The Washed Up Cowgirl
She thinks about how she is an ole washed up cowgirl before her time.
She has moments in her head of how things used to be.
And how she was when she was in her prime!
When things were easier when she ran wild and free!
She just wanted to grow up and be a cowgirl and everyday she prayed!
If only God would help she’d give it her all, blood, sweat, and tears!
She worked hard, she didn’t let anything stand in her way.
Putting her whole heart into living the life and discarded her fears!
She rode some rank stock.
She learned to swing a rope.
She took some hard knocks.
Yet nothing could ever make her lose hope!
Then as days grew long and years flew by.
She got a husband, a house and a couple kids too!
Priorities changed but deep inside the cowgirl dreamed of still riding high!
She took care of the kids, the house, her promises, and to her vows she always stayed true!
In between kids rodeos, practices and games.
She stole little moments to relive a bit of her dream.
Yet compared to the life she had planned this all seemed so tame!
Yet some where along the way she felt she had lost all of her steam.
She found some time to chisel out parts of the dream she promised herself.
She rode a few colts, showed a few horses, and won a couple buckles.
She fondly recalls the memory that now sits dusty upon a shelf.
All the banged up shins, jammed up thumbs and busted up knuckles.
As she sits and thinks if she could have done things different.
She thinks about how God had a plan for her and she wouldn’t change thing.
That every route that she took, road that she travelled it was all magnificent!
She wouldn’t ever have traded it for any amount of bling!
I’m just an old washed up cowgirl she’d say
As she sits reminiscing about the good ole days!
By An All American Cowgirl