They had traffic backed up on Pennsylvania ave.. someone had to be the hero.. time is money! 😁
We go out in the freezing cold so you don't have to!
Big leaf job today in Greencastle.
Be careful out there folks.. black ice is no joke!
This just happened to us.. the client had it on his doorbell camera.
I'm sure you all know the area.. Prospect/Franklin streets, beside the convenience store.
What a black eye on our town!
We ride through there every day, and every day we get asked by drug dealers if we are looking for drugs and asked by the prostitutes if we need 'anything'.
We have come to talk to the guy who sits on the curb every day that we catch the red light there.
Today, we went to ACTII and bought him some clothes and shoes for the winter.
We took the bag of clothes down to him and parked right beside him, was this car. Inside was a big boy sitting in the drivers seat cleaning his crack pipe, with one of the prostitutes in his back seat. As you can see in the pics, he had quite a pile of crack on the napkin he was cleaning it on.
Broad daylight!
I realize that a lot of people need help, but this area has got to be cleaned up, somehow, some way!
Pics in comments
Servicing a clients property today and came across a 'Miner Bees' nest. There were thousands of them!
Unfortunately, the new guy got attacked and stung 6 or 7 times. One sting was right on his eyelid.
He looked exactly like this 🥴 afterwards.
Thoughts and prayers for Danny's eye 😅
Parks' Lawn Care to the rescue!
We take care of a lot of properties at Claggetts Mill. Someone posted in their neighborhood group that there were a couple of wasps nests on the playground equipment and picnic tables.
We told ya we had one...
Back to the trimming!
We took on a huge property clean up. This one will take us a few days. It hasn't been touched in a couple of years.
Another homeless camp found in the back.
We will be posting before and after pics as we make progress.
All hands on deck!
The property manager inherited a little bit of a nightmare with this one, but we will transform it to a much more manageable area.
Have a great weekend everyone!