A Women's Guide to Sacred Activism: How Do We Move Forward?

A Women's Guide to Sacred Activism: How Do We Move Forward? Welcome to our new page. Please join us in this conversation. We will stay current here with a blog and excerpts from the book.


In the words of Sri Aurobindo, ‘If there is to be a future, it will wear a crown of feminine design.’


Science has shown us that we all carry the wounds of our ancestors within us. Most evident in Jews are the remnants of the Holocaust, for black Americans it’s slavery. A lesser-known holocaust was three centuries of witch hunts. In the burning times, women were blamed for any trauma the community identified. These women were accused of being witches and the cause of any/all malady and they were then tortured and burned at the stake. Numbers are unverified but it is thought to be around 9 million.
While witches are considered evil by the church, they were healers, midwives, counselors etc. One never hears any criticism of the men who tortured them, put their heads in nailed helmets, their tongues punctured if they spoke, beaten, drowned and burned alive.
Germany has made amends for Hitler’s rule; their children are taught the truth of these atrocities. We are only now, in the United States, speaking more frequently about the traumas we imposed on indigenous people and people of color.
What is less known or spoken of are the burning times throughout Europe from approximately 1450 to 1750. THREE CENTURIES. There were towns void of women, innocent women. Often widows were targeted for the benefit of the accusers who confiscated their property and riches.
It is critical that women of European decent, who carry the repressed memories of that era, that influence current life be healed in order for us to move into our full empowerment to address the current issues of social injustice. And to support our sisters of color who are already working on their own healing.
This practice continues even TODAY. In parts of Africa, men are accusing elderly women of being witches and are hacking and burning them to death. Other countries abuse women in general by differing methods: S*x trafficking, acid burns, r**e and murder, with other abuses from the least to the worse.
There is a distinct connection to the way women have been treated and the way Mother Earth has been treated. Our earth has experienced destruction from mining, fracking, oil and gas drilling and poisoning to her soil and air.
It is long past the time to learn HERstory. In doing so, we can heal the wounds that impact our lives and the world. Our culture has a limited view in HIStory. Recorded by men when they created and controlled the written word. The beginnings of modern western history focus on the story of Adam and Eve and blame Eve, women, and the feminine for all the problems in the world. It left out and eliminated the previous 4000 years of a world that included Goddesses and Gods. A world where both genders shared powerful attributes.
The elimination of respect for the feminine, women, and the earth has affected the self-esteem of females and the self-love of being in a female body as it was naturally created. It is difficult to heal wounds without understanding their source.
Kelly McDaniels, author of Mother Hunger points out how unmothered mothers pass down their wounds from being unmothered. We had lost our value. Fortunately, we are recognizing the causes and wounds of the past. We are learning how to recognize and heal trauma. New stories are being written.
As we approach our yearly celebration of Halloween, all Hallows Eve, the Day of the Dead we celebrate with customs of all sorts. A popular version is one of a witch. Ugly and old. Research now connects this image with the results of the torture that created loss of teeth, broken noses, and green infections. We have twisted abuse into an evil portrayal of mostly innocent women just like us.
Witch craft itself when practiced is a nature-based religion with practitioners honoring the earth, the body, the ground we walk on, and phases of the moon and sun for planting and creating healing plant remedies. Some of the millions of women accused may have been practicing one of the earth crafts. Many women were simply too rich or widowed, too bold or loud, or too beautiful and were taken down, their properties confiscated by the church.
I hope we can reclaim a positive image of witches particularly at Halloween and restore their worth as women. As women are rising now, we bring the innate gifts and qualities we have to give.
We are beginning to hear more and more the longing for collaboration and partnership. An emphasis on community and commonalities. Women have come a long way, and there is a long way to go. The world needs mothering.

