Pedigree upon pedigree! SHCC Big Lake 889H5’s family tree is stacked with Brangus family royalty! The 889’s are #1 maternal, and fertile family in the breed. The 111 family are regarded as some of the easiest fleshing and when you add the 541, the 7 and TWO Schaffs lines, well the stars should align! To beat it all this heifer is AI’ed to the soon to be top ranked IMF bull in the breed BWCC Tanks A Lot 192F42 and she’s been pasture exposed to the $50,000 BWCC Johnny B 10F11 bull, who some have said is Boulders greatest son. This one should be well received come sale day! International Brangus Breeders Association
Collier Farms Advantage Sale Updates
We’re ready for next weekend!!! Join us on DV Auction where we will be broadcasting the Collier Farms Beefmasters Advantage sale. Next Saturday May 23 at 10:30AM. Be online anytime after 9:45AM for some test bidding and fun with Bruce Robbins and Anthony Mihalski before the sale gets underway.
We also reshot some of the Pairs to show the powerful calves at side, those videos are up and start at lot 76. View the sale information:
Beefmaster & E6 Cattle Forum Beefmaster Breeders United
Lot 53 Flint Hills Classic Paxico KS
Lot 53 616F is one of our favorites of the Beefmaster bulls today at Nextgen Cattle Company. Selling 145 bulls on September 28, 2019 in Paxico KS. Be watching for the videos to come live online next week.
Never Surrender of Salacoa 803D9
Today, we finished up filming the bulls for Salacoa Valley Farms Annual Production sale. 220 bulls sell on November 18th 2017. Here is lot 301 NEVER SURRENDER of Salacoa 803D9. Good cattle run deep in this offering.
MS Salacoa Hollywood 535D5
MS Salacoa Hollywood 535D5. Offered in the SBBA Showcase Sale, September 23.
World Brangus Congress 2018 Promotional Video
This was a fun project, thanks to Allen Goode of TRIO Cattle & Genetics and Richard Hood for their guidance on the project. Proud to send this to South Africa for the Congress this year. International Red Brangus Breeders Association, Justin Ochs, International Brangus Breeders Association
Where will you be this weekend???
Make plans to attend GENETRUST at Chimney Rock Cattle Company. Some of the best #Brangus genetics will be offered Friday and Saturday. Can't make it? Jump on DV Auction to catch all the action from Concord.
Donnell Brown of R.A. Brown Ranch invites you to join us October 8 in Throckmorton, TX for the 40th Annual R.A. Brown Ranch Bull Sale, live on
Day 3 of the R.A. Brown Ranch video shoot for the 40th Annual Bull Sale October 8, 2014. Today we bring you a bull video fresh from editing, here are the lead off Angus and lot. Enjoy!
Sneak peak from today, filming the female offering at Doguet's Diamond D Ranch. Just one of the extremely impressive cattle to sell on October 18th on DV Auction. Keep an eye out for these videos online: American Marketing Services