Anas Benzougagh

Anas Benzougagh Mend your garden. افضل صفحة لافضل Moroccan Gaming Community.


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Ever feel torn between being there for your friends and guarding your own energy? In this video, we dive into the challenges of offering a listening ear without sacrificing your well-being. Join me as we explore strategies to set healthy boundaries, understand when you're truly available, and learn how to support loved ones without feeling obligated or overwhelmed. Whether you're a natural caregiver or just looking to reclaim some personal space, this conversation is for you. Let's redefine what it means to be a good friend and a mindful listener together.

self-care, boundaries, active listening, mental health, relationships, emotional well-being, caregiving, communication skills, personal growth, friend support, emotional availability, setting limits, mindful listening, life advice, healthy relationships


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Ever wondered what kind of content fuels my creativity and keeps me inspired? In this video, I’m sharing the types of books I love to read and the YouTube channels and podcasts I can’t get enough of. Whether you're looking for thought-provoking reads, motivational podcasts, or entertaining and educational YouTube channels, this list has something for everyone!

Books I Love to Read:

📚 Book 1: How to Win Friends & Influence People
📚 Book 2: The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich
📚 Book 3: The Courage to Be Disliked
📚 Book 4: The Courage to Be Happy

YouTube Channels I Follow:


Podcasts I Listen To:

Let me know in the comments what books, channels, or podcasts you enjoy! Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe for more recommendations.

✨ Time Stamps:
0:00 - Intro
0:49 - Books I Iove to read
5:20 - Favorite YouTube/Podcasts Channels


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Welcome to my fitness journey! 🚀 In this video, I’m sharing my complete workout routine, diet plan, and the supplements I use to stay on track. Whether you’re a beginner or looking for fresh ideas to elevate your fitness game, this video has something for everyone. 💪

Here’s what I’ll cover:
✅ My gym workout split and favorite exercises.
✅ The diet plan I follow to fuel my body and reach my goals.
✅ A breakdown of the supplements I trust for energy, recovery, and overall health.

Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more fitness tips and updates on my progress. Let’s crush our goals together! 🏋️‍♂️🔥

Gym Workout
Diet Plan
Fitness Supplements
Health and Wellness
Muscle Building
Fat Loss Tips
Healthy Lifestyle
Workout Motivation
Fitness Goals
Would you like me to tailor this further or focus on a specific aspect?

📚 Free tip, read the caption:The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey is a self-help book that provid...

📚 Free tip, read the caption:
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey is a self-help book that provides a holistic approach to personal and professional effectiveness. Covey outlines seven principles, divided into three categories, to help individuals achieve meaningful success:

1. Private Victory (focusing on self-mastery):

Habit 1: Be Proactive – Take responsibility for your actions and focus on what you can control.

Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind – Define clear personal and professional goals.

Habit 3: Put First Things First – Prioritize tasks based on importance, not urgency.

2. Public Victory (improving relationships and teamwork):

Habit 4: Think Win-Win – Seek mutually beneficial solutions.

Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood – Practice empathetic listening before sharing your views.

Habit 6: Synergize – Leverage diverse strengths for better outcomes.

3. Continuous Improvement:

Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw – Regularly renew yourself physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

The book emphasizes principles like integrity, fairness, and collaboration, making it a timeless guide for personal growth and leadership.

Success is in the work you're avoiding.

Success is in the work you're avoiding.

Don't Believe Everything You Think: Why Your Thinking is the Beginning & End of Suffering by Joseph Nguyen explores the ...

Don't Believe Everything You Think: Why Your Thinking is the Beginning & End of Suffering by Joseph Nguyen explores the idea that much of our suffering originates in our thoughts. The book draws on mindfulness, psychology, and spiritual wisdom to help readers understand the nature of thought and find freedom from mental anguish.

Here are 10 lessons from the book:

1. Thoughts Are Not Reality
Our thoughts often distort reality, creating unnecessary suffering. Learning to see thoughts as interpretations rather than facts can lead to mental clarity and peace.

2. Your Mind Creates Your Experience
The way you think about events shapes how you feel about them. By changing your perspective, you can alter your emotional response to life’s challenges.

3. Attachment to Thoughts Causes Suffering
Holding onto negative or limiting beliefs amplifies pain. Letting go of attachment to thoughts helps reduce mental and emotional distress.

4. You Are Not Your Thoughts
A crucial realization is that you are separate from your thoughts. Observing your thoughts without identifying with them creates space for freedom and growth.

5. Question Your Beliefs
Many beliefs are inherited or unexamined. Challenging long-held assumptions can dismantle limiting patterns and open the door to new possibilities.

6. Mindfulness is Key
Practicing mindfulness helps you become aware of your thoughts without judgment. This awareness allows you to respond thoughtfully rather than react emotionally.

7. The Present Moment is All That Exists
Much suffering arises from dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. Focusing on the present moment helps reduce mental clutter and enhances peace.

