Your Hollis and Brookline VFW Members
The Pisquataqua Rangers Jr Fife and Drum Corp. a huge hit with the audience
Join us in Hollis later today❤️🇺🇸Location WILL be at Gymnasium at Middle School
🇺🇸Video moment from Last year… laying the wreaths at Memorial Park Hollis.
🇺🇸This year:
Weather permitting at Town Common
Inclement weather Gymnasium at Middle School
🇺🇸-4:30- Historical Presentations
🇺🇸-5:30-Solemn Ceremony
Holis resident and veteran USMC (retired) Bill Hebden
Interview conducted two yrs ago
🇺🇸Location Important Weather Information 🇺🇸
Back up location will be the Gym at the Middle School
Please share with family, friends/ FB groups/organizations
Weather permitting Town Common
Back up location Gymnasium at Middle School
Hollis NH🇺🇸
All Welcome 🇺🇸
Solemn Ceremony 5:30🇺🇸
Historical Presentations ( such as shown below) 4:30🇺🇸DAR Historian Sharon Howe🇺🇸
4:30 Historical Presentations
5:30 Solemn Ceremony
Town Common May 27
Back up location for weather Gymnasium at Middle School
Town Common and back up location for weather reasons is Gymnasium at Middle School
May 27🇺🇸
Solemn Ceremony 5:30🇺🇸
Historical Presentations 4:30🇺🇸