KSNO's newest on air personalities. With thanks to Bryan Welker for the color commentary.
Amazing performance from @edwinmccain Wheeler Opera House
Check out the very talented and local Miss Meaghan Owens!
Meaghan recently moved to Colorado from Nashville and will talk to KSNO's Elizabeth Drolet for the Feature This Morning show.
Stream live at http://ksno.streamon.fm/ or tune in at 103.9 FM at 8:30 tomorrow morning. Then watch Meaghan perfrom live at this Saturday's Sunlight Mountain Resort Demo Days event!
Ksno caught up with the #pizzaboy turned #pizzaman Anson Lemmer as he received the Life Saver Award from #americanredcross
KSNO has a huge crush on #donavonfrankenreiter
Last night at #mammothfest!!!!
For $100 to Marble Distilling id shake too! Snowmass Mammoth Festival
Come to the KSNO tent today so see how you can WIN! #mammothfest
Ksno caught the cutting of the ribbon ceremony for the opening of #basaltrestore Basalt Colorado Chamber of Commerce
24 hours and still going! #handsonaharley
Because sometimes the best way to start a concert is to roll down a hill. Check out this little girl as she "rolls" into tonight's Glenwood Music Series. Suzanne Paris opens for world famous The Samples!
We are rocking out Motet style at #mammothfest. Listen to KSNO later to hear KSNO Elizabeth Drolet talk live The Motet band!
Winter X Athlete Introductions at Buttermilk
Nothing spectacular, just introducing some of the X athletes at Wednesday's press conference at Buttermilk. - Les
The sound of sunshine in Snowmass.