For today’s #DeepCut we go back to 1996. It was an impossible ask for STP to match the success of the first two albums with their third but that doesn’t mean Tiny Music doesn’t have some awesome tracks. Check out - “Tumble In The Rough”
#roadshow #rock1051 #stp #tinymusicsongsfromthevaticangiftshop #tinymusic #stonetemplepilots #scottweiland #90skids
Announcing the winner of February’s Stick’Em Up contest this weekend so if you want tickets to Papa Roach & Rise Against get on it. Here’s what we’ve got for you next month!! Pick up your sticker at our studio or at @raginrecordsfresno
#rock1051 #roadshow #paparoach #riseagainst #stickemup #FresnosRock1051 #halestorm #winnerwinnerchickendinner
Today’s #DeepCut takes us back to the 2009 Alice In Chains record “Black Gives Way To Blue” which was killer, but also a big deal because it was the first album without Layne. This one showcases Williams pipes pretty well. “Last Of My Kind”
#roadshow #rock1051 #aliceinchains #blackgiveswaytoblue #lastofmykind
@aftershockfestival lineup coming next week!! Final guesses on who’s coming this year???
#aftershockfestival #rockroadtrip #rawkshow
Today’s #DeepCut is for those that (correctly) point out that my cuts aren’t typically that deep. We’re going bac to 2000 for a track from A Perfect Circle’s debut album. “Orestes”
#roadshow #rock1051 #aperfectcircleband #orestes #MerDeNoms
Get ready to rock! 🤘🏼 HARDY is bringing The JIM BOB World Tour to Save Mart Center on June 5! With special guests Koe Wetzel, Stephen Wilson Jr., and McCoy Moore. Tickets on sale starting Friday, Feb 14th @ 10AM local! 🎉 Listen up for your shot to win your way. 3-7 on The Road Show with @rashrock1051
@savemartcenter #hardy #jimbobworldtour
Friday’s #Deepcuts are for fun and I can’t think of a band that is more fun that punk rock super team up (I like that better than super group) Me First & The Gimmie Gimmies. Every album has a pretty decent theme but I’m from Clovis so we’re pulling one from “Love Their Country” check out Desperado!
#rock1051 #roadshow #mefirstandthegimmegimmes #desperado #thesongelaine
Todays #DeepCut takes us back to the mid 90’s for some killer industrial rock from Stabbing Westward. The final singal from their Wither Blistet Burn & Peel album “Shame” is a pretty underratted track.
#rock1051 #roadshow #stabbingwestward #shame #witherblisterburnandpeel #industrialmusic #industrialrock
Todays #DeepCut takes us back to 2006 when Marc, Travis, and Tom were…. Having creative differences. While Tom was working on #angelsandairwaves Marc and Travis were keeping busy with a project of their own. +44 - “When Your Heart Stops Beating”
#rock1051 #roadshow #plus44 #blink182 #whenyourheartstopsbeating #boxcarracer
#Shhhhhh…. But the @Wendy’s secret menu maybe real after all…
#donttellanyone #trexburger #roadshow #rock1051
For todays #DeepCut we’re taking you back to last night’s FIRE AID benefit in LA. Awesome show all around and if you can please donate at FIREAIDLA.ORG The high light for me was the reunion of Nirvana. Dave, Krist and Pat back together for a great cause and they had some special guest handling the vocals. This will probably get muted but still. Nirvana w/ Violet Grohl - “All Apologies”
#fireaidla #redcross #roadshow #rock1051 #nirvana #allapologies
Today’s #DeepCut takes us back to the year that was 2003… 🤔🤔🤔 #sureaboutthat ??? Vampire Rock Kings Type O Negative. “I don’t Want To Be Me”
#rock1051 #roadshow #typeonegative #idontwanttobeme #dracularockmusical