UTMB Health's Health Care Unmasked: Diagnostic Management Team
This edition of UTMB Health's Health Care Unmasked will feature Dr. Michael Laposata and JuanDavid Garcia discussing The Diagnostic Management Team at UTMB Health.
UTMB Healthcare Unmasked: Breast cancer after a mastectomy
The October edition of Health Care Unmasked presented by UTMB Health, features UTMB Health plastic surgeon Dr. Petro Konofaos and breast tattoo specialist Jill Resendez.
UTMB Health battles premature births with Pregnancy on a Chip
UTMB Health battles premature births with Pregnancy on a Chip
Dr. Ramkumar Menon of the Menon Lab at UTMB Health talks about his research that recreates the organs involved in pregnancy stored on a chip.
To improve preclinical drug testing, researchers used the organ-on-a-chip approach to mimic human pregnancy by using miniature organ models of human cells embedded onto silicon surfaces.
The team, led by Dr. Ramkumar Menon, a professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, used these devices to successfully test drugs for conditions like preterm birth and pre-eclampsia during pregnancy. This breakthrough in preclinical research is expected to reduce the use of animal models for pregnancy drug trials, expediting clinical trials and the drug approval process.
Galveston Women's Conference Women of the Year Awards
Galveston Women's Conference Women of the Year Awards
The 16th Annual Galveston Women's Conference honors the Women of the Year.
Genette Bassett
Renae Bentley
Mia Gradney
Rebecca Lilley
June Collins Pulliam
Saralyn Richard
Barbara Ekelund-Sanderson
Jeanne Sharp & Jill Sharp
Mary Ellen Doyle Legacy Woman of the Year: Susanne Sullivan
i45NOW and GalvestonNOW are media partners of the Galveston Women's Conference through a partnership with the Galveston Regional Chamber of Commerce.
UTMB Health's new president Dr. Jochen Reiser in his first broadcast interview
UTMB Health's new president Dr. Jochen Reiser
August 15 was the first day on the job for Dr. Jochen Reiser, the president of UTMB Health. He took time to participate in his first broadcast interview that same day in a pre-recorded interview we air today.
Editor's note: While UTMB Health is the sponsor of Healthcare Unmasked, all questions and format of the interview were decided by i45NOW owner and show host TJ Aulds.
Reiser was born in Pforzheim, Germany, but grew up in a small village in the Black Forest of Germany.
He received his Ph.D. from Ruprecht-Karls University in Heidelberg, Germany. He worked as a postdoctoral fellow at Albert Einstein College of Medicine and a medical residency as a fellow at Harvard Medical School.
He is a world-renowned researcher with several patents related to kidney disease.
After three years at Harvard Medical School, he joined the faculty of the School of Medicine at the University of Miami before joining Rush University in Chicago in 2012, where he eventually was named the Chairman of Medicine.
UTMB Healthcare Unmasked: Update on Alzheimer’s treatments, research and resources
UTMB Healthcare Unmasked: Update on Alzheimer’s treatments, research and resources
It is estimated 6 million Americans of all ages have Alzheimer's.
About 1 in 9 people age 65 or older has Alzheimer's. That is almost 11% of the population over 65 who have the disease.
There is no cure - Yet.
There are, however new treatments, more research and resources available.
UTMB Health is part of some groundbreaking research and we will discuss that on today's show.
We have assembled experts in research, caregiving and the Alzheimer's Association to provide answers and resources for those who may need the information now or in the future.
Still, there is yet to be magic therapy or a cure just around the corner.
So, we will also discuss what resources are available and provide information for caregivers.
Let Out Cast Fishin Charters put you on a "monsta fish"
Let Out Cast Fishin Charters put you on a "monsta fish"
There are anglers in Galveston County that enjoy dropping a line in the water, taking in their surroundings and don't concern themselves with the end result of catching their limit.�
UTMB HEALTH CARE UNMASKED: Mental Health and Our Kids
On this episode of Health Care Unmasked, Dr. Barbara Calvert and Dr. Kim Gushanas of UTMB's Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences provide expert advice on a topic that continues to make headlines nationwide: The mental and behavioral health of children and young adults.
Viewer Alert: This episode will likely include discussions about suicide. If anyone has thoughts of harming themselves or needs help, call the National Lifeline at 988.
Oceans of Opportunities - Waves of Change Job Fair
For those seeking employment, a job fair is coming to Galveston Island.
The 16th annual Oceans of Opportunities employment event will be on Monday (4/24/2023) at 9 AM.
Speak to employers from around the Galveston Bay Area.
More than 50 employers will be at the fair. Careers like police officers, firefighters, petrochemical, nursing, manufacturing and many more.
Come prepared by bringing copies of your updated resume and speak with employers at this in-person job fair.
Oceans of Opportunities is on Monday from 9 AM to 2 PM at the Galveston Island Convention Center, located at 5600 Seawall Blvd., Galveston.
To register for the Oceans of Opportunities job fair, visit eventbrite.com/e/16th-annual-oceans-of-opportunities-job-fair-tickets-600738895207
UTMB Health Care Unmasked: Robotics and Artificial Intelligence in Health Care
You are watching UTMB Health Care Unmasked: Robotics and Artificial Intelligence in Health Care. Post your questions in the comment section.
UTMB Health Care Unmasked: Women and Heart Care
UTMB Health Care Unmasked: Women and Heart Care
Fundraiser for Hike for Hope on Sunday
Fundraiser for Hike for Hope on Sunday
As event organizers prepare for the upcoming Hike for Hope 2023, there will be a fundraiser Sunday afternoon to raise money to put on the annual walk in remembrance of those lost to suicide.
In 2022, the Galveston chapter of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention held its first Hike for Hope fundraising event, drawing hundreds of participants to the Seawall.
This year, event chairs Terri Sudduth and Stephanie Waltman expect the event - set for Saturday (3/25/2023) beginning at McGuire-Dent Recreation Center, 2222 28th Street, in Galveston - to be even bigger and better. The goal is to inform the public about suicide and provide resources to those impacted by suicide.
As the event grows in the coming years, they said, there will always be a need for volunteers.
If you are interested in volunteering, visit the links below for more information.
* AFSP.org/Galveston - register and come walk with us on March 25th
* National crisis line: 988
* Local Galveston County crisis info: In the event that you, or someone you know, may be struggling with a mental health emergency, please reach out to (866) 729-3848. This 24-hour crisis hotline is staffed by trained mental health professionals who can help.
* Join us at galveston island brewery 3/5/23 for a live band, silent auction and great beer!
* FB event: https://facebook.com/events/s/galveston-beach-hike-for-hope/1272616043577518/
* IG: https://instagram.com/hikeforhopegalveston?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
* FB: https://www.facebook.com/afspsetexas/?mibextid=LQQJ4d
* Email: [email protected]
* TikTok: afspsoutheasttexas
* Twitter: AFSPGalveston
Link to our previous story from January 17