Beyond the Presence Music

Beyond the Presence Music Beyond the Presence Music - Praise & Worship Since 7/2021
Jimmy Estrada, Lyricist and Sole Proprietor Jimmy is the lyricist on all the songs presented here.

Jimmy Estrada is the Sole Proprietor of Beyond the Presence Music. He is currently an adjunct professor at Grand Canyon University in Phoenix, Arizona. The talented musicians and songwriters are a collection of gifted men and women from around the globe, including Canada, England, Italy, Greece, Argentina, Nigeria, the U.S., and Ukraine. Look for Jimmy Estrada's page here...

Debut! Beyond the Presence Music Presents: "Wake Up The Dawn" Music Video.Wake Up The DawnI will seek refuge In the shad...

Debut! Beyond the Presence Music Presents: "Wake Up The Dawn" Music Video.

Wake Up The Dawn

I will seek refuge
In the shadow of your wings
For you have been gracious
Oh, so gracious to me

And you have sent Your faithful love
Even while surrounded by lions
I escape teeth, spears, and arrows

I am confident in my heart
This I know deep in my soul
You will always be my only song
With my praise I will wake up the dawn

Among the nations praise will rise
Above the heavens you reside
And our voices raised like a chorus
Brings you to us through clouds into our time

We take an oath by the altar
We take an oath by your throne
Whatever you decree shall be done
When we fall before you, we have won

Words by Jimmy Estrada/Beyond the Presence Music @2025

Debut! Beyond the Presence Music Presents: "Divine We Call You Lord" Music Video.Divine We Call You LordWho can bring to...

Debut! Beyond the Presence Music Presents: "Divine We Call You Lord" Music Video.

Divine We Call You Lord

Who can bring to our hardness
An abundance of rain
Loosening pain, undoing bitter roots
Entrenched like a generation of doubters
In the wilderness of shame

That’s just the way life is, they say
No more
We have found a brand-new way
In Jesus name we pray

Divine we call You Lord
Divine we call You Lord
And call upon Your power
Fire from the Spirit
Life from the Savior
Speak unto our hearts

All that You have said
In the mountain
In the high mountain
Of Your holy presence thunders
Speaks wonders
A word that is everlasting

Your truth resounds
Your grace is unbound
Your victory over death
And ascension is our inheritance
Your peace in all things
Inspires and strengthens

Words & Music by Blessing Daniel and Jimmy Estrada @2025

Debut! Beyond the Presence Music Presents: "Burning Light Of Revelation" Performance Video.Burning Light Of RevelationAl...

Debut! Beyond the Presence Music Presents: "Burning Light Of Revelation" Performance Video.

Burning Light Of Revelation

All of the heavens wonders
On earth we shudder
At the coming of His presence
All will be shaken, a call will awaken

Let the heavenlies declare
A wonderful thing
Forever’s door belongs to those
Following closely after our God and King

And the sun fills the sky
As when cold winter gives way to Spring
And angels sing of the brightness
Of the amazing burning light of revelation

O come all you thousands of saints
Filled with holy fire
Be thou those who do not tire
But remain unashamed to keep the flame

Words & Music by Taras Kuznetsov and Jimmy Estrada @2025

Debut! Beyond the Presence Music Presents: "Real Lives, Real Jesus" Music Video. Real Lives Real JesusMy vision has dimm...

Debut! Beyond the Presence Music Presents: "Real Lives, Real Jesus" Music Video.

Real Lives Real Jesus

My vision has dimmed
I can’t declare the things I once could see
What was to be has slipped away
And Heaven feels far from me

Instead of love
I judge myself a failure in my eyes
But the Spirit wipes my tears away
And hope begins to rise

Real lives, real Jesus
Every one of us is precious
He steps between our sin and shame
With cleansing power in His name
The glory comes, refreshing streams
In the day of repentance, redeemed

Holy God, Our Father above
Beloved Son of Light
Spirit of Fire, raise me up with love
That burns so bright

See me here in my desperate need
Extend your mercy wide
Send goodwill among the upright
And stay always by my side

There is One who comes with beauty
A crown of grace he bears
He lifts the lonely, gives them strength
And frees them from despair

Holy God, Our Father
Beloved Son of Grace
Spirit of Light and Fire
Lead us to Your embrace

Words by Jimmy Estrada/Beyond the Presence Music @2025

Debut! Beyond the Presence Music Presents: "Praise The Name Of The Lord" Music Video.Praise the Name of the LordPraise t...

Debut! Beyond the Presence Music Presents: "Praise The Name Of The Lord" Music Video.

