Holy Temple, Inc.

Holy Temple, Inc. Multi-Media Studio Photos Music and Video Recording


William C. Scott, II

When the Wind blows...
Leaves tremble
And shudder
for the ecstasy
Of a shaken Nature…
Supported by an Anchored Stem.

When Fire cackles
And dances her witchly flames,
Tinder withers…
A dire note of surrender
and the Transfiguration occurs.

When Waters swell
and Life, suspended gasps,
As not to breathe…
Fishes flounder,
and wash ashore but…
Great Whales bellow, “Return ...”

When the Earth moves
And Tall Mountains tumble
into hot Lava Liquids,
- Somewhere -
A tiny sprout strains against the fate
of a sidewalk crack…
And dreams elsewhere,
Fields are Free.


There is another side of the creation story that is emerginging from obscurity. It is the role, that women have played, since before time.


Have you recognized... that the Salvation of Mankind, has already meant the utter destruction of Gaia... the Earth ?


The truth of alien involvement in the human creation story is undeniable. A nother truth is the series of global floods. But today... I have learned about the great alien wars that took place in pre-history and forced humans to live in caves and underground. Several cultures speak of those world destructive battles... but the details are told by the Olympians against the Titans. The battle for Earth was just an incidental battlefield for a Galactic Empire... After the smoke cleared.... the efforts to restore the damages gave way to global slavery and in*******se with earth females. The outcome of that war and its battles, set the stage for the reality of Monotheism.


To the Light of Night
By William C. Scott, II

Shadowed by the Light of Night, I sail…
Upon the wanton whispers of wistful wishes,
Barely observational, I ride in darkened wail
A steed of bright and hallowed wing,
To where yon gloried angels sing.

They to my face, are not untoward;
Having accustomed this grotesque visage
To that victory of Love and Life, that shard
In battle, my countenance horrid;
Flailed away, upon evil torrid.

And passing there, like waters healing,
Their sweet voices… pour upon me,
That fine adieu from honeyed lips… a noted pealing.
Soft with feeling, they breathe into my heart,
A deeper sense of calm, to ease my urgent, but distant mark.

Where unto I sail to you, with mended soul unbroken,
To peer, in Morning’s rounded sphere, what life so often misses:
To deliver, this which goes unseen, unheard, my tender token.
No battle cry today my pet, but memories, divine… where
I watch from above and toast my Love, with sweet, but salty wine.


Separating Need from Desire and Learning to Prioritize them Properly, is an extremely important Life Lesson.
Let God provide Both


Thought For the Week: A person can have you in their mind for good, or for bad.... If for good, they are in the best position to receive the good. But if for bad, they are also in the best position to receive the bad. Don't join them. Enlist the protection of the Holy Spirit. He is infinitely more capable of handling the situation than you are.


My Testimony for the day. When there is a person in your life that seems at first to be for you... and then they change and treat you badly... don't worry about letting them go.... if... you are living in God's Grace. He will provide someone even better.

Where I live is near the top of the mountain.... It is called Boquete. The expat community is having a huge impact here....

Where I live is near the top of the mountain.... It is called Boquete. The expat community is having a huge impact here... and personally... I think the impact is more negative than positive.


I Love you. You may not know it. You may not even care. My Love probably mean little, or nothing, to you... in reality. It does not put food on your table. It does not comfort you when you are lonely. It does not give you peace when your tears are rolling down your cheeks and sadness has wrapped itself around your heart like a dark cloak. It does not pay your bills. But I Love you.

I am sad that you are sad. I wish you were not Lonely. I wish that all your best dreams were coming true. Even though they do not include me. I Love you, because God made you. I Love you because God created in me, a person who would die... to protect you from evil. I Love you because something inside of you connected with something inside of me... even if it was just for a brief moment, in the illusion of time.

I don't expect you to Love me back. I doubt that you even know how. You have too many strings, too many things, too many chains, expectations, misconceptions, fears, and connections, holding you back. Only two, or maybe three of you are free. Free to Love. Free to be, whom you truly are. You pity me, because you feel my pain, but the pity is actually yours. You care about me. And for that I am truly grateful. But you are not able to truly Love me, so I accept that reality. No hard feelings.

