Our first original full-length animated feature! It's a gripping drama...(caution: adult oriented content including nudity, violence, and offensive language). Sundance here we come!
Fighting for the rights of trees to live! Support your local trees! BE GREEN! (It Ain't Easy)
#begreen #trees #savethetrees #conservation #treehugger #dontcutmytrees #treeconservation #treesmakeoxygen #getoffmylawn #electralandradio
Welcome to our Winter Wonderland in Progress. Music courtesy of The Royal Hounds. 🎸🎄🎶
A Long Lost Friend!
OH HAPPY DAY! I got a radio just like this for Christmas in 1976. I had just turned 9. It quickly became my favorite possession. I would take it EVERYWHERE, including bike rides, edging it between the handlebars an the brake cables on my 10 speed. It took many a spill and kept going. I could take music with me, which was heaven! I especially loved not having to stay home to hear American Top 40.
So, I finally saw one on the RadioShack Instagram page and knew what to look for on eBay. I cannot begin to express how truly happy it makes me. It’s not the same as MY beloved, that my sister heartbreakingly got rid of, but still will be the crowning jewel of our collection.
Turn up the volume!
We’re takin’ you back. WAY BACK! Hear from your favorite old school DJs. Keep your feet and hands inside the vehicle at all times and enjoy the ride...
Mr. Cool sounding great! Hear for yourself at ElectraLandRadio.net
PALEFACE live now!