All content on our website is written and produced by students of Haverford High School as an extracurricular activity; in our transition from a print paper to an online-only publication, our mission is to provide the Haverford community with accurate, informative, timely, and thought-provoking journalism. Editorials, columns, and reviews that appear with a byline are the opinions of the writer an
d not necessarily those of the staff, adviser, or administration. The staff editorial does not necessarily reflect the opinions of all students on the staff, of the adviser, or of the administration. While this is a public forum, comments are expected to adhere to our standards and to be respectful and constructive. As such, we do not permit the use of profanity, foul language, personal attacks, or the use of language that might be interpreted as libelous. The Fordian does not allow anonymous comments, and the posting of a comment requires a valid email address. The email address will not be displayed but will be used to confirm your comments. Signed letters to the editor are also welcomed and will be published as stand-alone pieces, if possible. The faculty adviser to The Fordian is Sarah Chaga. Send comments or suggestions to [email protected]
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