What Digital Ethos hopes to accomplish. Core Initiatives:
■Demystify how the digital media works in order for the public to gain access to information and publically available resources
■Educate the public to participate in digital communication streams both as consumers and contributors to become savvy digital media communicators
■Develop outreach programs that bring digital media resources to
underrepresented geographic and demographic areas.
■Generate awareness about the need for high speed internet access in every home, school and business in the world.
■Provide information and support to keep digital media communications open and free to all without unwarranted censorship or limitation by governments.
■Provide feedback to the digital media initiatives be it agencies, organizations, solution providers as it retains to the access to information and/or dissemination of information that is accurate to the public. How Digital Ethos will accomplish this. The Organization uses the following Interactives (programs) to accomplish its mission:
■Digital Media Daily – Blog
■Digital Media Monthly – Newsletter
■Digital Media Quarterly – Print Magazine
■Digital Media Education – Distance Learning Portal
■Digital Media Events – Live Conferences, Summits & Workshops
■Digital Media Society – Organized Campaign of Influencers and Supporters
The content of the organization centers around digital communications and tools to provide businesses, organizations and individuals information and support for; Design, Multimedia, Web Development, Search, Social, Mobile, Technology and more. What will the benefit be and to whom? The benefit of the organizations existence is to provide a center (unbiased) approach to communications and information. The organization must balance humanities basic needs for communication. Facilitating content and initiatives that are open and empowered by volunteers, not directed by financial or political needs, provides our society and humanity a voice to preserve the freedoms created by digital media technology for communications & information. This will benefit business, organizations and individuals by granting them access to resources traditionally limited to those endless means or larger financial resources. Bringing such technology, practices and tools serves as a way to preserve a global economy and a productive and peaceful society.