Hadler Lawn Care

Hadler Lawn Care HADLER LAWN CARE is based in Greensburg, Indiana. I am fully insured and look forward to an opportunity to serve you. Tux Hadler

Offering both commercial and residential lawn services Specializing in the mowing and trimming of lawns to the customers satisfaction. We strive to provide our clients with the best possible lawn care at a reasonable price. Our goal is to make you happy and us proud to take care of your lawn.

Spring is on its way and many of you want to know what you can do to improve your lawn's look. Here are a few tips that ...

Spring is on its way and many of you want to know what you can do to improve your lawn's look. Here are a few tips that will give you a good start.

Rake or de-thatch the yard to remove dead grass and debris and prepare the soil for new growth.
Aerate the soil if it is compacted by heavy traffic or clay.
Fertilize the grass with a balanced formula that suits your soil type and lawn condition.
Seed and lime the lawn as needed to fill in bare spots and adjust the soil pH.
Water the lawn deeply and infrequently to encourage root development and drought resistance.
Mow the lawn regularly and at the right height for your grass type.
Dispose of lawn clippings as needed or mulch them back into the lawn.

It's a new year and we are gearing up and are ready to roll. Let's start out with a great offer. How about 1 month free?...

It's a new year and we are gearing up and are ready to roll. Let's start out with a great offer. How about 1 month free? Thats right if you are a customer and recommend a new customer who signs on for the season, I will give you one month free of charge.
That can be either residential or commercial. You can't beat that.

Considering I know I can give you the absolute best pricing of anyone in my area. Couple that with a quality job and reliable service I know you will be very happy.

So, don't wait, give me a call, and let's see if we can't make your lawn look great this year!

Tux Hadler
Hadler Lawn Care & Home Rentals
[email protected]
812 560 0927

Bid to be entered...

Bid to be entered...

Notice is hereby given that interested parties may submit sealed bids to enter into a contract for:
Washington Township seasonal cemetery care for Sandcreek Cemetery and Springer Cemetery.
Separate bids will be accepted for the care of two smaller family cemeteries.
Contact Beverly Rivera, Trustee, for specific details of the work to be done and included in the bid.
Bids must be delivered to the Township Trustee by April 10, 2023 at 12:00 pm.
The Township Advisory Board will award the contract at their meeting on April 11, 2023. The Trustee and Advisory Board reserve the right to reject any bid and waive any irregularities in bidding.

Washington Township Office, 1030 N. Lincoln Street Suite 1400, Greensburg, IN 47240
Phone 812-570-8005

THE QUESTION OF CLIPPINGSTheories on what to do with the clippings vary, but it’s really going to come down to your pers...

Theories on what to do with the clippings vary, but it’s really going to come down to your personal preference:

Leave them. Leaving the clippings on the lawn allows them to decompose and provide additional nutrients to the soil. The trade-off is that leaving the clippings will take away from the overall look of your lawn and will block sunlight from reaching shorter grass.
Bag them up. Push and riding mowers often have a bagging feature that leaves your lawn looking pristine, however, you’ll need to regularly fertilize your lawn to keep it growing healthily... 🎩

UPDATED FOR THE 2025 LAWN CARE SEASON!!!Spring has Spring and I am ready to lay down some stripes on your lawn this seas...


Spring has Spring and I am ready to lay down some stripes on your lawn this season...
My lawn care specials worked in 2024, so I am going to repeat the offer again this year.

Existing Customers - Get 1 MONTH OF FREE LAWN CARE with the referral and acceptance of a new customer.
New Customers - Take $5 off each mow for your 1st month.
Commercial Customers - Ask me about a special rate that I can guarantee will beat your current service provider. If you're an existing commercial client I will give you the same deal as the residential customers. That's right 1 month free if you refer another commercial customer and they are accepted.

I look forward to making your lawns look nice for the 2025 lawn care season!

Tux Hadler
Hadler Mowing

Well, fall just around the corner and with that a few lawn care tips might be helpful for you to remember or inquire abo...

