Warrior Publications

Warrior Publications Promoting Flint area author Jennie Moench


New bit for AIe4 of the Near Future series by Jennie Moench

“Arthur, what about your other investigation? The one on Robert Stobor?”

Arthur quickly returned to the room. “The first reference to his existence happens in Canada, where he suddenly appears at the age of thirty. A formal record of his birth did not exist due to his being born in a northern province without the aid of a medical facility. A new, ad hoc record, listed his parents as ‘unknown,’ and date of birth as approximate.”

Liam made a surprised sound. “Well, now that’s interesting. Not very helpful, but interesting. Arthur do you think Robert Stobor could be a robot?”

“That would be a difficult question to answer. He is sequestered in his manor with only SRS machines and I do not have access to their operating systems, nor am I able to obtain data.”

Liam had another thought, “Arthur, is it possible that he doesn’t actually exist? How does anyone know he is even alive? Maybe those commercials are just silly AI concoctions!”

“That is a possibility.”

Liam quietly finished his lunch, thinking of all those possibilities.

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New bit for AIe4 of the Near Future series by Jennie Moench

Liam sighed and held in a breath of smoke as he handed the thing to his brother, then let the smoke out in a burst, considering his words. “I don’t know Taylor. I WANT to be in her church to make her happy, but the idea that you are required to suspend judgment and reality, and believe in all these myths and legends as though they were historically correct. Well...I just can’t do that! Mythology is mythology, and it’s not necessarily history or science! It’s like her religion is requiring that I adhere to their cult leaders by laws.”

Taylor chuckled, laying on his side and relating to his brothers conundrum. “You know Liam, I think I finally figured out my commandment, my number one rule for living. I was listening to this woman speak on a video, she said that her first and only commandment was, ‘Harm None.’” Taylor smiled broadly at Liam and noticed that he was thinking about it. So, he continued, “but, besides that rule, she believed in 100% freedom.”

“Yeah, but what if someone wants to be free to kill people!” Liam protested.

“See rule number one!” Taylor answered.

“Okay, what if I wanted to take off all my clothes and run naked down the street!”

Taylor started laughing, “Well, I think if you did that, there would be little old ladies, everywhere, falling down with heart attacks! So...see rule number one!”

“Okay, okay, but, who was this lady?” Liam asked after containing his bouts of laughter.

“Some, monk lady...bald...um, I can’t remember why she’s famous. But, she did have some interesting things to say.”

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New bit for HiveE4 of the Near Future series by Jennie Moench:

Ollie and Dave were, again, in comfortable chairs, facing the large windows that circled around them, in the turret of Ollie’s big, old, farmhouse, sipping bourbon. They were enjoying after dinner drinks. Ollie had imported a lovely meal for them, and now they were nearing the time when Ollie would relate more of the story of his life, with his younger friend, for the book he was writing. But, first they discussed current events.

“So, what do you think about this new robot virus?” Ollie asked, looking over at his friend, sure that he would have an opinion.

“Well, I’d like to know what it’s doing, besides causing them to want to touch each other,” Dave replied. Both men shook their heads. “A lot of people think it’s something SAIN is responsible for. I mean, so far it seems to be just a kind of harmless prank.”

“I don’t know,” Ollie began, “I’ve noticed that in Canada, where the robots are mostly SRS brands, they aren’t seeing it.”

Dave raised an eyebrow, “Ah, so you think maybe it’s something SRS invented?”

“You know it! And it doesn’t give me any comfort to know that our country now has warehouses full of SRS machines, everywhere!”

Dave thought about this for a moment. “Wow! And now I see those robodogs everywhere! More and more everyday.”

“And,” Ollie continued, “after you were here last week, I got thinking about Robert Stobor, so I started searching, high and low for information about him, but you know, I couldn’t find anything on his childhood! He just suddenly appears in Canada at the age of 30, no family, nothing. You know, anyone who sells robots with an acronym like that for a name, had to have made it up! But, where did he come from?”

The two men discussed all the possibilities, including the one that Robert Stobor himself might be a robot. That would explain his inability to age.

Slowly, Dave was able to turn the conversation back to the topic that he was there to record, the Attack. “Ollie in our last conversation, you were discussing Russian spies.”

