🐥 It’s 2025 open season from ! Yall know I had to snag some new babies!
Here is the breakdown of what I pre-ordered:
🤎 Partridge Rock (5) - Never had this breed, apparently similar to the Barred Rock but different feathers patterns.
❤️ Rhode Island Red (5) - Good layers, good temperament, all around good bird. Wouldn’t say super friendly, but they will tolerate your antics.
🧡 Turkens (5) - Love this breed, probably a close second favorite. Super friendly bird. Can probably pick up and hold a few of them. Not super mischievous like the Barred Rocks can be...these give me a Buff Orpington temperament vibe honestly.
♥️ New Hampshire Red (5) - Good layers, similar to the RIR, probably cant handle them a lot, but they will tolerate you and stay close.
💛 Bull Orpingtons (5) - Super friendly. Great layers. Will ALWAYS be up in your business.
💛 Buff Cochins (2) - Heard these are gentle giants...let’s hope so! Never have good luck with roosters...
🖤 Barred Rock (15) - My absolute favorite breed. They are a bit mischievous, they WILL get into everything. They are like the bad neighbor children. & they will get on top of your car if able.
🤍 Amber Star (5) - Never tried, but heard good layers! Very pretty birds too.
If it’s your first time having chickens, I would stick with good layers. I wouldn’t venture into the ornamental breeds, top hat breeds, etc. Where I live, I really cannot have tophat breeds free ranging across our property because they cannot see well...so they become easy targets for predators unfortunately! I am going to venture into the Silkie Bantam (chicken breed) territory - but haven’t ordered those yet!