You have what you have... and I have what I have. I think you will never be able to Love anyone... the way you would love to Love them. Uncorrupted Love, is a brief and momentary experience in the reality of this world. To Love... is to live in the presence of God, without shame, without regret, without greed, without selfishness, without malice. True Love, is to.... Live Without.... no matter what... and Come What Come May.

So, but... I don't need you in my Life... to Love you. You can't reach me. With all the strings that bind you. And You probably wouldn't fit very well. With all the baggage that you carry. But I venture to hope, that you might have... at the very least... a small understanding of what it means... when I say... I will still always Love you.... anyway.


In View of AI and the Reality of Androids.... God Knew...
That the Most Perfect Creature He could create,
Would be one with Imperfections.


I don't know hw many of you are keeping up with it... but a Bipartisan committee has met and interviewed several Retired Senior Officers of the Air Force, whom have become whistleblowers concerning Alien, or (Non-Human), Entities and Technology. They have not only revealed the existence of both, they have revealed that there has been armed conflict regarding the shooting down of the spacecrafts over Alaska and they are calling for the release of the videos to the public.

They indicate that the Alien crafts have not been violent toward humans and have shown that they could easily destroy human technology including our most sophisticated aircraft and weaponry. But of course... humans have reacted with violence towards them. There is evidence that this behavior has resulted in serious injury and even death to some humans.

For the first time... this committee is taking on the responsibility of creating a process of transparency and accountability for the Military Industrial Complex and tracking down how they are receiving Funds and Dark Money from the Government as Eisenhower warned over seventy years ago.

due to the recent incidents with the US shooting down the Alien crat... they have become more present around our military installations and nuclear locations. Military and civilian encounters have increased dramatically and new types of Alien crafts are appearing in close encounters. Because of trust in the high ranking officials... other military pilots, Public Airlines Pilots and other personnel are coming forward to share their experiences.

One thing is evidently obvious.... The Long Time Question has been Officially answered. We are not alone. Have not been alone for eons. And now that the Anunnaki have abandoned the moon and left us to our fate... we are being probed to determine our level of scientific progress. We are desperately trying to reverse engineer much of the Alien technology we have acquired since the 1940's but it is obvious that we are hundreds, even thousands of years behind. We are still using fossil fuels while they are using quantum technology and exotic elements unavailable to this planet. We are still Three Dimensional while they are Interdimensional.

It seems that our protectors at the Interplanetary Council have decided that we have reached the limits of our Spiritual Development and that we will never outgrow our animalistic Atrocities towards one another. This is very unnerving when you consider that the Reptilians (Satan) have always sought our complete destruction... under the guise of Human Development. They put nuclear weapons into the hands of Hybrid Neandertals and taught them to think of themselves as Gods.


Today I would like to share a Knowledge that some people may not know. It could be considered a Christian Knowledge, but even some pastors don't know this. It is the knowledge that there are Three Hells in the Bible... but they are all referred to as "Hell." So, without a little insider knowledge, one might not know which hell is being spoken of.

The three hells are Sheol... Hades... and Gehenna. I had one pastor argue with me that those were the same hell in three different languages. That can not be true because those three names are for three different locations. What are the three locations?

Sheol... is the Grave. It is described as a place of Darkness where one knows nothing, experiences nothing... a place of Sleep. It is where God commanded all of us to go to await the call of the angel's trumpet. The trumpet will sound and all the souls will be called forth from the grave for Judgement.

But not everyone goes to the grave and sleeps in darkness. Some fear death, struggle against death and find themselves as Disembodied Souls. Old folks use to call these people... The Dead. Because the obedient ones sleeping in the grave were counted among the Living. Other wandering souls are those who deliberately exit the body upon death, perhaps thinking that it is the thing to do... or that it is the natural course of events to simply exit the body. After all, they have probably practiced leaving the body more than once.

But exiting the body is a dangerous practice for a number of reasons and should not be done for power or wealth. And surely should not be done without the alliance of a Familiar, to protect the body while it is empty of its soul. But when the time comes for the Body to expire, it cannot be saved and such persons simply exit it.

Because this act was not expressly forbidden, and so many die in fear, it has become a common practice for persons to exit the body upon death. This was once considered disobedience and such souls were considered to be the actual dead. However...

