Thanks Chuck Erikson of G&H Cables for capturing this special moment with Jeff Pevar and the Retro-Rocket 22.
Rob Mills, aka Lord Hailer, playing a Vintage Guitar Lemon Drop through an Electroplex Tri-Plex 35 driving a pair of Heritage Greenbacks. The Tri-Plex 35 uses both 6L6GCs and EL84s for “punch and chime at the same time!”
#electroplex #electroplexamps #triplex35 #vintageguitars #lemondrop #lordhailer #robmills
The incomparable @donnytesso stopped by our booth a few NAMMs back to check out a prototype “Bass, Baby!” and 2x10 ported cab. Thanks Donny!
#electroplex #electroplexamps #bassbaby #donnytesso #rocketamplifiers #namm
@jeff_pogan dials up a Deluxe Reverb patch on the Fractal to explore the dynamics of the Stereo Rocket.
#stereorocket #electroplex #electroplexamps #jeffpogan #costamesarecordingstudios #mixgod #fractal
Jeff Pogan playing a Les Paul through a Fractal Axe-Fx II into the Stereo Rocket and 2x12 Stereo Cab.
The Electroplex Tri-Plex 35 Steps Out!
Artur Menenzes "owning the room" at the LA Guitar Show All-Star Jam in April. Artur playing his LsL guitar through an Electroplex Tri-Plex 35 (the little white amp in the lower right!). Artur "spanked it good"!
Donny Tesso putting the new prototype bass amp "Bass, Baby" through its paces at the 2015 NAMM Show.