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In Touch Ministries - Daily Devotion

The Mission of Christ

Because of the Father’s great love, He sent Jesus to make a way for us to have eternal life.
January 11, 2025

John 10:1-18

Christ’s mission on earth was to do His Father’s will. Throughout His life, Jesus continually surrendered Himself to God. The King of kings came not to be served but to serve—even unto death (Matt. 20:28). His ultimate purpose was to become the sacrifice we needed: By means of His death on the cross, Jesus atoned for our sins so we could be reconciled to the Father.

To accomplish His mission, our Savior suffered greatly. But even in His darkest hour, He did not turn from His calling (Matt. 26:39). Ever the faithful Son, He gave us the only way to the Father and eternal life: Himself (John 14:6).

Jesus said that whoever has seen Him has seen the Father (John 14:9)—and that the two are in fact one (John 10:30). Today, He sits at the Father’s right hand, making intercession for us (Rom. 8:34). One day He’ll return to judge sinners and reward the saints. To experience that, we must be prepared, and the only way to be prepared is to receive Jesus as our personal Savior and Lord.

Because the Father’s love for us is limitless, Jesus made it possible for every person to have eternal life. When you place faith in Christ as your Savior, you are united with the Father—now and throughout eternity.


Zach Fowler is one of the featured speakers at the Man Up North Conference Jan 24-26 at the The Sanford Center in Bemidji! Don't miss out on this conference!

YOUR QFM TICKET BLOWOUT! BUY ONE $55 TICKET & GET ONE FREE WHILE THEY LAST AT 218-444-1071!  You can also stop in to the...

YOUR QFM TICKET BLOWOUT! BUY ONE $55 TICKET & GET ONE FREE WHILE THEY LAST AT 218-444-1071! You can also stop in to the Bemidji Studio at 206 5th St. NW!


InTouch Ministries - Daily Devotion

Wholly Available

God is ready to move in the lives of those who trust Him—even when they don't understand His plan.
January 10, 2025

Matthew 5:14-16

Ask yourself, What kind of light am I?Is your glow a little dull—a flicker others can see only if they’re really looking? Or do you brighten everything up when you walk into a room? As Christians, we should shine brilliantly, no matter where we are.

One thing that may dim our radiance is shortsightedness. Before agreeing to obey the Lord, we may think we have to see exactly what He plans to do. But we’re called to be faithful ambassadors who trust His Spirit to work as He wants. It’s as if God were saying, Don’t give Me a schedule—trust Me. Watch Me do things My way in My time, and see what happens.

You’re deeply loved by the Lord. And as a member of God’s family, you are indwelt by His Spirit (1 Cor. 6:19). His light is the radiance within you. You have no idea what amazing things He can do—in the workplace, at school, or with family, neighbors, or friends—through your willingness to shine the light of His powerful love.

If you’ll get on your knees and pray, “Lord, I’m available. Do whatever You want with my life, and show me what You desire,” He’ll reveal the next step. God is willing and ready to move in the life of anyone who chooses to be available for Him.

Got a great hotdish? Help raise some money with it and put it to the test! :)

Got a great hotdish? Help raise some money with it and put it to the test! :)


InTouch Ministries - Daily Devotion

Training in Godliness

Believers need to teach and model how to have a personal relationship with God.
January 9, 2025

Deuteronomy 4:9-10

As Christians, we should help children mature into godly people. We want them to believe that the Father has a plan for their life and they’re accountable to Him (Rom. 14:12).

It’s important to teach children from a young age about these truths. Biblical principles can shape their thinking, their choices, and their heart. We should carefully explain God’s will, teaching them that they must answer for their behavior—not just to Mom and Dad but to the Lord.

It’s also essential that we teach our children how to communicate with the heavenly Father. Let them observe you turning to the Lord and praying over them. Over time, they will develop the habit of talking with Him. This training will become very important as they grow into adults and become responsible for themselves. Instead of always telling them what to do, teach them how to seek God’s will about the situations and struggles they face. (See James 1:5.)

All of this teaching begins before children establish a personal relationship with Jesus Christ—and we continue the process by demonstrating righteousness throughout life. When we model good character and honorable behavior, our kids are more likely to grow up knowing their loving Father.