The compassion of God and His Christ has been extended to those Disembodied Souls, or Wandering Souls. Before Christ, they either wandered the Earth or they went to the second Hell, Hades. Hades is the place of Suffering or Punishment. The Catholics call it Purgatory. It is where the Rich man was who cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame. He was in Hades... the place of Suffering and Torment.

When we profess that Christ died and descended into hell for three days, He rescued some of those wandering souls and he rescued some of those from Hades. What was the criteria for their salvation? According to scripture they only had to accept it. Those who exited in fear and/or ignorance... were offered mercy. Others rejected the opportunity.

As for the third hell... that is Gehenna... the final death... the Lake of Fire. This is the hell most of us think of when we hear the term Hell. No one is in that hell... yet. There will be those who will be cast into the lake of fire... according to scripture. But that time has not arrived yet. When people speak of the place of eternal suffering they are usually thinking of Hades.

So where are those souls rescued from wandering the earth and from Hades? They are described as being in a Place that Jesus prepared for them under the Alter of God. In the Father's house there are many mansions. They sometimes cry out to God... How Long must they continue to wait.... but they are told that there are many other's like them whom are martyred for the Word of God and for being faithful in their testimony. They were disobedient but they are believers. They also await judgement.

The Scriptures relating to them also speak of them being resurrected, or reincarnated... but that is another story. And since many Christians are told not to believe in reincarnation... even though Jesus himself spoke of reincarnation... I won't dwell on the subject. But according to Scripture, the martyrs will be one of the groups included in the army of Jesus when He returns as a Warrior and King.

All of this is Scripture... if you search for it. Its obscure because Christian Leadership does not want people to think there is an opportunity for salvation beyond death. They do not want people to believe in the Great Resurrection. They do want people to believe in the Rapture... even though the rapture they describe is a lie that has been made up... from three different events of the Bible., squashed together and called the Rapture. But... "Let no one in any way deceive or entrap you, for that day will not come until the apostasy comes first [that is, the great rebellion, the great deception, the abandonment of the Faith by professed Christians], and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, the Antichrist, the one who is destined to be destroyed. 2nd Thessalonians.

If you have read this... May the Love of God, the Peace of Jesus and the Grace of the Holy Spirit rest, rule and abide with you and yours, henceforth now and forevermore.... Amen.

No Words... Mama

No Words... Mama

Some Loves Never Die... Happy Mother's Day Mami...

Some Loves Never Die... Happy Mother's Day Mami...

Happy Mother's Day to my Spiritual Daughter...

Happy Mother's Day to my Spiritual Daughter...


Have a Happy and Blessed Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to my Darling Daughter

Happy Mother's Day to my Darling Daughter


FACT: Jesus spoke Aramaic. The Aramaic word for God is... Allah. Jesus prayed to Allah (The God) and called Him Abba (Father).

It is vividly clear to me... at this point in my life... that I am living on the Prayers, Hopes and Dreams... of Dead Pe...

It is vividly clear to me... at this point in my life... that I am living on the Prayers, Hopes and Dreams... of Dead People.



First of all... I am not writing this for personal pity. No one owes me anything. I am responsible for my own happiness and well being. That said... we are also a community that claims to have a sense of responsibility for one another. I participate in that. I share. I support. I try to show my appreciation as a person with disabilities, who often needs assistance in Public Places and Spaces.

My battle is my own... to stay relevant. To be involved. To feel like a valuable member of the group. But I seem to have some Social Issues that I think may be important to address. These issues are mine. But they are issues that I share with others who may struggle with the same concerns that I struggle with such as.... Number one: a Disabled Combat Veteran. There are many of us in this community. And number two: A Non-Ambulatory Amputee. As a Vietnam Veteran who saw Combat... I thank God that I never Killed another human being... I have been shot at. Fought in hand to hand combat. And chose not to kill when the opportunity was there. I was in two explosions and almost drowned twice... in one day. I saw my best friend blown to bits before my very eyes and I know what its like to have blood and guts all over your face and hands. I know the smell. I know the taste. And I have lived through it all. The most difficult aspect of my survival, was not the war. It was in coming home to the Indifference, the Fake, the Ignorance, the Insincerity, the Misplaced Desires, Warped Values and Absolute Insanity... of Society. An average of Twenty-Plus Combat Veterans fall every day in the US... to an Abject Government and a Dissociative, Depersonalized Society.