Well, fall just around the corner and with that a few lawn care tips might be helpful for you to remember or inquire about to keep your lawn in great shape.

Fall Lawn Care Tips:

Remove the leaves -
A carpet of colorful autumn leaves may look nice and be fun to play in, but they're no good for grass. They block the light and trap moisture, potentially fatal knockout punches for the unlucky turf underneath.
When the leaves are falling, blow or rake them away as often as you can. Even after the trees are bare, continue raking out the corners where the wind piles leaves up. If you don't, come spring, the grass under that soggy, decaying mat will be dead.

Keep cutting, but to the correct height -
Don't put that mower away yet. Grass continues to grow up to the first hard frost, and so will need regular cuts to keep it at an ideal 2½- to 3-inch height. If you let it get too long, it will mat and be vulnerable to fungi like snow mold.
Cutting grass too short is just as bad, because it curtails the root system—root depth is proportional to cutting height—and impedes the lawn's ability to withstand winter cold and dryness. Regular mowing also gets rid of those pesky leaves, chopping them up and leaving behind a soil-enhancing mulch.

Continue watering -
People tend to let up on watering in the fall as the weather gets cooler. "They figure that nature will take care of things for them," he says. While it's true that there's more rain, more dew, and less evaporation at this time of year, that may not be enough to keep the grass roots well hydrated and healthy going into the winter.
If your lawn isn't getting at least an inch of water a week—a simple rain gauge is a useful way to keep track—then keep the sprinklers or irrigation system running until the end of October. By that time, you'll want to disconnect hoses and flush the irrigation system to avoid frozen pipes and spigots.

Loosen the soil -
Regular aeration—once every couple of years, according to Frith—prevents soil from becoming compacted and covered with thatch, a thick layer of roots, stems, and debris that blocks water, oxygen, and nutrients from reaching the soil.
A core aerator corrects both problems by punching holes through that thatch and pulling up plugs of soil. It's a good idea to aerate a lawn right before fertilizing. Those holes in your turf will let the fertilizer reach right to the roots, where it can do the best.

Add fertilizer -
Just as grass roots need water to last the winter, they also benefit from a shot of the plant sugars that protect roots from freezing and give the entire plant the energy to bounce back in the spring. Those sugars are produced by chlorophyll, which grass produces in abundance when there's enough nitrogen.
A late-fall application of a slow-release granular 24-0-10 fertilizer. The numbers indicate the percentage by weight of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, respectively. Potassium is also important at this time because it aids in root growth, disease protection, drought tolerance, and cold resistance. (A soil test can tell you how much of each nutrient your lawn actually needs.)
Caution should be used against spreading fertilizer close to waterways, however; they are vulnerable to contamination from runoff. It is better to maintain a 5-foot buffer wherever water is present.

Spread seed -
A dense lawn also is good protection against w**ds. This is important to overseed existing turf. Not only does that fill in thin spots or bare patches, but it also allows you to introduce the latest in resilient, drought-tolerant grasses. Fall is the best time to overseed because the ground is still warm, moisture is more plentiful, nights are cool, and the sun is not as hot during the day. But even then overseeding is one of the most challenging lawn-care chores.

You can't simply broadcast seeds over an established lawn and expect them to take hold. They need to be in full contact with the soil, kept moist until they germinate, and be well enough established before it gets too cold. Renting a slit seeder is a better option than broadcasting, but those machines are notorious for tearing up turf and leaving your lawn looking like a harrowed field.
A power seeder that will sow seed by injecting them into the soil, is a less-damaging option.

Stay on schedule -
Each of the steps above has to be done at the right time for the best results. Otherwise, it's wasted effort. For instance, overseed too late and the seedlings will be too tender to survive. Fertilize too early and the grass will send up tender blades that will get hammered by the cold. Fertilize too late and the grass roots won't be able to absorb all those nutrients you're feeding them. Thinking about aerating in the spring because you can't get around to it this fall? Don't bother. Spring aeration just makes it easier for w**d seeds to get established.
If sticking to the schedule during the fall is proving too difficult, a lawn care service can handle the jobs that aren't getting done. Most often, those are the ones that require renting heavy machinery like core aerators and slit seeders, which are hard to transport, a bear to operate, and often in short supply at the rental yards at this time of year. Delegating one or two of those chores to a pro during this busy season will ensure the work gets done when it should—and that you will be enjoying a thick carpet of green grass next year... 🎩

Tux's Thursday Tip: Lawn Folks enjoy making a lawn look nice, remember you can help us by keeping your pets put up befor...

