Introducing Regina the Regal Tang - voiced by special guest, Sherryl Despres Actress, Model and Voiceover Talent. Regina is in "Glamour Clamour," now in production. From Episode 1 of "Benny the Barnacle: The Animated Series."
Coming to streaming TV this fall.
(Oh, and we need 3 more volunteer male voice actors, for another story, all ages....)
Animation test for the Carrot Mobile, from Cherry the Resurrection Rabbit's upcoming "Blue Grass Bunny: The Musical."
ROV-R the Undersea Explorer modeled by our 3D animation intern:
New animated logo Kev just made:
CAS is pleased to announce we produced over 2 hours of animation in 2022! Most of it is awaiting distribution. And much of it we produced for free. So, this has given us the faith to kick off 2023 with our biggest fundraiser yet, to help reach a lost and dying generation:
I just made Gloria Jellyfish more complex, so that her outline flows like a real jellyfish. This character looks juvenile, but it is a complex character made by pasting two different characters together, one is the legs, the other the body. I did that for Killer the Krill, Shelly Jelly, Blink, and other characters, as well.
I just figured out how to make transparent jellyfish. This little rascal I just added as a background fish to "Benny the Barnacle." Gloria Jellyfish's likeness was created by adorable child actress, Elia Della Salla, who will also voice the character. Watch this Spirit-filled little girl sing "Fruit of the Spirit" a cappella, as Gloria, accompanied by her dad, award-winning actor, Jerry Della Salla ("Green Zone"), as the voice of God:
Another quick clip for "The Jumbo Shrimp of Dire Straits."
Clip from "The Jumbo Shrimp of Dire Straits." Moving to other projects now as "Benny the Barnacle" in final edits.
Blink says Happy Birthday to voice actress, Aleesa St. Julian!!!!