I don't expect my friends and family to Love me. They don't know how. As long as they Respect me. And when I express the Love that I have for a particular kindness, or consideration... it most often seems dismissed... or in the case of some women... taken as sexual innuendo. Another complication of life is when you are unable to express your true emotions without being misunderstood. And when that Veteran commits Su***de, no one pays much attention, but they feel so good, thanking us for our service. You are not thanking me for my Service. You (plural you) don't actually care. If you did, Veterans would have better care. You are thanking me, because I was willing to put my life on the line, for people who don't really and truly give a tinker's damn about me, nor what I go through on a daily basis, just to be here. Just to try and be social, to find a niche of so called Normality. You are thanking me, because once you hated me, for atrocities beyond my control. You thank me because you were wrong about me, but you (plural you) as a Society, as a People... have never held the true villain accountable.

Friends, Family and Loved Ones attack that Normality on a daily basis. Without knowing, without thinking, without intentionality... they are the ones who provide the feelings of being... Left Out, Misunderstood, Without Value, or Worth. So, we decide not to care, not to expect Validation, Care or Concern. You don't receive Certain Invitations. You get left out of Photos. People look at you strangely, when you try to be friendly, so maybe we just stop trying to be friendly.

I don't need to go into detail to present to you how persons in a Wheelchair could experience many of these same feelings. Invisibility... on one hand... and people being overly Intentional... to the point of being clearly Fake about having any real concern for you. Once you are out of sight, you are out of mind. They don't visit. They don't invite you out. Unless they want something from you. They are unwilling to share any Emotional Collateral, with you concerning the things that carry the most weight with you. Someone might say... Well, this is just normal society that everyone deals with. No it is not. Normal is inclusive. Normal is available. Normal is invested. Normal is companionship. Normal is outreaching. For me and others in my situation.... these attributes are Abnormal. Invisibility is normal. Isolation is normal. Unavailability is normal. Devaluation is normal. Lack of social interaction is normal. Lack of access is normal. If you think you are unable to make a difference, you are wrong.

But here is what I have personally found. Even as I experience all of these things and struggle with them... God provides me with someone... for a moment... who cuts through the fog and delivers... in that moment... a kindness, a thoughtfulness, a nearness, a hug... even a kiss... that nurtures my humanity and feeds my strength of will, to continue. Sometimes it is even a child. In these new moments where-in I am returning to society, making my presence known, despite the negatives I face, I have learned not to expect others to understand my depth of appreciation for their kindnesses. Not to assume that expressions of love towards me, can be reciprocated without sexuality being assigned to mine. Even when I have expressed that my Love for people exists on a Spiritual Plane, most people are just not able to comprehend Love... absent of carnality. They don't understand what I mean when I say that my Man, has been a dead man... for many years. I have not met the woman who is Spiritual enough, Sensual enough, Intellectual enough, Knowing enough...to resurrect the dead man that I am and have been for so long. I have no desire for what might be in the panties of the women around me... for more reasons than one.

They have sometimes told me, “Don't take their kindness for flirtations.” I tell them, “Don't take my Love... for sexual innuendo.” If I say that any person's kindness has nurtured me, given me something to embrace, in a moment that my heart and soul is able to receive and embrace.... that is not an application for a sexual encounter. It is an expression of how much it means to me... just to be seen. Sorry if your relationship with reality does not permit you to accept Love, above carnal implications. But, I am not even physically able... to respond to such social insanity.

So, if you are a person who has shown care for me, expressed love for me, shared a moment of social intimacy with me, bought me a drink, brought me a plate of food, sat down at my table and spoken to me, taken a photo with me, shaken my hand and smiled at me... Know this. My happiness is my responsibility alone, but your acts of Love, Kindness, Care and/or Concern, are attributes that can help a person like me, see another day. But I have learned not to expect you to understand, nor even fully comprehend... your responsibility for that. May God bless you and yours... and I thank you for helping me... to still be here. WilliaWilliam C Scott II


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We know the saying... Once the adult, twice the child. When illness strikes... and you have to depend on others for your personal hygiene... it can be a very humbling experience.

After one year of leaving the hospital... I went potty and cleaned myself yesterday. When my caretaker arrived... she was shocked 😲. I proudly pointed out... Look what I did...! God is good.



Fort Worth, TX





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