8. Freedom Comes From Letting Go
Clinging to outcomes, identities, or expectations creates mental resistance. Letting go allows you to flow with life and embrace its uncertainties.

9. Self-Awareness is Empowering
Understanding the patterns of your thoughts and emotions gives you the power to change them. Self-awareness is the first step toward transformation.

10. True Happiness Lies Beyond Thought
Joy and fulfillment are found in being, not in overthinking or striving. When you quiet the mind, you create space for peace, gratitude, and connection.

Don't Believe Everything You Think challenges readers to examine their relationship with their thoughts. By recognizing the power and limitations of the mind, you can free yourself from unnecessary suffering and embrace a more present, peaceful, and fulfilling life. The book provides practical tools and insights to help you break free from mental conditioning and live authentically.

🛑حافظ على رجولتك وهرمون التيستيرون لديك واحذر من هذه الأشياء التي تسلبك اياها :▪️1_ الإباhية والعادة السرية التي تمكنت م...

🛑حافظ على رجولتك وهرمون التيستيرون لديك واحذر من هذه الأشياء التي تسلبك اياها :

▪️1_ الإباhية والعادة السرية التي تمكنت من معظم شباب اليوم فإذا كنت تمارسها فتخلص منها بأسرع وقت وستلاحظ فرق رهيب بعد شهر في صوتك وأفعالك وغيرها الكثير من الفوائد وأهم شي أنها توبة لله عزوجل.

▪️2_مجالسة النساء والإكثار منه (من جالس قوماً كثيرا تشبه منهم) وسوف تلاحظ أن من يجالس النساء كثيرا ستجد فيه نوعاً من الميوعة والنعومه التي في أفعاله وكلامه واحيانا ستستغرب منه، لذالك حاول قدر المستطاع عدم الإحتكاك كثيراً بالنساء إلا للضرورة فقط، ومن يتحتم عليه عمله الإحتكاك بالنساء فليرسم بينه وبينهم حدودا لا يتعدونها ولا أنت تتعداها، (أغلبهن سوف يعتقدون أنك معقد وغيرها) لا تكترث لهذا الهراء المهم هو أن تحافظ على رجولتك

▪️َ3_ الإكثار من أغاني الحزن والعاطفة، هذا سوف يجعلك عاطفياً وبالتالي سوف يسهل التلاعب بك في أي وقت ومكان من قبل الناس، الأفضل هو تركها نهائياً بالتدريج ،

▪️4_الأكلات السريعة والحلوى وغيرها من الأشياء التي تضر جسمك، هذه الأشياء تصيبك بالسمنة وترفع هرمون الأستروجين الأنثوي لديك، فعليك بإستبدال هذه الأشياء بالأكل الصحي المفيد والتركيز على الأشياء التي ترفع من هرمون التيستيرون لديك وممارسة الرياضة.

▪️5_ الفراغ القاتل؛ احرص على اشغال نفسك بالرياضة دائماً وبما هو مفيد لك في حياتك ولا تدع مجالاً للفراغ فإنك ذالك يورث الكسل والخمول ومن ثم قتل هرمون التيستيرون لديك

"The 12 Secrets the Rich Don’t Want You to Know"We live in a world designed by the rich, for the rich. Everything from t...

"The 12 Secrets the Rich Don’t Want You to Know"

We live in a world designed by the rich, for the rich. Everything from the media you consume to the advice you’re given is carefully curated to keep you trapped in the rat race while they soar higher. It’s time to pull back the curtain and uncover the truths the wealthy don’t want you to know. Brace yourself, because what you’re about to learn may shatter every illusion you’ve been sold.

The first secret is that hard work alone won’t make you rich. Yes, they encourage you to hustle and grind, but they know the truth: the path to wealth lies in leverage, not labor. While you’re breaking your back working overtime, they’re using other people’s time, money, and skills to build empires.

Second, they want you to believe money is evil. The more you associate wealth with greed and corruption, the less likely you are to pursue it unapologetically. Meanwhile, they know that money is simply a tool—a powerful one that can amplify your impact if used wisely.

Third, savings won’t make you rich. They push the “save and invest in a mutual fund” narrative, but they don’t follow it themselves. They invest in high-risk, high-reward opportunities: startups, real estate, stocks, and businesses that multiply their wealth exponentially.

Fourth, the school system is a trap. They fund educational systems that teach you to be obedient employees, not critical thinkers or risk-takers. You’re taught to work for money, while they learn to make money work for them.

Fifth, tax laws are written for the wealthy. They know the loopholes, the incentives, and the strategies to legally avoid taxes, while you’re stuck paying a significant chunk of your income. Wealthy people own assets, not salaries, and assets are taxed differently.