Science has shown us that we all carry the wounds of our ancestors within us. Most evident in Jews are the remnants of the Holocaust, for black Americans it’s slavery. A lesser-known holocaust was three centuries of witch hunts. In the burning times, women were blamed for any trauma the community identified. These women were accused of being witches and the cause of any/all malady and they were then tortured and burned at the stake. Numbers are unverified but it is thought to be around 9 million.
While witches are considered evil by the church, they were healers, midwives, counselors etc. One never hears any criticism of the men who tortured them, put their heads in nailed helmets, their tongues punctured if they spoke, beaten, drowned and burned alive.
Germany has made amends for Hitler’s rule; their children are taught the truth of these atrocities. We are only now, in the United States, speaking more frequently about the traumas we imposed on indigenous people and people of color.
What is less known or spoken of are the burning times throughout Europe from approximately 1450 to 1750. THREE CENTURIES. There were towns void of women, innocent women. Often widows were targeted for the benefit of the accusers who confiscated their property and riches.
It is critical that women of European decent, who carry the repressed memories of that era, that influence current life be healed in order for us to move into our full empowerment to address the current issues of social injustice. And to support our sisters of color who are already working on their own healing.
This practice continues even TODAY. In parts of Africa, men are accusing elderly women of being witches and are hacking and burning them to death. Other countries abuse women in general by differing methods: S*x trafficking, acid burns, r**e and murder, with other abuses from the least to the worse.
There is a distinct connection to the way women have been treated and the way Mother Earth has been treated. Our earth has experienced destruction from mining, fracking, oil and gas drilling and poisoning to her soil and air.
It is long past the time to learn HERstory. In doing so, we can heal the wounds that impact our lives and the world. Our culture has a limited view in HIStory. Recorded by men when they created and controlled the written word. The beginnings of modern western history focus on the story of Adam and Eve and blame Eve, women, and the feminine for all the problems in the world. It left out and eliminated the previous 4000 years of a world that included Goddesses and Gods. A world where both genders shared powerful attributes.
The elimination of respect for the feminine, women, and the earth has affected the self-esteem of females and the self-love of being in a female body as it was naturally created. It is difficult to heal wounds without understanding their source.
Kelly McDaniels, author of Mother Hunger points out how unmothered mothers pass down their wounds from being unmothered. We had lost our value. Fortunately, we are recognizing the causes and wounds of the past. We are learning how to recognize and heal trauma. New stories are being written.
As we approach our yearly celebration of Halloween, all Hallows Eve, the Day of the Dead we celebrate with customs of all sorts. A popular version is one of a witch. Ugly and old. Research now connects this image with the results of the torture that created loss of teeth, broken noses, and green infections. We have twisted abuse into an evil portrayal of mostly innocent women just like us.
Witch craft itself when practiced is a nature-based religion with practitioners honoring the earth, the body, the ground we walk on, and phases of the moon and sun for planting and creating healing plant remedies. Some of the millions of women accused may have been practicing one of the earth crafts. Many women were simply too rich or widowed, too bold or loud, or too beautiful and were taken down, their properties confiscated by the church.
I hope we can reclaim a positive image of witches particularly at Halloween and restore their worth as women. As women are rising now, we bring the innate gifts and qualities we have to give.
We are beginning to hear more and more the longing for collaboration and partnership. An emphasis on community and commonalities. Women have come a long way, and there is a long way to go. The world needs mothering.

JOIN with us if you cannot attend in real time!!  Pass it on!!

JOIN with us if you cannot attend in real time!! Pass it on!!

Karen Tate:  AuthorNot My Normal Topic But Important...Especially Right Now "The Most Dangerous Organization in Human Hi...

Karen Tate: Author

Not My Normal Topic But Important...
Especially Right Now

"The Most Dangerous Organization in Human History"

We Have Not Had An Ethical Republican Administration Since Eisenhower
This isn't a joke. Arm Yourself.
Knowledge is Power.
We have not had a lawful and ethical Republican president since Dwight G. Eisenhower. Knowledge is power and it’s important to be armed with truthful information. How many of us don’t know or were never taught the following facts about past Republican presidents and their administrations? As my historical account below will attest, Republican Presidents have been guilty of war crimes, election interference, committing treason, sometimes by conspiring with foreign governments, and much more, to acquire or hold power for decades since Eisenhower. Yes, there have been Republican traitors in the White House before Donald Trump even if you didn’t learn about it in school, discover it buried in the news or followed the headlines.

37th President Richard Nixon and VP Spiro Agnew
In 1968 Nixon contacted the Vietnamese to blow up the peace deal that Democratic President Lyndon Johnson had negotiated between North and South Vietnam, promising a better deal if he beat LBJ. His presidency resulted in the war lasting another 7 years, costing 20,000 more American and 2 million Vietnamese lives. President Johnson famously called out Nixon’s act to Republican leadership for what it was - treason!

