The Unique TonyaLe

The Unique TonyaLe Inspirational Psychic Medium To become a VIP click on button at the top of the page. Hola! I am SO Blessed you are here! I was completely overwhelmed with grief.

"Change your mind & you change your life" International Psychic/Spiritual Counselor/Physical Medium/Remote Viewer/Angelic Healer/Inner-Child, Shadow Worker/Life Coach/ Angelic Healer helping with past/current/future, love life, marriage, family, friends, money, career, spirituality. Let me tell you a little about me and why I do what I do! I activated and redeveloped my gifts after massive grief!

I lost my Mother, my husband's Grandparents that I Loved deeply, then after 14 years with my Husband I lost him only 4 months after he became ill. Then my Brother was found passed away in his home and I viewed his body after two weeks of decomposing. I had to push myself out of that black pit that grief puts us in & after much studying & self discovery, I was reconnected with my psychic skills. During this process I was able to reflect & see that these were the same gifts I had been using all the time. That those were real spirits I had been seeing, and that were guiding me my whole life. I was able to enhance them to a higher level, so that I can help others. I really & truly know what it feels like to be in your position, wanting answers and connection so desperately. This is why I am here & why I do what I do! I operate from a place of love & acceptance! It isn't always easy, but it can be done! Once we figure out that love is the highest energy & that words are worth more than and currency, then anything of light is possible! It would be a honor to be a part of your journey, whether it is straight channeling to a lost love one, reading cards, intuitive readings, healing past trauma with counseling, inner-child or shadow work, perform Angelic Healing with my energetic tools, assisting knowing who your your spirit guides, angels, past lives, or life coaching you into self discovery. Life purpose is all we have. To know our meaning in life we need to know our gifts, once we know this then our purpose is to give it away in love! Whatever it is that you are searching for it would be my honor & privilege to help you find it! I look forward to connecting with you! Be Blessed! The Unique Tonya Le

Mentorship Subscription - My Patreon page "The Unique Tonya Le"
Affordable plans available for those that want that one on one personal guidance throughout their spiritual journey, and opening up their gifts. Or Making a monthly donation to support my work in the spiritual community or in the many activism issues my son and I are involved in. Become a Supporter only $4.99 - Listed here on my page. To show support for all the content I share with the world. There are benefits to supporting such as a Monthly Card, Support Group Meetings, Membership to a Private Group, Discounts, Exclusive Content and so much more!

💜💙💜Claim it Beautiful Souls 💜💙💜

💜💙💜Claim it Beautiful Souls 💜💙💜

Shrek’ was actually based off of a real person named Maurice Tillet. He was a French wrestler who married an beautiful w...

Shrek’ was actually based off of a real person named Maurice Tillet. He was a French wrestler who married an beautiful woman named Olga.

Maurice Tillet was a French professional wrestler, better known by his ring name, The French Angel. Tillet was a leading box office draw in the early 1940s and was twice World Heavyweight Champion by the American Wrestling Association run by Paul Bowser in Boston.
Via: The Unique TonyaLe

💕💜💕Affirmation for Today 💕💜💕

💕💜💕Affirmation for Today 💕💜💕

🦋🪬🧿Daily Guidance 🧿🪬🦋

🦋🪬🧿Daily Guidance 🧿🪬🦋

🌻🦋💜Buenas Dias Beautiful Souls! Have a Blessed Day 💜🦋🌻

🌻🦋💜Buenas Dias Beautiful Souls! Have a Blessed Day 💜🦋🌻

💜💖💕Late Night Thoughts 💕💖💜

💜💖💕Late Night Thoughts 💕💖💜

💫 Share the inspiration! Like, comment, and spread the positivity!💫A woman who knows how to love herself is an Unstoppab...

💫 Share the inspiration! Like, comment, and spread the positivity!💫

A woman who knows how to love herself is an Unstoppable Force… ❤️ 🌹 👸 ⚔️ ❤️

Dear Men.
How to Love a Woman Who Knows Exactly
How to be Loved~🌹
If you have found a woman (or man!) who knows exactly how to be loved, don’t run away.

If she intimidates you, tell her. She will laugh ~ a real, genuine laugh ~ with surprise, and you will immediately feel more comfortable.

You must realize that the qualities some would call “demanding” or “high maintenance” are simply confidence. This woman will not settle for anything less than the love she deserves; she expects to receive love in equal measure to that which she freely offers.

A woman who knows exactly how to be loved is “pushy.” She is fierce. She is lovably, infuriatingly stubborn. Love her for it. (What else could you do?)

Love her as she loves herself and as she might love you: without reservations.

She is the free spirit dancing on stage. She is the stranger who holds eye contact far longer than normal. She is the wild one who chooses when ~ and if ~ to approach. She is the quiet one whose heart yet burns with self-knowing.

Does she know everything?

No. She knows nothing at all. She knows that she knows nothing.

Only, she knows what she needs.

This woman ~ this unabashedly open, introspective being ~ might seem fearless.

Is she afraid?

Yes. She is as scared of love and heartbreak, as vulnerable as everyone else.

