Hi Filmmakers,
I was recently asked by a young filmmaker “when should I get my post people involved?”
My answer is, as soon as possible!!! During or even before pre-production. Post people are there to support the production and save you a lot of money, time and headaches.
I recently went to a shoot, first day luckily, and they were shooting with a RED One. I noticed they were shooting full 16:9. I asked the Director why he wasn't shooting 2:35 since this was a hopeful theatrical movie. He said he thought 16:9 was the same as 1:85. I said “it's not”. I also answered his second question “no, 1:85 is not the same as 2:35”. You can center crop 2:35 to fill a 16:9 screen easily or simply letterbox it for 16:9, I told him. Luckily not much time was wasted with the 16:9.
I recently did the color correction on a feature, and like 90% of indie filmmakers they came to me after they were done editing. The editor sent me a drive with all the R3D files, 7TB of footage, and an XML. Nothing re-linked. After a second looking through his XML I quickly realized that all his cuts on his XML had time codes in the minutes, no hours listed. At that point I checked all the R3d files to find them excellent. They were all recorded with the proper “time of day” SMPTE time code. So they all start with a designated hour. It seemed that all the footage was transcoded as H264 files to save space, but the program used maintained the source file names, but not the SMPTE time code. After many failed attempts to make something work, I re-transcoded all the footage for them to ProRes LT and the editor had to eye match all the cuts. Three months later I got a new XML and started the grade.
Just to say things don't always go that wrong on productions but, I have decades of experience in this industry and there isn't much I haven't seen and figured out a work around or a fix. Post people, because of the nature of where we are in the process have become real, everyday problem solvers. Most indie films go with a team of inexperienced post people for these reasons, friends, fellow students, and the number one reason, to save money. Take my advice and get at least one experienced post person, editor, colorist etc... to guide them. I can speak from my own experience and my job as colorist has always been the link between production and post. Back when everything was being shot on film, we colorists were in constant touch during the shoot with the Directors, Producers, Editors, and especially the DOPs. We scanned the film for the first time, after processing, creating dailies which the editors would cut with. We had to make sure that months later, sometimes in a different city, state or country that we or another colorist could use the editor's EDL, XML, or AAF to efficiently re-link back to the original negative for final color grading. So we also then created the elements for the VFX, and final finish as well. We have to really know all the work flows for every edit system, VFX and finish system. I have to say Colorists make the best Post Producers, Post Supervisors etc... or at leat as a consultant. Just think what some one with all that knowledge and experience could do for your next production.
Tom Rovak - Executive Producer / Sr. Colorist / Post Production Supervisor
A Division Of The Annex Studios
Commercials, Feature Films, Music Videos, Long Form
Color Correction, Dailies, Editorial, Finish/VFX
[email protected]
IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1652946/?ref_=rvi_nm
Website / Commercial Reel: http://colorist-rovak.com/