WATERGATE SCANDAL…need I say more? Nixon was forced out of office by his own party for his crimes. It's a long story. You can Google it.

Spiro Agnew, VP under Nixon resigned his office because of corruption charges. He bartered his office to stay out of prison.

Check out other casualties and convictions related to corruption in Nixon’s administration here: https://watergate.info/analysis/casualties-and-convictions/

38th President Gerald Ford
Republican President Ford pardoned Nixon for his crimes thereby helped cover up Watergate denying The People of the United States justice. Many say had Nixon been held accountable, future treasonous acts that Reagan, the Bush family and Trump were involved in might not have happened or certainly wouldn’t have been so easily attempted and swept beneath the rug and normalized as they have been.

40th President Ronald Reagan & VP for Reagan & 41st President George H. W. Bush, Sr
Reagan’s FCC was responsible for the Fairness Doctrine swirling down the drain and the spawning of Fake News. Before Reagan’s veto to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine proposed by a Democratic Congress, news organizations had to present both sides of an issue or opinion. The result is the polarization and misinformation we suffer today where the press regularly spews lies, people don't know who to believe and truth dies.

IRAN-CONTRA – The Reagan Administration’s October Surprise…like Nixon before them, Reagan/Bush arranged a treasonous back-door deal with Iran to keep Democratic President Jimmy Carter from re-election when Iran was holding the US Embassy hostages. The deal: in return for the Khomeini government keeping its U.S. hostages at the U.S. embassy in Tehran until after the election, and thereby damaging Carter’s candidacy, Reagan would reward Iran with armaments. Quietly released in 2020, documents proved this suspicion true.

Bush refused to cooperate with a Special Counsel Lawrence Walsh investigating Iran Contra resulting in Walsh accusing Bush of misconduct and a cover-up aka obstruction of justice. As President, George “Poppy” Bush issued pardons to those involved with Iran Contra. Like most of us know: If you aren't guilty you don't need a pardon.

41st President George H. W. Bush, Sr. (continued)
Bush ran a racist campaign with Willie Horton ads and escalated a racist war on drugs.

Bush made a dishonest case for war by lying to the U.S. public, saying Iraq invaded Kuwait “without provocation or warning,” including the fabrication of intelligence. According to investigative journalist, Medhi Hasan, then of The Intercept, Bush Sr. made false claims to justify the aerial bombardment of Iraq.

Hasan continues…Bush, Sr. committed war crimes as he ordered the U.S. to drop 88,500 tons of bombs on Iraq and Iraqi-occupied Kuwait, many of which resulted in horrific civilian casualties. In February 1991, a U.S. airstrike on a civil defense air-raid shelter in the Amiriyah neighborhood of Baghdad killed 408 Iraqi civilians which was considered a violation of the laws of war.

U.S. bombs also destroyed Iraqi civilian infrastructure — from electricity-generating and water-treatment facilities to food-processing plants and flour mills. This was no accident. As Barton Gellman of the Washington Post reported in June 1991: “Some targets, especially late in the war, were bombed primarily to create postwar leverage over Iraq, not to influence the course of the conflict itself. Got that? The Bush administration deliberately targeted civilian infrastructure for “leverage” over Saddam Hussein. How is this not terrorism? As a Harvard public health team concluded in June 1991, less than four months after the end of the war, the destruction of Iraqi infrastructure had resulted in acute malnutrition and “epidemic” levels of cholera and typhoid.

43rd President George W. Bush & Vice President Dick Cheney
More than a year after George Bush was elected, a consortium of newspapers including the Washington Post, the New York Times and USA Today manually counted every vote cast in Florida for Bush and Gore in a process that took almost a year. Their conclusion was Al Gore most likely did win the presidency. The New York Times slipped that tidbit onto page 17 in a November 12, 2001 article. How many people know? Not only did Gore win Florida but won the national popular vote by half-million but 5 Republicans on the Supreme Court and a crime committed by Jeb Bush (then the Governor of Florida) and his Secretary of State, Kathryn Harris (purging African American voter rolls/inventing a new category of ballots/not counting 45,599 votes for Gore) denied Gore the presidency. And guess who was the deciding vote on the Supreme Court stopping the vote recount? Clarence Thomas. Guess who were on Bush’s legal team ? John Roberts, Bret Kavanaugh, Amy Coney Barrett. Oh what a tangled web they weave!

