250211 Town of Hayward Meeting
250211 Town of Hayward Meeting
Hayward (WI) City Council
Meeting to review & discuss:
The monthly minutes; monthly bills & account transfers;
operator licenses; 2024 Chequamegon Mountain Bike Festival event requests;
Forever Joy Inc – request to hang a banner across Main Street;
update regarding the construction of a warming house /pavilion at the Tot Lot;
an update regarding the 2nd Street Reconstruction project and an application for a Class B Fermented Malt Beverage and a Class C Wine license: The Johnson Lot
LLC, Ariana N Johnson, 10597 Kansas Avenue.
Meeting to include an executive session per §19.85(1)(e) for the purpose of negotiating an amendment to the 2024-2024 Police Collective Bargaining Agreement. A complete agenda will be posted at City Hall.
Town of Hayward, WI - Town Board Meeting
Hayward Town Board Meeting, July 9, 2024
From Carlson Rental, in downtown Hayward, Wisconsin.
A LIVE webcam looking east at Hwy 63, Hwy 27, and Railroad St. Provided as a community service, funded by Hayward Community Media.
Hayward Community Media is a 501c3 charitable community organization. Your support of this COMMUNITY effort is greatly appreciated. LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, SHARE, and DONATE to https://www.zeffy.com/en-US/donation-form/1c318686-beae-4a4f-9ef9-203829c3a0d7
Town of Hayward - Annual Meeting
Hayward Community Media is a 501c3 charitable community organization. Your support of this COMMUNITY effort is greatly appreciated. LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, and SHARE. Please donate to https://hayward-community-media.square.site/
Hayward Today on WDIO
On June 23rd, the Hayward Today WebCam was featured on "The Lift" on WDIO in Duluth, MN.
Spooner Chamber Update, May 8, 2023
An update from the Spooner Area Chamber of Commerce sharing events and activities in the Spooner area.
Northwoods Humane Society
Today's discussion is about special needs cats & dogs we have for adoption, and fostering, and the foster-to-adopt program.
Hayward Chamber Report
Hear what's happening in the Hayward area.
Birkie Week
Talking with Blair Flickinger of the Birkie about this week's schedule.
Ovarian Cancer Symptom Awareness organization
We have a racing team in the Birkie series of races next week. And we’re here today to share information about what we’ll be doing to spread the word about early detection of ovarian cancer during the Barkie Birkie registration.