4 traps set for at least 3 more raccoons that were detected the previous night on camera. Check out in the comments why I typically do extra days & extra traps.
Thank you to the Bucyrus Police Department for another referral!
She wasn’t foaming at the mouth when I got there but because she is disoriented but put up a little fight when I retrieved her so now she is foaming at the mouth for that reason.
She was around a busy intersection so she had head trauma causing her symptoms.
Not saying she couldn’t be sick beforehand but I have to read each critter & determine what kind of trauma they have naturally verses outside trauma with the surroundings & behavior they display.
This is where my Vet Tech knowledge comes to play.
These last two raccoons are perfect examples of the situations I have to deal with that determine my next moves.
So far within the last month I have caught 4 muskrats, 2 groundhogs, 2 raccoons, 1 Skunk!
I would like to thank everyone who has made my business a growing success to where I had the opportunity to upgrade my equipment to be even more successful!! Little by little I upgrade as the business grows.
This camera is amazing to where I can see activity via my phone so I can determine where the shyest critters are coming from & how they respond to my set ups.
I also got a new trap to where if I’m in a tough area, I can turn it any direction because of the spring doors!
Check out my catches in the comments below!
When one groundhog is owning many holes & is cage shy & I can only uses cages for certain jobs… there is a reason why I have a 3 day start minimum for any job I do. No job is the same & it can be quite challenging.
First day is to set traps up the best I can & determine activity level, second day is to see what was active & rearrange my set up if necessary and usually have an animal caught if not they will be by day 3. Bonus if I get extra critters that may share the same home.
She was a day 3… & quite the challenge…
WE ARE MOVING!! Prices are changing and will be expanding outside of the hometown!!