InTouch Ministries - Daily Devotion

Leading Our Children

To influence the next generation for Christ, we need to give children our time, attention, and love.
January 8, 2025

Proverbs 22:6

From a young age, children observe the grownups in their life. What an opportunity for adults to influence the next generation! And some good ways to train young ones in godliness are by …

Investing time in their life. Whether it’s reading, talking, or being together outdoors, we can model Christian living through everyday activities.

Listening closely to them. To influence children toward righteousness, we must truly know them and take an interest in the things they consider important.

Protecting children through discipline. When done with love, discipline helps them understand the wisdom of God’s boundaries and the importance of self-control. (See Heb. 12:6.)

Admitting our mistakes. Transparency helps children draw closer to parents. It also teaches them humility. If we seem perfect, our kids will find it harder to confess their mistakes to us.

Loving them unconditionally. We should consistently love our children, just as Christ loves us.

Raising a godly child often involves the cooperation of many people. Look for ways to spend time with the children in your life, listen well to them, and demonstrate Christ’s love (Matt. 19:14). By modeling godliness, you’ll influence them for the Lord.


InTouch Ministries - Daily Devotion

Our Best Friend

Jesus always loves us—and is always available to help us.
January 7, 2025

John 15:9-17

Believers think of the Savior as Lord, King, or Master, but how often do we think of Jesus as our friend? We may have difficulty with the concept, but He doesn’t. Jesus ...

Accepts us. Unconditional acceptance means we can always approach Him. He may want us to become more Christlike, but we are still accepted no matter what is happening in our life.

Walks through trials with us. God promises never to leave or forsake His people (Deut. 31:6; Heb. 13:5). He is our constant encourager and faithful friend during both the good and dark times in our life.

Is always available. He’s never too busy to meet our needs or respond to our prayers.

Listens to us. We can share our doubts, fears, and joys with the Lord because He cares about what’s on our mind and wants to hear from us. Whatever we say—even angry shouts and tears—will be consistently be met with assurance of His love.

We can take comfort in knowing the Lord has a plan for each believer and will take care of us. Thank Him today for the way He looks out for us. As the old hymn says, “What a friend we have in Jesus!”


InTouch Ministries - Daily Devotion

Serving One Another

God designed you to serve a unique—and needed—role in His church.
January 6, 2025

1 Corinthians 12:12-13

Believers have two main responsibilities: to love God and to love people (Matt. 22:37-40). This is often done by serving. Where and how we serve varies based on our talents, skills, and calling, but we’re all expected to be involved with a local church.

When someone trusts in Jesus as Savior, that person is baptized by the Holy Spirit into the church—the body of believers living all over the world and united by faith. The biblical plan is that the new Christian will then choose, in accordance with God’s will, to join a local group of believers where he or she is loved and needed (1 Cor. 12:18).

The church is more than a community. It’s a body with individual members created by God to function in communion with one another. Christians, like the world at large, are a diverse group of people, so we have to strive for unity. But our differences are something to be celebrated, with each person uniquely contributing to God’s purpose. A church truly operating as a unit—with all its varied gifts, talents, personalities, and intellects focused toward kingdom goals—is a thing of beauty in the Lord’s eyes.

The body of Christ functions most beautifully when all of its members resolve to serve God and each other to the best of their ability (1 Cor. 12:25). How can you serve today?


Ellen & Chris of Grand Forks were nominated recipients for this year's Better To Give. Chris was home on hospice, and went home to Jesus last night. Pray for Ellen & their family.


In Touch Ministries - Daily Devotion

A Living Hope

Jesus' work on the cross banishes fear and guarantees our future.
January 5, 2025

1 Peter 1:3-5

The city of Corinth was characterized by many forms of ungodliness. Believers there had once been like their fellow citizens—filled with greed, envy, wickedness, deceit, and anger. But now they were new creations, indwelt by the Holy Spirit and adopted into the family of God. The “Corinthian lifestyle” no longer matched who they’d become in Jesus.

In 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, Paul was reminding the believers not to be influenced by their culture or old patterns of thinking. The apostle was not warning them that they might miss out on the kingdom. Rather, he was encouraging them to abandon their old ways and behave as who they really were—children of God.

We, too, can trust that salvation is permanent. We could never redeem and heal ourselves, so Jesus willingly did the work on our behalf (John 10:11-18). Then, God raised Jesus back to life and brought Him to heaven. Now our Savior reigns there at His Father’s right hand (Mark 16:19). It’s important to understand that the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross is the basis for our salvation. This awareness banishes fear and fills us with hope.