And still, she embraces it all.

The walls she builds are of straw ~ in the face of passion they quickly burn.

She will tell you exactly how she needs to be loved because she knows this. You will not need any other how-to’s; after all, who could better instruct you than your lover herself?

If you listen carefully, you shouldn’t be too confused. She will probably repeat herself often and might write verses on “how to love a woman who knows exactly how to be loved.”

She is a letter-writer, a note-leaver, a poem-sharer. She loves to understand the world through words ~ not least of all herself.

She loves for the world to understand her through words.

Now, do you know how to be loved?
Do you know what you need?

A woman who knows exactly how to be loved will want to know. She will ask you these questions and be surprised when you cannot answer as quickly as she.
Ask for her patience as you take time to think
about it.
Finally, if you want to know how to love a woman who knows exactly how to be loved, go ask her.
She will tell you all you need to know.

Creator and Author.✍️
Mike Harrigan.
I Am.
You Are.
We Are.
Global Consciousness
Via: The Unique TonyaLe

This should be fun......

This should be fun......

🌻🧚‍♂️🌻Affirm this Beautiful Souls 🌻🧚‍♂️🌻

🌻🧚‍♂️🌻Affirm this Beautiful Souls 🌻🧚‍♂️🌻

🦋🧚‍♂️💙Something to Think About Beautiful Souls! Like, comment and share these inspirational words. If you're looking for...

🦋🧚‍♂️💙Something to Think About Beautiful Souls! Like, comment and share these inspirational words. If you're looking for spiritual guidance book 💙🧚‍♂️🦋

🌻🪶🧚‍♂️A Message from Your Angels 🧚‍♂️🪶🌻

🌻🪶🧚‍♂️A Message from Your Angels 🧚‍♂️🪶🌻

💜🦋💜Claim it Beautiful Souls 💜🦋💜

💜🦋💜Claim it Beautiful Souls 💜🦋💜

“Kindness in words creates confidence, kindness in thinking creates profoundness, kindness in giving creates love.”    L...

“Kindness in words creates confidence, kindness in thinking creates profoundness, kindness in giving creates love.” Lao Tzu
Via: The Unique TonyaLe

🪬🦋🧿Daily Guidance 🧿🦋🪬

🪬🦋🧿Daily Guidance 🧿🦋🪬

💕🌻🙏🏼Buenas Dias Beautiful Souls! Have a Blessed Day 🙏🏼🌻💕

💕🌻🙏🏼Buenas Dias Beautiful Souls! Have a Blessed Day 🙏🏼🌻💕

I truly hope you know they still walk with you and watch over you every day. I am blessed mine is still here, but I know...

I truly hope you know they still walk with you and watch over you every day. I am blessed mine is still here, but I know many are not. May you not spend today sad, but instead rejoice in the time spent with them and all that they gave while they were here. Life is a short journey back home enjoy every minute of it Beautiful Souls 🦋🌻🙏🏼

💜🦋💜Affirm this Beautiful Souls 💜🦋💜

💜🦋💜Affirm this Beautiful Souls 💜🦋💜

🌻🪶🧚‍♂️Message from Archangel Michael 🧚‍♂️🪶🌻

🌻🪶🧚‍♂️Message from Archangel Michael 🧚‍♂️🪶🌻

Balance = Alignment

Balance = Alignment

💜🧿💜Claim it Beautiful Souls 💜🧿💜

💜🧿💜Claim it Beautiful Souls 💜🧿💜

THE LOSS OF A FATHERIs the anchor pulled from the seabed the steering wheel unhingedthe mast split by lightning and the ...


Is the anchor pulled from the seabed
the steering wheel unhinged
the mast split by lightning
and the bow broken by storm.

The ship that you sailed
until now
feels unsafe
no longer weather-proof
and without direction
or brave heart
to speed its way.

Perhaps you did not even know
that he was your compass
that you gazed upon his lead
like a North-star in the night.

He gave you all of this
you see
without notice or congratulation
continuously guiding
always showing the way
in the way he knew how.

And whilst you are cast adrift
I know this to be true
you will anchor yourself once more my friend
when you realise
that his voice still speaks
still guides
still brings brave heart your way
in the roughest of storms .

And the answers you seek
he already planted deep
within your heart
for he knew one day

you would need to sail alone.

So he buried little pieces of himself
within your heart
your mind
your spirit
and your soul

little breadcrumbs of love
to show the way


Donna Ashworth
From ‘LOSS’:

Via: The Unique TonyaLe

🦋🌻🧚‍♂️Buenas Dias Beautiful Souls! Have a Blessed Day 🧚‍♂️🌻🦋

🦋🌻🧚‍♂️Buenas Dias Beautiful Souls! Have a Blessed Day 🧚‍♂️🌻🦋

💕 Let's inspire together! Like, share, and comment on this quote to spread the positive vibes💕Karma and Trauma Re – Acti...

