I am casting for the lead role in the stage play "The Last Play by Rickerby Hinds," in Los Angeles. Must be a LA Local hire. Send your headshot, resume and link to Actor's Access to [email protected]
Age ranges from 35 to 65 years old
African American, Afro-Cuban, or Afro-Latino male with an athletic build and classic look who speaks Spanish fluently and performs Spoken Word, Poetry, Rap, and Hip-Hop. Must Sing and be able to move like an Alvin Ailey dancer and perform popular dance moves.
Project Type: Theatre
Union Status: AEA
Submission Deadline: 02/24/2025
Please include size cards.
Producer/Theatre Company: The Latino Theater Company
Director: Daphnie Sicre
Casting Director: Janet Popoola
Writer: Rickerby Hinds
Start Date(s): n/a
Audition Date(s): 02/262025
Rehearsal Date(s): 03/17/2025 - 04/16/2025 (Tech & Dress Reh
Preview Date(s): April 17, 20, 24 & 25, 2025
Opening Date(s): 04/26/2025
Closing Date(s): 05/25/2025
Possible Extension: 06/01/2025
Shoot Location: 514 S Spring St, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Venue: The Los Angeles Theatre Center
Rate of Pay / Contract:
AEA-SPT C5 (This is the type of contract) $590 per week for 10 weeks (4 weeks of rehearsals + 6 weeks of performances) AEA actors will also receive health and pension benefits
SPECIAL NOTE:Parking Address: 545 S. Main Street, Los Angeles, CA 90013
(Located between 5th and 6th Street. Please park in the structure rather than the open lot.)
PARKING is discounted at $8.
Additional Project Info:"Equity and Non-Equity actors are both welcome at this audition"
An Afro-Latino playwright, blocked by the challenge of writing what he believes will be his final play, summons characters from some of his previous plays for inspiration, only to confront chaos, comedy, and a deeper understanding of his identity and the true meaning of success.
Actors will be required to prepare a short monologue from a contemporary play (either realistic or dramatic/non-realistic).
Actors are required to bring their resumes and headshots, please staple them together.