Hello Everyone,
I have launched this page to be a central link in my professional art career. I intend to use this as a tool to not only showcase my art, but to connect users directly to my contact information, website, and other social media outreaches.
On this page I will post representations of my work weekly, information surrounding formats and styles available for direct commission, and links to purchase prints and designs from various sources.
As I build my website, social media outlets, and online portfolio this page will serve as a central hub providing connections to anything and everything I have placed on the market, while creating the opportunity for feedback, community outreach and discussion, and direct contact between artist and consumer.
I would like to use this post to welcome anyone who decides to like and follow this page, and urge you to do so even if only to support me in my journey as a visual artist. I appreciate anyone who finds themselves here, reading this post, and I thank you for taking the time to see what this page is about. As this online creation moves forward I hope to grow and connect amongst fellow artist, friends, and like-minded individuals.
I will be posting a few fresh creations soon, and will continue to do so weekly. Thank you again, and happy painting!