A funny thing happened to me on the way to work the other day. I have lymphedema. If you don't know what that is, it's a disease that causes the lymph glands to be inefficient in my case, making my thighs look like Popeyes forearms. I've been living for this for years and as it's uncomfortable to sleep at a bed, I sleep in a reclining chair last Tuesday morning. I couldn't get out of it. We called the rescues call to get me out of my chair last Thursday morning. I couldn't get out of my chair so we called the ambulance to take me to the hospital. The he ER Doctor says do you work a lot? I say oh about 16 hours a day.He sqys how much sleep you get. I say oh at least 4 hours. Then he says You know you're 73 right? I say yes I am . He says those Go als don't go together right? You have to stop doing them and since I didn't want to stop being 73 till at least next year , we decided it would be best if I retired. Plus I have to do 30 days of rehab in order to be able to walk again., I will have some street cred because I've been in rehab. I'll keep pushing on Facebook updyate so you'll know how rehab is going and if I see any celebrities while I'm in rehab. I don't know what's next about life but something I'm sure.