“Yes, they were integral to their plans. The new ‘fake’ Americans, took jobs at power plants, water treatment facilities and of course, the White House. They fed the information that was gathered to the Russian hackers, trolls, and their newly developed, AI. Once they had the information they needed and they had all the key positions filled with spies, all they had left to do was formulated their plan of attack.”

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Lucifer Miller, on the definition of morality.

"Using Plato’s definition of morality as, ‘doing one’s own job,’ causes a problem for me, when people conflate being moral with being religious. Let’s take the example of Christianity.

When missionaries are sent to foreign countries to convert the native population. They come with food and medicine and technology to restore water. For people without food, medicine and water, when these needs are a threat to their families, when they see their children hungry and sick, they will put away their old religion, out of their moral obligation to take care of the job of taking care of their families, so, they choose accordingly.

During the crusades, when people were forced to take Christianity over the sword, over loosing their lives, over loosing the means of providing and protecting their jobs, their families. Those with morality chose accordingly.

When the Romans destroyed temples and burned the books and the people who refused to take their creed. People with morality, chose accordingly.

If being moral is, ‘doing one’s own job,’ then these people were moral to begin with, and it sure as hell had nothing to do with their new religion."

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New bit for HiveE4 of the Near Future series by Jennie Moench:

He looked down on the rough looking old man, who was looking up with a scowl, squinting his icy blue eyes so that the wrinkles folded over and covered most of the whites. That was when Shannon noticed the dark colored lump on his forehead. His bones stuck out from the place where his shoulders used to be, and those angry fists were now a mass of twisted fingers.

It was a strange feeling for Shannon, here he was looking at the meanest, son of a bitch that ever walked. He had been lorded over and received so many beatings from this worthless excuse of a man. Then, a thought caused him to let out an involuntary chuckle, ‘What a wonderful day it is, when you can look down on the bully that tried to break you, and you can confidently say to yourself, ‘I could kick his ass!’ And then, you do.’

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New bit for HiveE4 of the Near Future series by Jennie Moench

At closing time, he made the trip back to the bar and became comfortable near the back door. Looking around himself, he admired the ghostly glow of the streetlamps. There was something about the dark that comforted him, he loved the feeling of invisibility that it brought and the respirator covering his face only enhanced the feeling of anonymity.

Finally, the door opened and he saw the woman exiting with a jacket across her arm and carrying a canvas bag. He walked up behind her as soon as the door swung shut, and then pulled off his mask.

“Hey!” he shouted, just before catching up with her and gently pulling her back into the darkness. Startled, she looked up at him with a faint smile, when she recognized him. But then, she began imploring him that she needed to get home. He pulled the mask off her face. She started to scream, but he stopped her by putting his mouth on hers. “Shhhhhh...” he said when he released her, looking deep into her eyes. It made her trust him just long enough for him to grab her forearm and roll a magnetic device across the place where the chip was implanted. It pulled the device out from under her skin with a sharp pinch. A trickle of blood ran down her arm. Then, he showed her the bloody lump of metal that he held in his hand.

“Are there any other devices that I should be aware of?” he asked.

Her eyes were large and round, and locked onto his as she slowly shook her head, no.

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New bit for HiveE4 of the Near Future series by Jennie Moench

She smiled, then leaned in closer to him, “listen, I think you are adorable, but, I have a boyfriend and he is mostly likely standing beside us right now.” She straightened up and looked a bit haggard at him, in a way that told him all he needed to know, so he nodded back and respectfully pressed her tip button three times.

He watched her walk away, before looking around the room for other prospects. Nope, she needed to be the one, he thought to himself. He noticed the exit sign over the back door that led to the alley, beside him. He slowly drank his beer, then tipped the empty glass at her. When she returned with another, he looked up at her with the most alluring look he could muster.

“There’s no Remote Viewing outside this door,” he said as he motioned toward the exit.

But, the woman looked doubtful, “it doesn’t matter, I have a chip,” she explained, pushing up her sleeve to show a red mark on her shoulder. Shannon knew what it was, a tracking device, just like the one you put in your dog’s ear. He just couldn’t understand why anyone would willingly consent to having one. He wondered if she had.

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New bit for HiveE4 of the Near Future series by Jennie Moench

Well, he thought, she certainly wasn’t the flawless beauty that the hologram waitress was, but she was flesh and blood, and that was what he was looking for. He watched her appear and disappear through the crowd of specters. She was easy to spot, as the only solid in the place that wasn’t wearing lenses, she would walk right through the avatars, completely oblivious that they were there at all.

