Listen anytime at 88.7 FM,, or on the free RadioFX app It all began way back in 1984, when a SGA ballot had an overwhelmingly positive response for a student-run radio station. WXJM's first General Manager, John Pezzulla, along with a small group of students formed WJMU, which would later morph into the WXJM we all know and love today. It was decided the station would be broadcast on an F
M signal instead of any other type of radio broadcast. The 88.7 frequency was selected after about a year long search in May 1987, the FCC application was submitted in 1988, and finally was approved in November 1989. To go along with our newfound FCC approval, WXJM moved into a new station in Anthony-Seegar Hall in 1990, and finally had its first broadcast, featuring original WXJM General Manager, John Pezzula, on October 1,1990. During the 2005-2006 school year, WXJM was relocated from Anthony-Seeger Hall to its current location next to the WMRA studios off of Cantrell and Reservoir St. This transition caused difficulties with the 24-hour broadcast schedule, but the new studio accomodated a larger library, a garage studio, and a more professional atmosphere. WXJM has seen a lot through the years, but the one consistancy in its success is the dedication of its student staff. The station could not be what it is without it's continued support from a small, but hard working and dedicated group of students who do what they do in the name of college radio.