MDAA Alert: Missile Defense for America
"From our perspective, we're going to have a presidential directive. That's going to happen. The last time we had a presidential directive on missile defense was under four administrations ago under George W. Bush that put forward ground-based interceptors in Alaska and California to defeat and defend against North Korea with policy to do so. And that presidential directive gave authorities to the Missile Defense Agency to accomplish that mission. And that mission was done in three years within that time frame.
So this looks to be another watershed moment. And it could even go back to the grander 1983 speech by President Ronald Reagan on SDI, where now the president will most likely or likely give a national speech on this with a vision and a directive to defend our nation. And why is this?
Is that some sort of PR movement or political thing? The reason is, our nation is being threatened today, 360 degrees in all domains, and our nuclear deterrence does not deter that. So it's great.
Our nuclear deterrence policy is great against countries that got nuclear weapons and are threatening to use nuclear weapons. But it has failed now. Over the last couple of years, we've seen this in all the theaters around the world.
And we certainly have seen this in the United States, with Chinese balloons, with Chinese drones, hundreds of them in Langley Air Force Base, with thousands of drones and stuff coming across the Mexican border, with air infractions on our air with Russia-Chinese planes. So the threat is here. And it's even greater than that.
So I don't spend too much time on it. From FOBs all the way down, that's there. It has to be addressed.
We're going to see it on Homeland. I believe it is going to be addressed. We live with outdated policy, and I hope John Rood is going to go through this a little bit.
But we have policy basically to defend the U.S. from North Korea with missile defense. That's about it. And everything else is just ambiguous, with nobody defining any country or threat on what's going on.
So policy has to be addressed. And it can be. It can be done in two weeks.
It can be done in six months. It's not a hard thing to do. Well, it's a hard thing to do.
I'll talk to John on that. But it has to be addressed, because we have to define who we are defending the United States of America from. Who is it?
Is it Russia? Is it North Korea? Is it everybody?
I don't think you can do everybody. And then, what are we actually defending against? Because right now, we're not allowed—some people are not allowed—our combatant commanders are told to defend against certain weapons, and nuclear deterrence is told to defend against other weapons.
And then, what are we defending in the United States? Are we defending our public cities? Are we defending our nuclear deterrent?
Are we defending our capital region? Are we defending our financial community? What are we going to defend?
Because if you don't answer those three things, you don't have an ability to do the architecture for it. You have to create a tasking order from that. And that tasking order has to have an agency or a service or someone that's given full authorities, which I think that's going to happen with the presidential directive, to enable that to happen.
So we're here today, and we're right on the front of this. This is exciting for us. We're right on the front of this, and we've got experts."
-Mr. Riki Ellison
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