Anyone wonder how 9/11 and the aftermath might have been different with Democrat Al Gore at the helm? Would the U.S. have been lied into unnecessary war, committed torture and murder against thousands of innocent people and destabilized the Middle East? I personally remember the stories of regular women forced into prostitution to feed their families because there had been a total collapse of society. Further, we can be confident former presidential candidate and Vice President Al Gore, associated with the famous documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, would not have lied about climate change to keep oil industry profits soaring.

And to paraphrase journalist and historian, Thom Hartman, had Bush not been elected, had Trump not solicited help from Russia, the only Republican on the Supreme Court right now would be Clarence Thomas – and this would be a very different nation for voter, worker and women’s rights.

And let’s not forget the conflict of interest: According to the Washington Post, Halliburton, the company formerly headed by Republican Vice President Dick Cheney, won contracts worth more than $1.7 billion under Operation Iraqi Freedom and made hundreds of millions more dollars under a no-bid contract awarded by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, according to newly available documents. And let's take a look at another reason about why the war in Iraq was fought: OIL.

45th President Donald J. Trump – the Candidate and President
Corruption, fraud, soliciting Russian interference in our elections, treason against the U.S. as he rallied domestic terrorists to mob the Capitol on January 6th to stop the certification of the election, the s*xual assault of E. Jean Carroll, obstruction of justice, theft of classified documents, and election interference doesn't even cover it all. This doesn’t include the tens of thousands of lives lost because of his politicization and mis-management of the Covid-19 pandemic or his potential violations of the Emoluments Clause and Hatch Acts. Or Trump’s failure to uphold his oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution and uphold free and fair elections. And let's not forget he has a new running mate this year because he tried to get his last Vice President killed for not going along with his scheme to over-turn the election.

Just what was Trump doing recently meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu at Mara Lago? Speculation is they were conspiring to pro-long the war in Israel, Gaza and Lebanon to hurt Democratic chances in the upcoming election - known as an October surprise. If President Biden couldn't convince Netanyahu to honor a cease fire of hostilities it made Biden's administration look weak - music to the ears of a fascist strongman. Likewise, if Netanyahu agreed to a cease fire only after Trump is elected it makes Trump appear the hero. Then there's Trump's admiration for former KGB officer Vladimir Putin. What was said between him and Putin in those private meetings that were not documented?

By the end of his term, Trump had accumulated 30,573 untruths during his presidency — averaging about 21 erroneous claims a day. And how many lives were ruined or lost?

Censored by Legacy Media:
The Need For Fit Leadership; The Dangerous Case For Donald Trump by medical doctors and psychologists.
Not Political. A National Security Emergency.
Please Listen to Above Link

Pretty shocking when you see it all here in one place, even the cliff notes version of the last 70 years. And don’t even get me going on the undemocratic Electoral College and how it’s benefitted Republicans who don’t win the popular vote. That injustice, the tyranny of the minority, is for a future article. Much of this I've detailed in my last book, Normalizing Abuse: Our Pervasive Culture of Abuse in the chapter on government and political parties.

And if you're concerned about equal time for Democrats, President Clinton was impeached for lying to Congress about an affair he had with an intern, Monica Lewinsky. President Barack Obama had controversial things happen during his administration that made people unhappy but in comparison Democratic Presidents are boy scouts compared to GOP Presidents.


Voices of the Sacred Feminine is Back!
Wednesdays, 11am Pacific
Same time. Same place.

S*x * Power * Religion* Current Events* Politics* Women's Issues

New Show Format: Voices of the Sacred Feminine, the longest-running Divine Feminine podcast - since 2009! Tune in live or from the archives to hear me discuss a new topic - the bees buzzing in my bonnet - each week!

Tune in to the new half-hour show format. Still discussing s*x, power, politics and religion because that's what shapes our culture! I aim to make you laugh, raise an eye-brow, have a-ha moments, share new knowledge and maybe even inspire some teeth-gritting as you hear the bees buzzing 'round in my bonnet, then taste the fruit of their labors!