Shannon wondered why she wasn’t wearing them. Could it be that she was too poor to own a pair? No, they were just too easy to acquire, now you could even pick up a pair for free, seemed the government also wanted you to be constantly connected. So, then, to be without them, was an act of defiance. He liked that idea. Maybe, she was a rebel, some radical SAIN member, in any event, she caused him to be curious. Next time he saw her moving in his direction, he took his glasses off and stuffed them into his pocket. Now, she was even easier to watch, without the colorful cast of animated characters in the way.

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New bit for HiveE4 of the Near Future series by Jennie Moench:

He stopped under the glow of a neon looking sign that was projected on to the building and pointing to the doorway of Little Johns. Inside, was dark with only a handful of people milling around and gathering at the bar on stools. Since the eruption, most people stayed at home and visited one another in virtual reality. Shannon already spent more time than he would have preferred online, so the pale, sickly looking, yet real life, patrons, were a welcomed change.

He pulled off his respirator and slipped on a pair of AR lenses. Amazingly, the place filled up with people. Avatars of all shapes and sizes, resided everywhere. He moved to an empty table near the back door. A small, tinker bell looking avatar flew away from a shelf next to the table where it had been perched. This made Shannon suspicious, so he lifted the lens to make sure it wasn’t a miniature drone taking video. ‘I wonder if they are making those things virtual now, too?’ he thought to himself when he confirmed that the fairy was an avatar.

Since the bar went Remote, it had become a hotspot. Seemed that lots of people were interested in being a part of the nitty gritty Flint scene, but from the safety of their living rooms. He recognized some of the avatars as regular patrons of the bar in real life, but others could have been AI generated, there to collect data, and still others were the avatars of people anywhere on the planet, and...according to several witnesses, some of the avatars belonged to beings from off the planet. Talk is, that they were attempting to, ‘get to know us,’ online.

A beautiful young woman wearing an apron suddenly appeared next to his table. She was holding an old fashioned pen and paper, in a way to suggest that she was there to take his drink order. After receiving it, the hologram disappeared and a flesh and blood waitress soon appeared with his drink on a tray with several others. She looked him in the eyes and smiled politely, to verify the accuracy of the order before she set the drink on the table. He nodded and raised an eyebrow, in a flirty way then, touched a holographic button a couple times, giving her a double tip. She smiled at him again, before continuing on with her deliveries.

‘Well,’ he thought, ‘she certainly wasn’t the flawless beauty that the hologram waitress was, but she was flesh and blood, and that was what he was looking for.’

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New bit for HiveE4 of the Near Future series by Jennie Moench:

There was someone watching their interaction, coming from the opposite direction, Shannon O’Rorke, who was headed toward Dr. Dave’s office for his own appointment. He froze when he noticed the familiar red head. He knew who she was, and he was still angry about the events of the evening that they’d met.

He wondered if she could have been coming from his councilor’s office. But, then, the thought seemed absurd to him, because, why would a robot be going to a therapist? He continued on his way, not wanting to be late. He needed to make a good impression on the councilor so that his court ordered visits would be minimal. The sessions were a nuisance, but he liked keeping his personal record clean, and the judge had promised to help him keep it that way, if he could get a recommendation from his councilor. So, he was always on time, and now he only committed crimes using someone elses’ identity.

He pulled the respirator off his face to look into the camera at the top of a flight of stairs to his councilor's office. Dave’s clean shaven face instantly appeared on the monitor. “Hello, Shannon, you are on time like usual, thank you! Door’s open for you!” He nodded back to the image before entering an opening that appeared after the door slid inside the wall. Dave stood up from behind a desk in the back of the room and then met him in the middle of the room to shake hands before they sat across from one another in overstuffed chairs. “Tell me, how do you like our new security system?” he asked.

Shannon looked around himself, then at the councilor, “are you using facial recognition?”

Dave looked a bit confused, “no, I just knew who you were. I meant the monitor itself is new.”

“Oh yes, I don’t remember it being there last time. Are you having security issues?”

“No, well, not really, to be honest, I do sometimes get some shady characters hanging around.” Dave didn’t want to expand on the whole incident that involved one of his client’s being murdered. The rest of the session went well with Shannon giving rave reviews to the meditation and nature immersive exercises that Dave had recommended. He told him how helpful they had been. They were making him feel like a new man.