Tux's Thursday Tip:

Lawn Folks enjoy making a lawn look nice, remember you can help us by keeping your pets put up before during and after we service your property... 🎩

August Lawn Care:Fall and winter might be the last things on your mind during the hot days of August, but August is just...

August Lawn Care:

Fall and winter might be the last things on your mind during the hot days of August, but August is just the right time to begin preparing your lawn for colder months by applying lawn fertilizer, watering regularly, mowing and performing other tasks. There is also plenty to do to maintain a healthy lawn during the dog days of summer, and the work you do in August will benefit your lawn into the fall and winter. Spending a little time in the mornings or evenings taking care of your lawn to keep it looking lush and attractive while also avoiding the midday August heat.

Here are a few things that can be done proactively during this time:
1. Pull the Weeds
Pull w**ds when you notice them. A w**d here or there won't damage your lawn, but a large number of w**ds will suck the moisture from your grass, which needs adequate water during the hot days of August.

2. Mow on a High Setting
Mow your lawn using the highest blade setting possible. The hot days of August can bake your grass, causing it to turn brown. Mowing the grass at a higher level helps provide shade to the blades and also helps the lawn retain moisture.

3. Aerate the Lawn
Aerate the lawn if it is compacted and water pools rather than soaking in. Rent an aerator from a local home improvement store or hire a lawn company to do it for you. The holes left by the aerator allow more oxygen and moisture to reach the roots of the lawn, preventing the grass from turning brown or dying. However, aerating isn't always recommended during summer months -- only aerate if the water is not absorbing into the grass.

4. Water Regularly
Water your lawn two to four times per week in hot weather. Use a sprinkler to provide each area of your lawn with about 6 inches of moisture. Water in the early morning or late evening so the majority of the water reaches the roots rather than evaporates in the hot summer air.

5. Apply Lawn Fertilizer
Fertilize with a nitrogen-based fertilizer two or three days after you water your lawn. Apply once between early August and mid September, according to the University of Minnesota Extension. The nitrogen encourages the grass to continue growing. This will help prevent browning and bare spots.

6. Leave the Clippings
Consider "grasscycling" as an alternative to traditional fertilizer. To grasscycle, the University of California recommends mowing your lawn but allowing the clippings to fall back into the grass rather then collecting them and throwing them away. The nutrients in the clippings will absorb into the soil when you water the lawn, which feeds the roots. It also helps the lawn retain moisture despite the heat.

7. Patch Bare Spots
Sprinkle grass seed in bare patches and areas that have turned brown in the August heat. Water the grass seeds daily until they sprout. Do this in the early morning or late evening so most of the water reaches the seeds rather than evaporates.

8. Wait Until Spring
Avoid applying "w**d-and-feed" in August. Instead, wait and apply an early spring fertilizer when the weather begins to warm, and the grass comes out of dormancy. Crowd out w**ds by encouraging vigorous grass growth in spring.

Wet Weather Mowing - After more than two weeks of no rain, our lawns were in desperate need of a good shower. Now rainy ...

Wet Weather Mowing -

After more than two weeks of no rain, our lawns were in desperate need of a good shower. Now rainy weather has set in for the next several days. Oh, what to do?
Lawn services struggle to keep their mowing schedules during the endless set of rainy days while many homeowners will be patiently waiting for a sunny day to start their mowers. Meanwhile, grass continues to grow tall and stay wet.

Is it okay to mow wet grass?

