2024 was a good year. Although my Facebook presence took a back seat, it’s my opinion that it’s only one tool I use for the DJ life. This year I focused on “things to improve upon.” Between networking and asking for some unsolicited opinions, I arrived back here on Facebook. My clients and my peers are all so kind. So kind that they just tell me to keep up the good work. I’m humbled.
But, let’s send 2024 out on a high note.
My tried and tested DJ controller, my go to girl for the last 6 years, found her new home this evening. Together we watched people join in holy matrimony, people reach milestone birthdays, celebrated with families as they learned the gender of their child.
Its treated me well, but as we all know, I can’t ever just be content. I want to learn more and hone my craft to be even sharper, so I’m sorry friend, it’s not you, it’s me. Treat your new partner as well as you treated me.
Just a little sneak peak of what is coming to your event in 2025. We’re still getting to know each other, but I think it’ll be great.
Merry Christmas, happy new year. See everyone starting in April 🫡