What God has accomplished—pardoning our sins, giving us a new nature, and adopting us into His family—no one can undo. That gives us a living hope to sustain us all our days.


In Touch Ministries - Daily Devotion

Our Source of Hope

Through faith in Jesus, we can live forever in the presence of God.
January 4, 2025

Titus 2:11-14

People have different opinions about who goes to heaven. Some believe good behavior will bring automatic admittance. Others, while acknowledging they have bad habits and tendencies, hope traits like generosity or helpfulness will gain them entry.

However, Scripture tells us character and deeds do not determine our eternal state (Eph. 2:8-9). Rather, it’s our sinful nature that forms a barrier between us and a holy God. As Romans 5:12 teaches, Adam and Eve’s sin caused all mankind to begin physical life dead in our sins. No amount of good works or moral behavior can change our unholy nature. Nor do bad choices make our nature worse.

Without direct help from God, we would be a people without hope—we’d find the entrance to heaven closed and would face everlasting separation from the Lord. But our loving Father sent His Son as our willing substitute: Jesus took our sins on Himself and received the punishment we deserved. What we were helpless to do, He accomplished for us. Through faith in the Savior, we have assurance that we will live in the presence of God forever.

Knowing we’re heaven bound gives hope and meaning to our life. Let’s tell others about Jesus, the source of our hope.

Your QFM has a limited number of group priced seats starting at just $55 for the whole weekend! Call 218-444-1071 or sto...

Your QFM has a limited number of group priced seats starting at just $55 for the whole weekend! Call 218-444-1071 or stop at the Bemidji office at 206 5th St. NW to get yours!

Your QFM is taking reservations for another motorcoach trip to St. Paul!  Cost is a freewill offering! Call 218-444-1071...

Your QFM is taking reservations for another motorcoach trip to St. Paul! Cost is a freewill offering! Call 218-444-1071 for all the details!


InTouch Ministries - Daily Devotion

Created to Praise

Make it a habit to notice the many reasons you have for loving the Lord.
January 3, 2025

Psalm 103:1-22

Do you ever wonder why you exist? Day-to-day activities and worries pull us in so many directions that most of us seldom think about the goal of life. But our Creator made us with a purpose: to glorify Him (Isa. 43:7).

In His Word, God tells us to testify to His faithfulness and His mighty works. Jesus considered this important as well—when teaching His disciples how to communicate with God, He began His prayer with adoration of His Father (Matt. 6:9).

That is why we should give as much attention to praising the Lord as we do to making petitions. It can be challenging to prioritize worship when we sit down to pray. In fact, doing so might even feel awkward now and then. Yet Psalm 103:2 tells us to remember God’s benefits so we will glorify Him. This psalm also shows us how to lift the Father up with our words—specifically, we should praise God for His character and His work (vv. 2-8, 19).

When’s the last time you simply praised the Lord? Observe how the Father is exalted in the Psalms and throughout the Scriptures. Then worship Him with praise as you spend time basking in His presence.


InTouch Ministries - Daily Devotion

A Man After God’s Own Heart

Ask God to give you the desire to move ever closer to Him.
January 2, 2025

Acts 13:13-22

Have you ever seen a gravestone with a poignant epitaph of the person buried there? Perhaps it read “Devoted Mother” or “Beloved Friend.” What would you want etched on your tombstone? What epitaph would summarize your life?

In the book of Acts, we discover how history remembered King David. In a sermon presented to a primarily Jewish group, the apostle Paul made reference to David, who was well known to the audience. Remembering all of the king’s great accomplishments during his reign, how did Paul choose to describe him? He declared that God called David “a man after My own heart” (13:22 NKJV).

What does it mean to be a person after God’s own heart? For David, it required an intimate relationship with the Lord (Ps. 63:1; Ps. 63:6-8). This entails more than a regular routine of rote prayers and church attendance. Rather, such intimacy is founded upon a desire to grow closer to the Father (Ps. 42:1).

What would it take for you to be described as a someone after God’s own heart? Which activities would need to be removed from your life? What would need to be added? Ask God for His help in making these adjustments—and for the commitment to make this epitaph the goal of your life.


2524 S Washington Street
Grand Forks, ND

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Monday 9am - 2pm
Tuesday 9am - 2pm
Wednesday 9am - 2pm
Thursday 9am - 2pm
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