It’s always best to let the grass dry before mowing it. When mowing grass, however, keep in mind that only a third or less of the grass blades should be cut. If the grass stays wet for long periods of time and continues to grow, it’s OK to mow the wet grass to keep it from growing too tall and going to seed. The best time to mow wet grass is determined by the level of saturation. Less saturation is better, of course.

How do you mow wet grass?

Sharp blades are key. We raise our mower decks up to 3.5 inches above the ground and we sharpen the blades after every day of mowing. We sometimes mow yards twice to break up the wet clumps of grass clippings.

If you stripe your lawn do full stripe mowing, not half stripe mowing, because you can do a second mow if necessary. Half stripe mowing is overlapping the previously mowed stripe by 50 percent to reduce the amount of grass cut in a single pass. It’s sometimes done when mowing wet grass to keep mowers from getting clogged or choked with wet grass clippings.

Only in extreme cases do you need to rake and bag wet clippings. It’s best to leave the clippings in place to feed the turf.

Are commercial grade lawn mowers better for mowing wet grass than consumer mowers?

Both commercial grade and consumer grade mowers will do the job. Keep the blades sharp on all lawn mowers and it will work out. In addition, you can opt to use gator blades that have serrated tips that do a good job of breaking up wet grass clumps. All that being said both types of mowers work.
Good Luck... 🎩

How often should I mow:What do you think of when you think of that perfect lawn? Possibly a golf course? Nearly every si...

How often should I mow:

What do you think of when you think of that perfect lawn? Possibly a golf course? Nearly every single day, they water and mow each course and ‘green’, resulting in grass that is stable and healthy. Lawn care experts at golf courses recognize a fundamental truth of lawn care: Grass remains at its best when cut consistently.

In the warmer months, grass should ideally be mowed every three or four days. Doing so increases the chances of a green and dense lawn, even in hot temperatures. However, this does not mean you should mow shorter each time — unless you are attempting to create very short grass that must be watered nearly every day, much like golf course grass.
Understanding grass and knowing that a green, healthy lawn exists when you mow just once a week. Many lawn mowing companies, strive so hard to return on the same day each week. To that point many homeowners find that weekly mowing is the most practical and economical method of lawn maintenance for average growing grass.
Here are some benefits to weekly mowing:
The cut will be more uniform.
You’ll have greener-looking grass.
You’ll add comfort and value to your property. Plus, if you have applied fertilizer or other nutrients to the yard, the grass will grow faster... 🎩

Dry Weather Tips:As the weather remains dry and we see less rain, mowing grass when it is dry can create a few problems....

Dry Weather Tips:

As the weather remains dry and we see less rain, mowing grass when it is dry can create a few problems. This becomes more evident as mother nature continues to turn up the heat. If you mow your grass when it is too stressed by heat, it will lose its ability to recover after the mowing, thereby get damaged. Your grass might begin to grow at a prolonged rate.
One of the best options during dry periods is to raise the cut height, 4" is a suggested height If it is possible, and you can mow between the hours of 4 p.m. and dusk that is perfect. However, this isn't always feasible defendant on your schedule... 🎩

Just wanted to take a moment to say THANK YOU to all of my old & new clients for this season as we "FLY" into a new week...

Just wanted to take a moment to say THANK YOU to all of my old & new clients for this season as we "FLY" into a new week... 🎩

Special: - Refer an accepted residential client and I'll pay you $10.00...Or,-Refer an accepted commercial client and I'...


- Refer an accepted residential client and I'll pay you $10.00...


-Refer an accepted commercial client and I'll pay you $20.00...

Yes, I really do feel just this way... 🎩

Yes, I really do feel just this way... 🎩

Lawn Care Season is right around the corner. For a competitive quote and a quality cut consider contacting me.Thanks, Tu...

Lawn Care Season is right around the corner. For a competitive quote and a quality cut consider contacting me.

Thanks, Tux Hadler
Hadler Lawn Care



213 W 1st Street
Greensburg, IN

Opening Hours

Monday 1pm - 9pm
Tuesday 1pm - 9pm
Wednesday 1pm - 9pm
Thursday 1pm - 9pm
Friday 1pm - 9pm
Saturday 8am - 5pm



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