Mr. Resolution got them jumping around before easter.
The snow is not here yet. So where is the next party? New yea's eve is aroud the corner. Do you want to party? Let us provided the music.
Off da change holiday episode is out on streaming services and YouTube. Check out @offdachange_show
Off Da Change podcast Holiday episode is out now. Check out @offdachange_show & the tagged guests. Plus, listen to the podcast at your favorite streaming services or watch on #YouTube. #podcast
Mr. Resolution played music at the voting center at Sierra college in Grass Valley. #votingcenter #djingismylife #election2020 #sierracollege #rockthevote2020
Wandering collective rock the mic last night at the Watering whole Summit. #hiphopmusic #sacartist #sacmusic #soundengineerlife
O.Z. Birthday Party
Excellent birthday party with Maria Malapaya family. They, even, tore up the dance floor. A Serious Production provided the background music. Thanks for having us there.
New gif, new gigs, found money, and new mindshare. It going to be a good day. (cue Ice Cube)