Once again thank you for your remarkable contributions to the Toy Drive. Your support has been invaluable and has reinforced the sense of unity and goodwill within the Hialeah Community.
On behalf of La Nueva Poderosa, the City of Hialeah, and the Hialeah Chamber of Commerce, we extend our heartfelt gratitude for your participation and unwavering support of our event, 'Inmigración y Más.'
Your involvement played a pivotal role in making this event a resounding success, positively impacting hundreds of attendees by providing invaluable assistance and support.
#hialeahchamber #Hialeah #hialeahsereactiva
Tips for a Small Business Owner!!
#Hialeah #hialeahchamber #smallbusiness
STRONG FORMULA: FOR HOME + OFFICE. Powerful 80% ethyl alcohol formulation with concentrated bacteria-fighting agents that is stronger than the leading national brands.
Otra producción de HMSMIAMI - Tony Elejalde y Héctor Pastrana
El show de Alexis Valdes
Finalmente mañana 10pm
Por MegaTV
El espacio nocturno será producido por Valdés en colaboración con HMS Miami, que dirige Tony Elejalde y Héctor Pastrana. Esta empresa firmó un acuerdo con SBS-MegaTV para la ejecución del nuevo programa.
In collaboration with Miami Dade College (Hialeah Campus) we invite you to join us in the Art, Music and Food Festival the next Saturday 23, 2019 from 10 am to 4 pm. 1780 W 49th St, Hialeah FL 33012. Food trucks, Art show and sale, Kids craft area, Giveaways, Bounces houses, Live music. Open to the public #Hialeah #Miami #miamidadecollege #foodtrucks #foodtruck @miamidadecollege
American Red Cross Irma Recovery team on a helping action event, total success. On Behalf of HIALEAH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY and our Chairman Mandy Llanes, we thank you all involved for the support given to those in needs. Special thanks to Juan Carlos Lopez Otero for the commitment and dedication.