-21-23 Story Bor Social Media REV.mp4
This Thursday, December 21, tune in for Story Borealis, the program dedicated to the art of oral storytelling with host, Ingrid Nixon. We celebrate winter and the winter solstice.