Praise the Name of the Lord

Praise the name of the Lord
Ye heavens
Ye preachers of old
Say again
What our fathers did behold
In him was life
The light of men

Praise the name of the Lord
Ye stars
In the night
For he died for all
And so, we no longer live
For ourselves
But for Him

Herein is love
Not that we love God
But He loved us
In our lost position
Without condition

A message
In the moment
Of decision
Our sins
Are gone, forgotten
By the work of Jesus
On the cross
He did finish
His life fully given

Praise the name of the Lord
Ye sun and moon
Everything with
Breathes because of Him
And owe Him
Everything too

Words by Jimmy Estrada/Beyond the Presence Music @2025

Beyond the Presence Music Presents: "Gladly I Found My Savior" Music Video.Gladly I Found My SaviorThe first time I hear...

Beyond the Presence Music Presents: "Gladly I Found My Savior" Music Video.

Gladly I Found My Savior

The first time I heard the message
I was ready to surrender
Having lived a life outside of favor
Far from saving grace

For me, the sinner’s road was long
And so, I was searching
For a new song when I did hear
The Lord’s gospel of hope and faith

Here in my heart
Jesus did aim
He did not miss
Gladly I found my Savior (gladly, gladly)

In the beauty of a sunrise
He shows me morning in the easy breezes
Of the evening, He shows me that there is
No time for longing
He is everything, all we need to believe in

Words by Jimmy Estrada/Beyond the Presence Music @2024

We pray for those we love: A son for a mother; a man for his wife; a friend for a friend, a brother for a brother. When ...

We pray for those we love: A son for a mother; a man for his wife; a friend for a friend, a brother for a brother. When there is trouble, there is a prayer that can change everything. Oh, that we would pray these prayers. Oh, that we would receive them as well.

Debut! Beyond the Presence Music Presents: "Where Is The Careful Soul" Music Video.

Where Is The Careful Soul

Where is the careful soul
That I might
Show Your love
In the time of trouble
Shoulder the weight of the long night

Where is the careful soul
In this world
That I might fight
Fight in prayer and bring
A shelter in the fierce wind
Whistling, tumbling, and groaning

Like a lighthouse
Shows the sailor the shore
Let me bring home
All who cry bitterly
Even more for those who say
We are Your own

Where is the careful soul
Seeking hope
Is there a sign
You can show me
To where my voice
Breaks the assignment
Of the enemy
In this precious life

Words by Jimmy Estrada/Beyond the Presence Music @2024

Debut! Beyond the Presence Music Presents: "Drawing Near" Music Video.Drawing Near Your kingdom shines like the oh so ti...

Debut! Beyond the Presence Music Presents: "Drawing Near" Music Video.

Drawing Near

Your kingdom shines like the oh so timely
Morning light in my window, delights my mind
You love those who love you
Who seek you early for wisdom
Who give thought to your power, your riches

For these are yours, forlorn and weary of heart
Coming to you, an offering you gladly receive
For these are yours, who keep your words
Your commandments, drawing near for solace

These are yours, waiting at the gates
Leaning on the posts of your doors
Finding favor in your presence evermore

In the night, I remember my music
In my head, the melodies play
Tunes of triumph, songs where I rely on
You drawing near
Removing my moments of fear
With strength for the days that go on and on

Words by Jimmy Estrada/Beyond the Presence Music @2024

Debut! Beyond the Presence Music Presents: "We Shall See" Music Video.We Shall SeeThe journey to JerusalemBegins in the ...

Debut! Beyond the Presence Music Presents: "We Shall See" Music Video.

We Shall See

The journey to Jerusalem
Begins in the time of the end
We shall depart from the river
Having been washed and made clean
In the blood of the Risen One
And He shall come from the heavens

An everlasting confession
A testimony of the living
Spoken from the mouths
Of the redeemed unto the King
Of all who rejoice and sing
Songs of deliverance
This King we shall see

Here are our commissions
Of which we will never be finished
On this or that side of the river
For the people and the House of God
Isreal’s transgressions
Are now and always forgiven

We pray, our hands raised, with hearts joined
Together forever with You from this day forward

Words by Jimmy Estrada/Beyond the Presence Music @2024

Debut! Beyond the Presence Music Presents: "There Are Miracles Out There/Do You Know The Shepherd" Lyric Video Doublepla...

Debut! Beyond the Presence Music Presents: "There Are Miracles Out There/Do You Know The Shepherd" Lyric Video Doubleplay.

Words by Jimmy Estrada/Beyond the Presence Music @2024

Welcome everyone! Glad to have you with us! A friendly reminder, daily music content and conversation is available at my...

Welcome everyone! Glad to have you with us! A friendly reminder, daily music content and conversation is available at my personal page: Jimmy Estrada/Facebook. See link in comments. God bless and Merry Christmas!