The previous years of archives where I interview scholars, foremothers and wayshowers remains available. Subscribe to the show and never miss a thing!
To hear me being interviewed and sharing my knowledge/insights, check out my website at www.karentate.net

Copyright © 2024 Karen Tate Essentials, All rights reserved.
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The Essentials with Karen Tate - speaker, author, workshop presenter, and social justice activist. Manifesting a new normal for the 99%


Nevada Co: District 4. Itara O'Connell ...smart, creative and time to apply her skills on the school board and our children's future.


Nevada County: District 4. Itara O'Connell ... smart, creative and time to apply her skills to our children's future.



Hurricane Update 2: North Carolina

A continual stream of disturbing information is coming out of North Carolina. One of my affiliates lives in the mountains of North Carolina and is traumatized after seeing a dead infant in a tree today. I am being told there are dead bodies in streams, trees, homes and roads.

Reports that FEMA is confiscating emergency food supplies from churches and from transport trucks because its from “non-approved” sources is coming in from many reliable sources.

More disturbing reports are coming in that there are lucrative lithium deposits in the region and the Federal government is intent on clearing the area for mining. Perhaps it explains what Chris Martenson was told recently by one of his members in the post below.

Fox news (i.e. mainstream media) has posted a report claiming that “bodies everywhere” is false. Perhaps “everywhere” is not true. Its more accurate to say in some areas. Its a matter of perspective. Fox news also claims that Martenson’s claims below is false. Time will tell if Martenson’s post is accurate or not. Actions will speak louder than words as time passes. Lets pay attention to their actions and hold them accountable.

Chris Martenson posted this on his X account:

This needs to go far and wide to put pressure on the government to do the right thing and save lives.

This evening, from a Peak Prosperity member to me via PM at my site:

Them: I can’t post this online because it’s not quite public yet, but government officials had a town meeting with all of the residents of chimney rock and basically told them the town was being bulldozed, bodies and all and the land was being seized by the federal government they would not be able to move back and basically their homes the ones that were standing were no longer theirs and the federal government owned it all. I don’t know what crazy play for land this is, but there’s a lot of conspiracy about lithium mines and let me just tell you, as someone who lives in Charlotte and has friends who live in the area of Western North Carolina, they are not being helped and this is actually being a stand down operation by federal government

Me: What the heck…? That's quite disturbing. Is this first-hand, second-hand, or more distant info?

Them: Our friend owns an Airbnb in Chimney Rock. They had a town meeting yesterday and someone from the federal government told them all of those things in the town meeting, but doesn’t want the information getting out. Also, they are not picking up the bodies. The stench of the bodies everywhere is insane and for some reason, the government does not want to pick up the bodies. One pastor of a local church was going to order to door delivering water and they changed their delivery request to body bags because so many of the homes that they’ve gone to have needed body bags, we’re trying to keep the body count. They’re not picking up the bodies. They don’t wanna identify the bodies and they’re just leaving them to rot in the streets.

Me: I…can't…even. I'm stunned. This is beyond anything I could have imagined even very recently. You always pick up and bury the dead. It's what humans do. They are violating every possible custom … on purpose. Thank you for keeping me informed. People need to know about this. Let me know when you'd be comfortable with me posting to our forums in an anonymized fashion, of course.

Them: You can post it the message needs to get out. Something evil is going on in the NC mountains. I just didn’t want to be identified. Just today we filled up a trailer for a shelter in Hendersonville NC that had no food for tons of moms and babies. All the stores round are empty or locked. In Chandler NC 2000 people haven’t eaten anything or drank in 6 days and just got an SOS message out for help. I’m trying to tag the Cajun navy and operation airdrop but people are dying by the minute. Multiple tuckers have reported having tires slashed. Our friends from Chimney Rock said they have heard multiple stories of people being robbed at gunpoint making supply runs. Two people that drove down to Charlotte yesterday and today one that we helped said bodies in trees, all over ditches in major roads back. Something weird is going on here in NC.

Me: God bless you. Let me know if I can help. Them: Someone with a large national megaphone needs to amplify how bad it is. People are now starting to die trapped. My town is Operation Air Drop NC central command. They need pilots with planes and now are asking just for trucks. People with big equipment are needed but more than anything the nation needs to put pressure on Washington to deploy the National Guard asap. The 82nd was begging to go since Saturday but has been told to stand down. Every fu***ng Apache we have should be flying rescue missions. Please amplify the message!!!