💕 Let's inspire together! Like, share, and comment on this quote to spread the positive vibes💕

Karma and Trauma Re – Activation

Did you know that every time you talk about an unhealed wound or trauma, you re-activate it in your emotional, spiritual and physical bodies? As you speak, or even think, about an old issue, you experience it as if it is happening right now. Since your subconscious mind does not know the difference between current experience and past memory, for all intents and purposes, the trauma or negative experience is happening now.

When you re-activate old painful memories, your thoughts, words and emotions create a negative karmic energy that you unknowingly project out into your future. This karmic energy manifests in more painful experiences, similar to the original issue. In other words, when issues come up without resolution, a karmic loop or pattern develops.

Each time this karmic pattern manifests in real life situations, you re-experience the original wound and the current hurt simultaneously. When this occurs, it is a powerful opportunity to heal the past wound by healing the current one.

Unfortunately, when an issue is re-activated, instead of using it as a healing opportunity, many of us react by pushing the wounds down with numbing substances like food, drugs, internet, Facebook, TV, and a long list of other distractions.

Unhealed issues get stored in the body, until we release them. The body obliges as a storehouse for emotional wounds but it does take its toll, especially if issues are accumulated for long periods of time. Storing wounds in the body eventually weakens the body and invites illness and disease, as well as causing depression, fatigue, stress and weight gain. The good news is that the body is ready to release issues, the moment you are.

When an unhealed issue is re-activated, don’t just push it down – take the time to finally heal it. This means creating intentional space to feel your emotions and allow the issue to process through to Healing. Once you allow yourself to fully experience these emotions for the first time, without resistance, you will innately know what path to healing is right for you.

Wounds are meant to be healed. We are not meant to spend our lives carrying around past issues and hurts. Unhealed issues weigh us down, keep us asleep and prevent us from consciously creating. It is only our personal issues that stop us from experiencing our greatest potential. Holding onto issues keeps us limited and unable to reach that mountain top.

Because of the shifts going on in the collective consciousness and the higher energy now available on this planet, it has never been easier to release old issues. In fact, issues are now coming to the surface to be resolved. This is why so many of us are experiencing familiar challenges. Wounds want to be healed and issues want to be released, but you have the last say. None of this can happen until you are ready and willing.

You are meant to be free and clear of emotional burdens. You are meant to live a limitless life with an abundance of love and creativity. You are meant to stand on the mountain top with arms stretched wide – willing to receive your grandest dreams. The Universe is listening.

Nanice Ellis
Artist: Unknown
Via: The Unique TonyaLe


JoeJoe and I are making Dandelion tinctures together.

I would like to remind you that it’s the time of year to see turtles crossing our roads. Please give them a brake and if...

I would like to remind you that it’s the time of year to see turtles crossing our roads. Please give them a brake and if possible help move them along. I'm not asking you to jeopardize your safety but if you can, please help. Make sure you nudge them in the direction they were headed or your help could have been in vain. Please whatever you do DO Not remove the turtle from the area in which you found it . Simply move the turtle safely off the road in the same direction in which it was traveling .
Turtles everywhere thank you. 🐢💚.....
Via: The Unique TonyaLe

“For a seed to achieve its greatest expression, it must come completely undone. The shell cracks, its insides come out a...

“For a seed to achieve its greatest expression, it must come completely undone.
The shell cracks, its insides come out and everything changes.
To someone who doesn't understand growth, it would look like complete destruction.”

- Cynthia Occelli
Via: The Unique TonyaLe


Southwest Fort Worth
Fort Worth, TX





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Who is Tonya Le? What is she about? Why does she do this work & how does she do it?

Why in the world am I a Psychic?

It is a long story to long to post in here. What I will say is that I come from a very screwed up background. So bad that in fact by the time I was 10yrs old, I left home and lived on the streets until almost 11yrs old. I grew up in a time frame that there was not help for abused children like me. We were called "throw away kids" (a real term you can look it up). So between shelters , children & foster homes, I never found a place where I could belong or call home. So at 13yrs old I became my own parent and started working 2 jobs, got my first car, and first little bitty home in the hood. It was mine and clean. I was a happy as I could be in the given situation.

During all that time I always knew I had someone guiding me. I did not know much about God, because it was not talked about, and when I tried to ask questions & learn, beatings always followed. I knew something or someone was there helping me guiding through the crazy & dangerous situations I was always in. I did have imagery friends. (Now know were spirits) As I got older I realize God was always with me. He had loving spirits, and his angels around me the whole time. There is so much more I could write, but that is for another time and place. More info in my book that will be released soon.

So let's fast forward to now. After the loss of my Mother and her battle with cancer. I became deathly ill, and spent two years fighting for my life with 3 major surgeries. Those in and out experiences I kept to myself. I was not sure if was real or the drugs, so I said nothing to anyone. I finally conquered that, and got on my feet again. Then my husband fell ill and in four months after his diagnoses, I was forced to put him in hospice where he died at the age of 33. I was blessed and cursed to hold his hand and look him in the eyes as he took his last breath. Then 5 months later my brother was found dead in his apartment. They said he had been dead a week before being found, and two week by the time I identified him for myself. I was drowning in grief, to the point I was entertaining su***de thoughts.

Other Digital creator in Fort Worth

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