After the session, Shannon stopped at a little park across the street. It was empty. The ground was hard packed mud with small tufts of brown grass scattered about, where the lawn used to be. He found a bench under one of the sad looking maples. After sitting down he took off his shoes and pressed his feet into the earth. That had went well, he thought to himself, because if he could fool his therapist, then, those brain dead idiots that he worked with, should be easy.

After a few minutes, he replaced his shoes, set his pace to jog, and then, ran home to his apartment. He pressed his finger against the sensor that allowed him access to the building, then quickly ascended the stairs that led to his apartment. When he reached his door, it was already open, and a smiling Shannon O’Rorke met him, just inside the threshold. “Like looking into a mirror,” he mumbled to himself as he closed the door behind the robot.

Shannon had purchased a robot from the SRS company, since the Ian Moore robots were all being conscripted by the government to manage the emergencies caused by the volcano. He had heard that the operating system was inferior, but so far, it seemed to be adequate. With his 3D printer he had created a mask of his likeness and a glove with his finger print on it. Now, he could manage the robot from his office. There was also a new camera that pointed at his real face, and caused the robot’s face to imitate the gestures. It was disorientating for him, at first, to practice gestures with something other than a mirror. But now, a major component of his plan had been successfully tested. That afternoon, he would have the machine replace him at his job as a security guard. If this worked, he would then be free to visit with his sister, and then, his father, without anyone knowing he had left. He could now be in two places at once.

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New bit for HiveE4 of the Near Future series by Jennie Moench

Shannon’s avatar was sitting impatiently at a cafe’ in Paris, waiting for his long lost sister Viv, to join him. He had discovered her by an amazing accident, while he was taking in the views of Paris in Remote Viewing, he noticed her, he used his scanner to confirm her identity and obtain her contact information. That was how he was able to get a real world message to her. She was delighted to hear from him, and now, he was waiting for her to arrive at the little cafe.’

He was sitting with his golden chair pulled up to the last table in the row of small, outdoor, tables. The volcanic ash that was hanging over the Americas, hadn’t reached the other side of the Atlantic yet, and was expected to dissipate before making landfall. So, they escaped the need for wearing a respirator and living with gloomy clouds every day. But, at that time in the evening, the sunlight was dimming, and little streetlights were beginning to glow yellow. The street in front of the building was narrow and the strip of sidewalk that hugged it, was only a little bit wider than the tables were. Stone facades of ancient buildings flanked both sides of the little cafe. A few well dressed people sat nearby, softly chatting to one another, it was picturesque.

Soon, he saw a young woman, in a white dress with large red polka dots, and wearing AR lenses, coming toward him. She waved and squealed. It was her! It had been so many years, neither of them had been full grown the last time they saw one another. He stood up and she ran to him, but she could only fain to touch his avatar hands, as she was a solid, visiting Paris, and he was an avatar, whose body was on the other side of the planet, standing in the middle of his apartment.

“Oh Shannon! I was afraid I’d never see you again! Where are you now?” she asked as she took a seat at his table.

“I have an apartment in Michigan. I’m doing good! But, what about you? I never knew what happened, I was afraid that dad sold you! I tried to find you, but couldn’t! I didn’t know if you were alive! So, I never went back,” there was a frantic sound in his voice.

Viv’s face fell into a sad smile. She was being reminded of the past. Money had been exchanged between her father and the man who took her when she was barely 12. “Yeah, it was really scary at first, but, before Bill died, he married me, so I got his property, and then,” her face lit up and she grew closer to him, “And then! I sold it! so now I’m free in Paris!” Tears glistened as they fell down her smiling cheeks and she turned in her seat to make a wide gesture in the direction of the setting sun. This did make Shannon happy, to see his sister happy. And now, she would never have to worry again, because he would take care of her!

“Any children?”

She turned back toward him. “No, I think I can’t have kids. You know, because I was so young.”

Shannon’s heart broke again. “But, you said that he married you?”

“Yeah, yeah, um...At first he just treated me like a slave, but, then, he started to get old and sick and I would take care of him. I think he did love me, cause, he wanted to make sure I had a place to live when he died. That’s why he filled out the papers and made our marriage official.” Then she chuckled softly, “he thought I’d just keep living on his farm, but, I sold it!” she giggled again.

“So, do you ever see mom?” he asked.