Sixth, debt is a weapon—but only if you know how to wield it. They want you to fear debt, but the rich use it as a tool to acquire more wealth. They leverage other people’s money (OPM) to buy assets that generate cash flow and pay off the debt themselves.

Seventh, your consumerism funds their lifestyle. Every time you buy a new gadget, trendy clothes, or overpriced coffee, you’re putting money directly into their pockets. Meanwhile, they’re investing in assets that appreciate over time.

Eighth, connections matter more than talent. They don’t want you to know that access to the right people will open more doors than any degree or skillset. They build exclusive networks that perpetuate their wealth and keep outsiders at bay.

Ninth, time is their most valuable asset. They don’t waste it on distractions or meaningless tasks. They hire people to do what they can’t or won’t do, freeing up their time to focus on wealth-building strategies.

Tenth, the stock market is rigged in their favor. While you’re hoping your portfolio grows steadily, they have insider information, access to high-frequency trading, and the capital to manipulate markets to their advantage.

Eleventh, failure is their greatest teacher. They embrace setbacks as learning experiences and take calculated risks without fear. You’ve been taught to play it safe, but the rich know that big rewards require bold moves.

Finally, they thrive on your ignorance. The less you know about money, investing, and business, the more they can exploit your labor, time, and consumer habits to enrich themselves.

So what’s the takeaway, men? Stop playing the game they’ve rigged against you. Educate yourself about money, learn to think like an investor, and prioritize ownership over consumption. Break free from the chains of mediocrity, and start building your own empire. It’s time to outsmart the system and claim the wealth and power they don’t want you to have.

This is how th center of operation is looking. 🥷I'm cooking something right now.Updates soon.

This is how th center of operation is looking. 🥷
I'm cooking something right now.
Updates soon.

Stay small enough, long enough.GOD will make you big enough soon enough!

Stay small enough, long enough.
GOD will make you big enough soon enough!


🇲🇦 ✈️ 🇺🇸
تابعوني في الانستاغرام:

فيديو جديد على كيف تندوز نهار فرمضان حولنا مبدلو شوي ونحاولو نضحكو ونشطو معاكم في هذ الفيديو متنساوش تفاعلو مع الفيديو واشتركو في القناة

ملئ DS260
تسجيل في القرعة العشوائية الامريكية
ماذا بعد النجاح في القرعة الامريكية؟
تعزيز حظوظ القرعة الامريكية
الجنسية الامريكية
مغريبي في امريكا
مدينة الراشيدية
نيو يورك
طريقك الى امريكا
نصائح الهجرة الى امريكا
اش غدير فاش تجي لامريكا
طريقة للهجرة الى امريكا
مدينة سانفرانسيسكو
ولاية كاليفورنيا
وزون فامريكا
رمضان امريكا
رمضان فمريكان

❤ كيف العادة لي عينو فهاذ البلاد الله يفتحلو بيبان خير كيف فتحوم ليا ويوصل ليها ❤

رشداوي_فامريكا #
مغربي_فمريكان #
ملئ DS260
تسجيل في القرعة العشوائية الامريكية
ماذا بعد النجاح في القرعة الامريكية؟
تعزيز حظوظ القرعة الامريكية
الجنسية الامريكية
مغريبي في امريكا
مدينة الراشيدية
نيو يورك
طريقة للهجرة الى امريكا
مدينة سانفرانسيسكو
ولاية كاليفورنيا
وزون فامريكا


تابعوني في الانستاغرام:

⚠ هديك مشي زيت زيتون راه شراب ⚠
فيديو ولو طويل فيه التفاصيل ديال اثمنة في امريكا ديال المواد الغذائية.
بش نختمو هد الامر ديال المعيشة ومنعودوش نهضرو عليه

ملئ DS260
تسجيل في القرعة العشوائية الامريكية
ماذا بعد النجاح في القرعة الامريكية؟
تعزيز حظوظ القرعة الامريكية
الجنسية الامريكية
مغريبي في امريكا
مدينة الراشيدية
نيو يورك
طريقك الى امريكا
نصائح الهجرة الى امريكا
اش غدير فاش تجي لامريكا
طريقة للهجرة الى امريكا
مدينة سانفرانسيسكو
ولاية كاليفورنيا
وزون فامريكا
المعيشة في امريكا
مواد الغذائية

❤ كيف العادة لي عينو فهاذ البلاد الله يفتحلو بيبان خير كيف فتحوم ليا ويوصل ليها ❤

رشداوي_فامريكا #
مغربي_فمريكان #
ملئ DS260
تسجيل في القرعة العشوائية الامريكية
ماذا بعد النجاح في القرعة الامريكية؟
تعزيز حظوظ القرعة الامريكية
الجنسية الامريكية
مغريبي في امريكا
مدينة الراشيدية
نيو يورك
طريقة للهجرة الى امريكا
مدينة سانفرانسيسكو
ولاية كاليفورنيا
وزون فامريكا


Fremont, CA


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