Have an amazing Month.
.#richardkwawuvibes #richardkwawu #August #August2023 #newmonth
You’ve got to try again buddy. Love awaits you again #Impactmoment #Rkvibes
Diaries of Love ❤️ 6/2
Have you ever been Hurt by someone you gave everything to and yet they didn’t value you?
You don’t know what to do? Watch this video and try again.
#Impactmoment shares another video on this subject ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Watch,Enjoy, comment and share.
Thanks for watching
Naomi Ama Boakyewaa KokuroJennifer NkumNana Ayesua Akoto SarkodieKafui Yao DohFaith Chapel Youth MinistryAmaSaysAlNassr Saudi fans pageRalph's Prayer DiaryUFC United Famiy CoinDelali Qwesi AgbleyTeddy Opoku Agyemang
Everyday comes with an opportunity to achieve everything including love ❤️. Give yourself a chance to love and be loved. 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Diaries of Love ❤️ 5/2.
Life offers many opportunities by the dawning of a day. Included is the opportunity to love and be loved
#Impactmoment shares another video on this subject ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Watch,Enjoy, comment and share.
Thanks for watching
Jennifer NkumNana Ayesua Akoto SarkodieKafui Yao DohFaith Chapel Youth MinistryAmaSaysAlNassr Saudi fans pageRalph's Prayer DiaryUFC United Famiy CoinBea QuayeEfua WilberforceAddo GeneralAugusta Ofeibea TetteyNaa Awula DarkuwahKaakyire BabylastAdepam HeneScofray Nana Yaw YeboahAlbert Yaw OpokuPatricia RichloveDorcas OseiagyemanMandy Sey
Diaries of Love ❤️ 4/2 explores the question whether Love is all that is needed to make a relationship work.
#Impactmoment through this video shows that sacrifice, selflessness, forgiveness eye are essentials that make a relationship work.
Watch,Enjoy, comment and share.
Thanks for watching
Jennifer NkumScofray Nana Yaw YeboahNana Ayesua Akoto SarkodieKafui Yao DohFaith Chapel Youth MinistryAmaSaysAlNassr Saudi fans pageRalph's Prayer DiaryUFC United Famiy CoinEfua WilberforceBea QuayeAugusta Ofeibea TetteyNaa Awula DarkuwahAdepam HeneKaakyire BabylastAlbert Yaw OpokuPatricia RichloveDorcas OseiagyemanAddo General
Diaries of Love ❤️ 3/2 talks about a situations that we all have been in before.
#Impactmoment implores us to better respect and take care of those who show us that they truly love us.
Watch,Enjoy, comment and share.
Thanks for watching
Jennifer NkumScofray Nana Yaw YeboahNana Ayesua Akoto SarkodieKafui Yao DohFaith Chapel Youth MinistryAmaSaysAlNassr Saudi fans pageUFC United Famiy CoinDorcas OseiagyemanMandy SeyRalph's Prayer DiaryBea QuayeAugusta Ofeibea TetteyNaa Awula DarkuwahEfua WilberforceAdepam HeneAddo GeneralPatricia RichloveNaa Merley AqosuahAJ Mimi GlennAlbert Yaw Opoku
Happy new month
Welcome to #February the month of Love ❤️
#ImpactMoment Will do special features dubbed #Diariesolove Diaries of Love.
Stay tuned as we build on knowledge and learn a thing or two.
Send your questions and suggestions to Richard Kwawu Vibes. Love you all. 💕💕
Scofray Nana Yaw YeboahNaomi Ama Boakyewaa KokuroNana Ayesua Akoto SarkodieKafui Yao DohFaith Chapel Youth MinistryScofray Nana Yaw YeboahAlNassr Saudi fans pageAmaSaysUFC United Famiy CoinRalph's Prayer DiaryJennifer Nkum
Quality of Life 1:4 states that Do not allow people feast on your emotional wellbeing because it is a major determining factor to your enjoyment of good quality life.
Let’s watch and share our thoughts and comments.
Naomi Ama Boakyewaa KokuroJennifer NkumScofray Nana Yaw YeboahNana Ayesua Akoto SarkodieKafui Yao DohAmaSaysAraaNaa BoyeDorcas OseiagyemanMandy SeyNhyiraba Kwaku OwusuAntoinette AndohElizabeth AgyapongEfua BoatengQuesi Adom ArakwaFaith Chapel Youth MinistryTagbor GloriaScofray Nana Yaw YeboahAlNassr Saudi fans pageRalph's Prayer Diary
Quality of life series: work smart and not hard
QUALITY OF LIFE 1:3 states that ye shall learn to WORK SMART and not hard.
Hard word doesn’t always ensure success but smart work pays well.
LIsten below
Scofray Nana Yaw YeboahNaomi Ama Boakyewaa KokuroRalph's Prayer DiaryRichard KwawuJennifer NkumKafui Yao DohAmaSaysNana Ayesua Akoto SarkodieFaith Chapel Youth MinistryElizabeth AgyapongQuesi Adom ArakwaTagbor GloriaAlNassr Saudi fans pageScofray Nana Yaw YeboahNhyiraba Kwaku OwusuEfua BoatengEnchill HansonBernice Tawiah