“Yeah! Yeah, she’s still with dad, um, they are by themselves now. He’s still on the nod, but, he keeps saying he’s not. I went to their place right after Bill died.” Then she leaned across the table again, to get closer to his avatar, before admitting, “I just wish he’d die so that she could be free like me!”

A thought suddenly struck Shannon. “So, where are they living now?”

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New bit for Hivee4 of the Near Future series by Jennie Moench:

“Those metal monsters just scare the hell out of me!” Ollie said before taking a sip from the tumbler of bourbon, that he was holding in his hand. He and Dave were sitting in their favorite places in Ollie’s big, old, farmhouse and drinking Ollie’s special bourbon. Dave was there to record the old man’s words for a book that he was writing. Ollie had lived and helped during one of the countries biggest crisis, the Attack, as it was referred to. But, at that moment they were talking about current events.

“I don’t understand why deadly robotic dogs are being warehoused here as part of the ‘humanitarian’ help that Canada has offered,” Dave answered, shaking his head. The view outside was eerie, as the ash created a hazy fog between the tall trees in the distance. What used to be the view of a beautiful green countryside, now looked like the backdrop for a vampire movie.

“The damn fascists want to make sure no one takes their stuff! And all those crazy morons who are being whipped up into thinking they need one too! Like the country is going to turn into some kind of dystopian hellscape at any moment!” Ollie was getting worked up and Dave knew that he should try to change the subject back to the book, but he was disturbed by the SRS situation himself.

“You know, I did a little research on that Robert Stobor, and that man has to be nearly 100. And, no one has seen him, in person, for over 30 years!”


“Yeah, it makes me wonder, I mean, here is an extremely wealthy guy who has a corporation that is one of the largest manufactures and seller of war machines, in the world, and no one even knows what he looks like. What if he’s dead and an impostor has taken his place? No one would know!” Dave tossed up his hands for effect.

“Well, he certainly is lively in those silly commercials that he produces!” Ollie was silent for a moment, then said, “you know, I don’t recall him looking like an old man, ever!” The two looked at one another, considering all of the possibilities.

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New bit for Hivee4 of the Near Future series by Jennie Moench:

Ginger entered the room in a shimmering, gold sequined dress, with matching shoes, that had slender heels which rose to a dangerous height, but caused her to walk with a slow deliberate gait. Her strawberry blond hair was pulled away from her face by golden barrettes, that guided the hairs to a wavy waterfall on the back of her head, then tumbled over her satin shoulders, and ended in the middle of her naked back. Dave had to remind himself that she was a robot and behind her eyes was his true client, a chubby, little, middle-aged, man, who was most likely sitting at his computer screen, naked, in one of the two rooms of his dingy little apartment.

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New bit for UIDe4 of the Near Future series by Jennie Moench:

A portal suddenly appeared next to their table. “Ah, must be time for the meeting!” Jay announced. “I heard that the National Directer of Health is to be at this one!” He was happy when he found out that the man was on board with Jak’s plan, it made everything less of a covert operation. Lately, he had been having episodes of anxiety that centered around their project. Having a government official involved, would ease some of his tension.

On the other side of the portal, they found themselves in Jak’s basement laboratory. It was made up of one large room, the cement walls, floor and wooden rafters were painted white. Large refrigerators and other laboratory equipment lined the walls. Two rows of workstations, took up the back part of the room, leaving a small empty space toward the front, where Jak and his, in person, guests could sit in comfortable, padded, chairs. The avatars were directed to gather in a special ‘hole in the wall’ that contained a virtual auditorium for them to be seated in, so that, no one’s view would be obstructed.

Jay noticed Dr. Hill and Allen Moore’s avatars were already seated in the front row. Amelia sat beside Dr. Hill, as they had become close friends. At the top of the bleacher-style seating was a large group of stocky looking men and women in matching overhauls, they wouldn’t have stood out so much if it hadn’t been for the strange noises that they were making. Jay found it irritating, so he and Lou sat on the end of one row, near the bottom. Seated in the ‘real life’ section, he noticed the Director of Health, fidgeting next to Jak. They were talking quietly to one another, while wearing AR lenses.

After waiting a few minutes, Jak stood up and announced that the meeting was to begin. He introduced Mr. Glinka and explained that he was the National Director of Health. Everyone applauded.

