I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support and love with my Real Estate business. At this point in time my family needs as well as the needs from my other businesses are requiring more from me, with this being said I am putting my Real Estate Business on hold until further notice. I want you to know that I have worked with some incredible agents and if you’re in a position that you would like to buy or sell a home I would love to direct you to an agent that can assist you but at this time I will no longer be able to assist with your Montana Real Estate needs. This has been a very heavy decision for me as I love my clients and one of my greatest joys in life is assisting the community in their new adventures of home selling/purchasing. I am not completely closing the door on this part of my life, but just taking a break, so please do not hesitate to reach out and I would be more than happy to direct you to those that are currently active. Thanks again and Happy Holidays my friends!! Much love ❤️ Tina ~