Meanwhile, the climate activists are blaming climate change and will be pushing the green agenda while independent journalists are seeing the patterns of geoengineering masquerading as climate change.

A. similar story is coming from our friends who live there. Bodies are floating everywhere!! MN


A MOVIE: My Old Ass.....poorly named is really sweet! I laugh, and I cried. Sweet message and I loved it!! Finally something meaningful without horror or violence.

When you are a true Christian, and believe in morality, compassion, doing the right thing for all – – – please ask how J...

When you are a true Christian, and believe in morality, compassion, doing the right thing for all – – – please ask how Jesus would VOTE? For a criminal, who lies, who needs to win so he doesn't go to jail? OR a woman who still holds this country as beautiful and promising? Neither one is perfect, but the nature on one has been seen and seemingly ignored.


When the vice president , Attorney General and most of the cabinet members and staff of Mr. Trump’s presidency, Warn us, about Trump. They are telling us he is not fit, and in fact, dangerous to have that role ever again. I BELIEVE THEM.😵‍💫😵‍💫


Remember Valentina's Bistro?? And the unforgetable Valentina and family? She was the warm greeting you received when you came in the door , fed the homeless and open to groups to meet there even when she was closed on Sunday.
UPDATE: She and her family moved to North Carolina over a year ago now. Her youngest just had a baby boy, and Ron is building their home by alone and by hand:
They are about 30 min from Asheville!! They were terrorized by 100 mph winds for HOURS. Niana, the new mother became ill and roads to a hospital were flooded. In addition to Ron picked up $3,000 of building tools, and had to abandon his truck and hike home, when he returned someone broke into his truck and stole the tools , 2 cars were crushed by falling trees, one of them just purchased. When the storm passed Val spent 6 hrs in line at the only grocery store with a generator. Their water went out for a few days, and still no power.
I would like to invite you to send $ what is comfortable for you, Nothing is too small ,to Ron Masterz, 10 A Lakemount Cottage Trail, FLATROCK, North Carolina. 28731.
REMEMBER: NO insurance on ACT OF GOD damage and loss. Please open your hearts and your checkbook. BLESS you, and let us be grateful they are safe.

We rise........

We rise........



"Oh Holy Dawn" was first sung in 1999 in my musical theater production, "Dancers of the Dawn." The play featured a cast of 7 women of different ages, shapes,...


Another reality check, even though you may not be eating these items, to see the massive changes the Food Industry has imposed on civilization.
The Clip is a quote about how the Vegetable Oils/Seed Oils have infiltrated alllllll processed foods.

FYI: Stay aware, these “seed oils” ( Safflower, sunflower, cottonseed, soybean) are playing havoc on our digestive systems.
Back to Olive oil, Coconut oil, quality Butter.


“Be a blessing to others, and your life will be blessed.”

– Tony Robbins


As one of a team of presenters for UN Summit of the Future Virtual. Title : Collaborating 4 Change - Virtual Dialogue on Our Common Agenda. This is what I said regarding peace and sustainability:

Women have been peacemakers since the beginning of time. I cannot imagine peace and security without women. Peacemaking is innate for women, men are innately protectors. Unfortunately as patriarchy gained power, men’s innate quality as protectors morphed into ownership.

NOW, times are changing. In fact I believe we are in the greatest change for the inclusion of women ever. Bringing our voices, influence and actions to the table is now imperative.

REACH out to people you don’t agree with…..speak to the unspoken. ASK questions, listen deeply. Avoid debate, it leads to arguments.

Learn your HERstory….(we know HISstory) what was passed down in your genes…..what needs healing to be self empowered. What are the gifts you received from your ancestors…..besides brown eyes, red hair….but the traits that are there to be developed within you. Build the courage you need.

SHOW up and DO something!!

The divine feminine qualities that are instinctive include peace in the families, the playgrounds and to the tables of decision making. Make your voice known filled with compassion, caring and authority.

Ancestral gifts and wounds still live within us, unconsciously. In order to heal, we need to study our/her story. Consider reading ie: When God was a Woman, by Merlin Stone. And watching: In Our Right Minds by Dale Allen for starters. (just google)


Grass Valley, CA



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