161 - Updates: Halloween Season, Conjuring House, New Ohio Wrestling Event
WrestleHorror Podcast Episode 161 - Updates: Halloween Season, Conjuring House, New Ohio Wrestling Event
024 - Drew Badger of Big Scary Show and Rabid Badger Haunt Consulting
WrestleHorror With Donnie Hoover and “Meathook” Jim Millspaugh : 024 - Drew Badger of Big Scary Show and Rabid Badger Haunt Consulting
023 - Amanda Reevenge Haunting Interview
WrestleHorror With Donnie Hoover and “Meathook” Jim Millspaugh : 023 - Amanda Reevenge Haunting Interview
021 - Robyn Nelson of Wrestle Popcast and Files 13 Podcasts - Pt 1
WrestleHorror With Donnie Hoover and “Meathook” Jim Millspaugh : 021 - Robyn Nelson of Wrestle Popcast and Files 13 Podcasts - Pt 1
022 - Robyn Nelson of Wrestle Popcast and Files 13 Podcasts - Pt 2
WrestleHorror With Donnie Hoover and “Meathook” Jim Millspaugh : 022 - Robyn Nelson of Wrestle Popcast and Files 13 Podcasts - Pt 2
020- The Royal Hawaiian - The Original Glow Girl - Pt 2
WrestleHorror With Donnie Hoover and “Meathook” Jim Millspaugh : 020- The Royal Hawaiian - The Original Glow Girl - Pt 2
019- The Royal Hawaiian - The Original Glow Girl - Pt 1
WrestleHorror With Donnie Hoover and “Meathook” Jim Millspaugh : 019- The Royal Hawaiian - The Original Glow Girl - Pt 1
Episode 018 - Madman Fulton from o.V.e. (Ohio Versus Everything) and Impact Wrestling
WrestleHorror With Donnie Hoover and “Meathook” Jim Millspaugh : Episode 018 - Madman Fulton from o.V.e. (Ohio Versus Everything) and Impact Wrestling
Episode 017 - Donnie & Terrie Hoover of New Ohio Wrestling
WrestleHorror With Donnie Hoover and “Meathook” Jim Millspaugh : Episode 017 - Donnie & Terrie Hoover of New Ohio Wrestling
016 - "The Queen of the Silver Screen" Katie Arquette Talks with the Women of WrestleHorror
WrestleHorror With Donnie Hoover and “Meathook” Jim Millspaugh : 016 - "The Queen of the Silver Screen" Katie Arquette Talks with the Women of WrestleHorror
015 - Maximus Bryant discusses haunting, haunted houses, and the Ohio Halloween & Haunters Convention
WrestleHorror With Donnie Hoover and “Meathook” Jim Millspaugh : 015 - Maximus Bryant discusses haunting, haunted houses, and the Ohio Halloween & Haunters Convention
Episode 014 - Zoey Skye Talks with the Women of WrestleHorror
WrestleHorror With Donnie Hoover and “Meathook” Jim Millspaugh : Episode 014 - Zoey Skye Talks with the Women of WrestleHorror