Debut! Beyond the Presence Music Presents: "There Are Miracles Out There" Music Video.There Are Miracles Out ThereSun ri...

Debut! Beyond the Presence Music Presents: "There Are Miracles Out There" Music Video.

There Are Miracles Out There

Sun rising on the true horizon
Such a warm touch filled with healing
Like love shooting from a great light
Here to take care, as it climbs the stairway
Of the breezes of a new day
You can feel it in the air, there are miracles out there

There are miracles out there
Where is yours, where is mine
In the hands of the Father
Ready to find a wanting home
There are miracles out there
Reach out, grab hold

Waters in a rush
Running from the heights seemingly undone
No purpose other than to fall
And then recover to rise as a river blue and white
Crashing into the rocks, ss a spectacle to witness
With eyes wet with tears, there are miracles out there

Words by Jimmy Estrada/Beyond the Presence Music @2024

We are here to praise the Lord and give glory for all He has done for us. It is wonderful to bless our God and our audie...

We are here to praise the Lord and give glory for all He has done for us. It is wonderful to bless our God and our audience. Many, many thanks!

Debut! Beyond the Presence Music Presents: "When You See The Glory It's The Lord" Music Video.When You Feel The Glory It...

Debut! Beyond the Presence Music Presents: "When You See The Glory It's The Lord" Music Video.

When You Feel The Glory It’s The Lord

Jesus, You’re my strength in all things
Living for what brings Your name adoration
And it was You who sang over me
Words that are life-giving

When you feel the glory, it’s the Lord
When you see the story that was yours
Burning like a candle flame
Welcoming home good and denying wrong
Never doubt, it’s the Lord

Never doubt, it’s the Lord
Who gives and takes

When the walls so daunting
Start to fall
Never doubt, it’s the Lord
Turning days of want and longing away

Words by Jimmy Estrada/Beyond the Presence Music @2024

Debut! Beyond the Presence Music Presents: "Eternal" Music Video.EternalAll the matter in the universeLies and spins in ...

Debut! Beyond the Presence Music Presents: "Eternal" Music Video.


All the matter in the universe
Lies and spins in circles
Here on earth our father laughs
We exist to love beyond all that

Eternal, eternal
Eternal life in front of me
Eternal, eternal
Eternal is the child of light
Eternal is the child of light

First cause for us all
Is cherish God, answer His call
His hand touches once
And worlds are made grand and small

Where is the child that does not awaken
The mother in us, the father in us
Innocently so sweet
This is the light of eternity

Eternal is the child of light
Eternal is the child of light

Ask for the origin of the stars
The answer comes back
You’re looking too far
What we seek is within our reach

Creation’s greatest miracle
Is begging for our hand
And to be held
On the way to sleep
To a mansion if we believe

Words by Jimmy Estrada/Beyond the Presence Music @2024

Debut! Beyond the Presence Music Presents: "Christmas Gives Us Makes Us Glad" Music Video.Christmas Gives Us What Makes ...

Debut! Beyond the Presence Music Presents: "Christmas Gives Us Makes Us Glad" Music Video.

Christmas Gives Us What Makes Us Glad

Christmas, Christmas
Light the sky, wishes and ribbons
Are whispered and wrapped tight
Where are the ones who have passed
They are thought of fondly
These memories will always last

Christmas gives us what makes us glad
Children’s eyes filled with awe
And the feeling of love forevermore
For all the things we never held in our hands
What is in our hearts takes us to
A Christmas wonderland

And we are deep in the season
Carrying hopes and dreams and things that shine
So too we must carry prayers
Into the night for the lives around us
Who toil and trod, who might not know
Jesus as the Highest, the cherished Son of God

Words by Jimmy Estrada/Beyond the Presence Music @2024

Debut! Beyond the Presence Music Presents: "Tiffany Sky" Music Video.Tiffany SkyThe one who opens up The windows of Heav...

Debut! Beyond the Presence Music Presents: "Tiffany Sky" Music Video.

Tiffany Sky

The one who opens up
The windows of Heaven
And pours out a blessing
We cannot contain
Waves His hand
And the dark that tires
And pains the mind
Falls into a sunrise
And heals as it makes
Our eyes to shine

Come with me
You heavy feet
Because of God’s great love
Which knows no end
We are going to remember
To rise
We are going to fly
Into a Tiffany Sky

These are the days of sensation
The hope of his manifestation
Samson cannot stay in chains forever
He will grow his hair and send chills
Down the enemy’s spine
As we remember to rise
And fly into a Tiffany Sky

Be still and know
That I am God
From the beginning
I have heard your cries
Be still and know
I am who is commanding
All power and might

Words by Jimmy Estrada/Beyond the Presence Music @2024


Gilbert, AZ


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