We all have preferences on how we consume information and entertainment.
Some of us like to listen as we drive to work...
Some of us like to read in a quiet space...
Some of us like to binge YouTube Videos...
The crazy part about today, is we have SO many options that we can find THE right medium for us.
One of those mediums is podcasts... and there isn't only one option. Anyone can make a podcast about anything with low costs.
Ever thought about making a podcast? (we can help)
What is your favorite to listen to?
What is a creator Studio? It's a space that you use to create, whatever you want to!
Want to batch out a ton of YouTube content but don't have the space at home or recording gear?
Want to record TikToks for your social media and use props, gear and backdrops to enhance creativity?
Want to take professional photography of your clients? Or DIY family photos?
That is what a creator space is for!!
I love to use the example of the movie Karate Kid.. You've heard of it surely, right? Most people have.
Yet, it is a very old movie with outdated visuals and camera gear.
The point? it's a GREAT story and still enjoyable to watch even though it's old and doesn't have the best visuals. Whereas, your typical Instagram content is beautiful image wise, but lacks anything memorable.
Make things timeless by making their foundation GREAT!
#digital #marketing #tips #smallbusiness #contentcreation
Curious to try? We can help you!
We have pro audio gear you can borrow for free during your rental and we have expertise to help teach you how to get started :)
Think you don't need 24/7 access? What about when your photography client says they need to do a shoot at night and you can't shoot outdoors?
Need to shoot at 7 a.m and want to have everything already set up? You can do that here.
Our bed is on wheels to make it easy to move around your prop! Check out our green screen wall here too ;)
This is a bit of a trick post... because the "top" techniques are always going to be some different version of the same thing. That "same thing" is a story... whether you take a still photo or an 8k video...
What makes content GREAT rather than forgetable or uninteresting to algorithms...
Is the STORY you tell. Would you rather watch a black and white movie with an incredible story and plot OR a beautifully filmed 8k quality, "stupidly themed and boring, uninterestingly plotted "movie"?
Focus on your story. Even if it's a still photo, still photos can bring about emotion and make humans CRY. Think about that and you'll do just fine!