“I’m sure with Mr. Glinka’s help, we can get this important medicine in the bodies of every American and then, everyone in the world! And this is just the first step! Next, we hope to eradicate even more disease!” More applause. “This first inoculation is especially exciting for me, as, I think you all know, that my ancestors were wiped out on this planet, from this very disease! The universe will be a better place without it!”

He continued to talk emotionally, about the toll the disease had cost his people, and others from other distant places. Jay became so caught up in the speech, that he nearly forgot that this deadly disease that they were ridding the galaxy of, was actually, the common cold. It was just a shame that one of the important elements in the vaccine was generated on a distant planet, so the world could never know what it was that cured them of the cursed condition.

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New bit for UIDe4 of the Near Future series by Jennie Moench:

“So what was the special equipment that we needed?” she asked, wanting to confirm his story.

Lou pointed at a kind of, ‘home made,’ looking metal box, that was held together with plastic tape. She didn’t know what to make of it, but assumed it was his invention. Satisfied, she put on the headset, and met him near a portal.

They came out, into darkness. “This way,” Lou called out to her, then, activated a headlamp that he was wearing. Laura followed him out from under the ledge of a large crater, where they had teleported to. As they stepped out, she gasped at the sight of the sky, that was filled with bright objects and twinkling dust. They were on a large black rock, that was littered with debris, some of it, looking very ancient. “Where are we?” She asked in awe.

Lou smiled, happy with her reaction, as it was a place he visited often. “Farther from Earth than any star chart available there.” Laura looked around herself, light reflected off of the metallic debris field. She wondered who was responsible for the clutter.

“If you use this,” Lou handed her a cylinder that was to be used as a virtual telescope. Laura was familiar with it, as she had used one before. “See that big cloud of shiny dust?” he asked her. “Now, look to the right of it, and there is a planet with a greenish glow.”

“Oh, yes, I see it!” she answered excitedly. She was thinking of someone who she wanted to show this to.

“The entire planet is nearly covered by vegetation, that is why the planet glows green! The trees are so large, that there are different animals living at every level, and there are at least two different human species. One that lives in the trees, the Anong, but also another, burrowing species, that makes their homes underground,” Lou explained.

“Interesting, but, how do you know all of this?” Laura asked.

Lou didn’t want to lie to her, but the only people he discussed Jak with, were those who Jak had arranged the introductions with. “I have scientist friends.”

“But, is this as close as you can get to it?” Laura asked, a bit disappointed, as she now wanted to visit.

“Right now,” he answered.

“Could you show me, what area of the sky we are looking at?” Laura asked.

Lou wondered if she might be planning a visit. “Sure.” Then, a thought struck him, “could you visit?”

“Maybe,” came a thoughtful answer.

This excited Lou, wondering about the possibilities. He had dreamed of visiting the planet, ever since he knew of it, as a child. “Could you teach me?” he asked excitedly.

“Yes,” came back her simple reply. “I could explain to you, my experiences, to help you start your journey.”

“Do you really think that I could learn how?”

The monk laughed, “Lou, I was serious in the interview that we were just in! I believe that anyone can learn the great mysteries and become enlightened!”

Lou was at a loss for words. Some of his fondest childhood memories were sitting on Jak’s knee and listening to everything the old Historian knew about the planet of the Anong. Now, the prospect of visiting it, excited him, at a level even above his desire for another conquest. So, he asked her when they could begin. She told him that she preferred that the classes were in person, and that he was welcome to her and Mohan’s apartment, where it was always quiet and, that there was plenty of room for meditation. They agreed on a day, then Lou pulled out a star chart and pointed out the direction of the Anong’s planet. Just in case Laura had an occasion to visit.

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Our Story

I believe that too many of us are expecting a dystopian future, that this false narrative has become so embedded in our culture that we are causing it to happen. In my book of short, near future, stories, I explore a planet that took on the challenges of repairing a world that had been exploited almost to extinction, but for its human inhabitants, pulling together and bringing the Earth back from the brink.

We learn to embrace nature, we bring critical thinking to all grades of public education. A movement of citizen scientists becomes popular, we change our value system and come to the realization that we are all one people and need to live as a community.

All five of the stories take place in the same time period and originate from the same American city. I try to give the reader a glimpse into this world from the eyes of several different people. Each accepting or rejecting emerging technologies as befitting their individual needs and personalities.

But most of all, I like to think of this book as a conversation that the future might have with the present.