Save & Like this because I freakin did it! The tutorial I needed months ago lol
The directions
👉high heat for a few minutes
👉water dance test: sprinkle water in pan, if it balls up, it’s ready, if it evaporates it’s not hot enough
👉after it dances, turn all the way down to simmer, wait a couple minutes
👉 add fat (I used butter here) I have tried avocado oil and ghee and neither have worked but I haven’t tried with this new technique so I’ll report back (comment if you can get another fat besides butter to work
👉add eggs …. DONT TOUCH THE EGGS…until the layer is cooked on the bottom
🛑scrambled eggs I haven’t completely mastered yet without a little sticking
Comment STEEL to get my 360 cookware link and discount code (TRUELOVE) thanks for shopping through my link to support this page! Love you guys
#stainlesssteel #stainlesssteelpan #nontoxiccookware #360cookware #stainlesssteeleggs
Give us your stainless steel tips!! #stainlesssteel #nontoxiccookware
So sorry captions aren’t working
Leave it to the kids 😅📲
Get out of your comfort zone and ask someone to be friends with you lol the kids make it look so easy. Be sure to save politics and conspiracy theories for the second date to get a longevity pulse 🫠😅 I suppose this is why making friends is a bit more complicated.
We have part 1 and 2 for both girls and they have made this area of homeschool and just reading time so much more enjoyable and less frustrating.
Part 1 covers 3 skill groups: Isolating Sounds, Learning Letter Sounds, and First Spelling and Reading.
The Reading Skill Set is approved for state and ESA funding in certain states and cities, with more to come. See FAQs for more details.
What you’ll get
👉Learn through 9 skill-based games and activities
👉Practice with 7 confidence-boosting books
👉Get help with a Play Guide and online portal—no parent expertise required
#playtoread #readtoplay #homeschool #kindergarten #homeschoolkindergarten
It’s me 👉🤸🏼♀️💃🎉🤠
No one is talking about thissss. The breastfeeding feeding to sleep ninja roll out of bed to another bed to speak your husbands love language…don’t even get me started if the baby wakes up and you have to put her back to sleep and start the whole mission over again 😅🫠😭😭 am I alone??
I cannot believe I was pregnant 6 months ago and Remi is already celebrating her half birthday! 🎉
I’m showing you a full inhale and expansion and then a proper exhale & bottom to top engagement. A relaxed belly will always look different than a fully engaged one. A flex bicep will always look different than a relaxed arm.
Abdominal distention can be related to so many things and also our hormones. By strengthening our deepest core layer, the #transverseabdominis we can tighten that inner corset muscle. But there’s a lot more to healing postpartum than just a flat belly. Does sex hurt? Have you had an orgasm since having your kids? Does your butt stay clenched all day? If you take a deep breath do your shoulders come towards your ears? Are you leaking when you jump on the trampoline or when you cough/sneeze?
Are you breastfeeding? Do you know your food sensitivities? What are you hormones like?
Long story short. Healing is multifaceted. Bad Body image days/moments come and go. What matters most is your consistency to showing up for self in small and big ways. Movement, mindset, and knowing it’s all a season. I am not building muscle as easily because I am breastfeeding my newest baby and will be for at least 2 years.
If you’re looking for relatable and realistic workouts for your mama season then get out of your own way sister and join thousands of other mamas that have gone through my app.
I’d love to meet you!
Comment STRONGER to get my free trial link.
I have breastfed exclusively, collectively for almost 6 years add up my 3 girls so far and I have always worked out while I’ve done it. Comment “PCC Shake” to get my links and code for everything I use.
It’s a great question and so many mamas are concerned about their milk supply and composition of the milk if they start working out.
1. Make sure you’re hydrated - not just with water but electrolytes. Your milk is mostly water sister so be sure you’re getting enough
2. Eat enough: enough protein & healthy fats! Other wise your milk will steal it from your body! Like your mom butt! Shoot for 100g of protein!
3. Don’t over do the workouts. Maybe don’t run a marathon or head to bootcamp just yet. Although if you know me and my method, you know I’m not a huge fan of those anyways for hormone and nervous system support.
You can most of everything in moderation! So run a little, jump a little, breath a little. Be sure to eat and drink and you’ll be just fine sister!
#workouts #postpartumfitness #breastfeeding
bUt wHeRe dO yOu dO iT wiTh yOUr hUsbaNd? 🤡
#bedsharing #bedsharingfamily #bedsharingmama #bedsharingisnormal
This Dead Sea mud mask will smooth and revitalize your dusty winter skin. My skin felt so good after. It says 10-15m but I leave on for 20 and I don’t regret it.
👉Comment ME If you want to be picked to be sent a jar! I’m picking two friends!
👉Be sure to also Follow my account & @dimebeautyco
The squeegee is also a game changer because you can do it one handed.
#dimebeautypartner #dimebeauty #mudmask #deadseaminerals