It’s Time to Kneel

It’s Time to Kneel It’s Time to Kneel is a page dedicated to encourage, empower, and equip the believer through prayer!


Dear God, You are all-knowing, all-present and all-powerful. I praise You for Your magnificence. I bring this prayer to You, that You would help me to be the witness for You that I want to be. Let all that I do and say today be honorable, good, true and pure. I desire that my words and my life will draw others to You. I pray that my heart, mind, eyes, hands, mouth and feet will do what is pleasing to You. Let me be your ambassador, bringing your love and message to others. Thank You for Your protection and guidance for me today. In the all-powerful name of Jesus I pray, Amen.


Dear Lord, please help me to escape evil desires and to experience Your precious promises and divine nature. Please help me to draw strength from You, that I might be full of Your power. Please help me to grow in knowing You, developing perseverance, doing Your will and loving others. Thank You for Your very great and precious promises over my life and that you speak "YES" to me each day for my promises in Jesus. And may You receive all of the glory at all times. In the powerful name of Jesus I pray, Amen.


Dear God, You are the Creator and Ruler of all. You are the Most High God, El Elyon, the God who rules Heaven and Earth. I lift You up and praise You for who You are, for Your great works and for Your great love. I thank You for Jesus, my Lord, my savior and my Great Intercessor, who supports me and lifts me and points me to You. You have shown me so much forgiveness, mercy and love. I long for a closer relationship with You and I need Your power to help me through this day. Please help me today and every day to come to You and to accept Your leading and Your blessings. May I be Your faithful servant and Your loving friend all the days of my life. In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.


Dear God, Please be near to me and guide me throughout this day. I submit to You, I resist all evil, I want to draw near to you and I humbly ask you to draw near to me. I ask You for wisdom for all of my conversations, all of my relationships, all of my endeavors, every area of my life. I desire to rely completely on You. Please change my small dreams into Your holy dreams. May I pursue all that is according to Your plans for my life. May Your desires for me become my desires. May You be my All in All, today and forever. Thank You my Lord Jesus. In the powerful name of Jesus I pray, Amen.


Dear God, Thank You for this new day. Thank You that in You I "live and move and have (my) being." I am blessed because You are a forgiving and loving heavenly Father and mighty God. You have done so much for me, and I am thankful to You for everything. I have witnessed Your hand of blessing and Your miraculous power in my my life and in the lives of those I love, and You keep on blessing us in each new day. Please forgive me for everything I have done which was not pleasing to You, I am so sorry. I thank You for Your forgiveness. Please keep me, my family and my church family safe from all evil, danger and harm. Help me to live this day with a positive and Christ-focused attitude, full of gratitude. Please clear my mind of all distractions so that I can hear from You in my time of prayer, my time in The Bible and as I listen for your Holy Spirit to guide me. Please direct my every step today. In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.


Dear God, I want to totally rely on You. Please increase my faith. I pray for my family and friends who are sick and who need Your healing touch in their lives, as James instructs...Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray...Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. Please heal them through the power of Your Holy Spirit. Please draw them to Yourself and let me be Your witness to them. Please change their lives for their good and for Your glory. These things I ask with a heart full of gratitude and love. In the all powerful name of Jesus I pray, Amen.


Dear God, Please give me an insatiable desire for spending more time with You in prayer, worship and reading my Bible. I call to You and I ask you to draw near to me. For the Lord is near to all who call upon Him, To all who call upon Him in truth. Open my eyes that I may see myself as You see me, as your beloved child. Please help me to see and love others from Your viewpoint. I want You to be the absolute center and guiding light of my life. I want to find You, I call out to You, I long for You to be near to me. For Your word says, Seek the Lord while He may be found, Call upon Him while He is near. Please refresh me so that I can walk with You in quiet places, in heavenly places and throughout all the days of my life into eternity. Thank You my Father God, my source of life. I bless You Lord. In the great name of Jesus I pray, Amen.


Dear God, I lift up Your name and praise You this day, and everyday are the days that You have made. You are the mighty God, creator of the universe, lover of mankind, sustainer of all, most magnificent and awesome father, most caring and devoted nurturer, most powerful, all-knowing and ever-present. How can I even count the ways that You are worthy of my praise? Thank You for Your gifts of love and life. Thank You for Your promise of eternal life with You through Your righteous Son Jesus Christ. Thank You for Jesus my Savior and for Your Holy Spirit who convicts and seals and guides me each day. Thank You for Your Word, The Bible, which illuminates, instructs, and leads me. I am grateful for who You are, all that You do and all that You will do. In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.

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Dear God, Thank You for Your loving hand of guidance in my life and thank You for Your love and discipline each day. When things don’t turn out as I desire, it’s usually because I’m not on the path you are directing me to or I’m doing something that would not bring about the best results for me, my loved ones and my friends. Please help me to turn to You in faith as You direct my path. I love You with all my heart. In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.


Food for Thought: Stop allowing your problems to plague you in the place where praise can raise you! Let God arise and His enemies be scattered! I declare every enemy of your purpose be brought to nought now! Lift up your heads, open your mouths, and declare the king of glory to intervene now! Know that God is greater than your past and your problems!


Dear God, Thank You for always being with me. You are in control, even when my life at times seems so out of control. Please help me to keep my entire focus on You. I want to spend time with You each day in prayer, in worship and in reading my Bible. I want to trust in You even in the midst of circumstances that I don’t understand. I humble myself before You. I ask that You will lift me up. Please provide my daily needs and give me the ability to help those who are in need, both spiritually and physically...those in my family, in my community, and around the world. Please guide me to work with my brothers and sisters in Christ to honor You, and to bless others in Your name. In the mighty name of Jesus I trust and pray, Amen.


Dear God, You know my name, my thoughts, my emotions and my fears. You have showered me with blessings and You have carried me through many valleys of pain and sadness. Thank You for the godly influences of special people in my life. Thank You for those who pray for me and those who encourage me. I thank You for the hard times and trials which You have brought me through, for You have been with me and those times have strengthened my faith. Thank You for giving me Your hope and for protecting my life. I praise You God, and I thank You for loving and accepting me. I choose You God and Your plans for my life. I worship You God, from whom all blessings flow. May I, in return, be a blessing to You and to all others. In the strong name of Jesus I pray, Amen.


Dear God, I need to learn to take one day at a time and not to worry about tomorrow. Today, I give all my worries and concerns to You. You are the all-knowing, all-powerful, ever-present, Almighty God. Please give me Your peace, grace, and wisdom for today. Lord, I also pray for the people in this world who are in need, in poverty, in unhappy homes, in abusive situations, in poor health and those facing other trials. Please embrace them and show them Your love, healing and restoration power. Let them know that You are God and that You care about them and You will give them Your peace, as Jesus promises. In the triumphant name of Jesus I pray, Amen.


Dear God, You are great and You do great things. I want to spend more time with You today. Please help me to make time to sit before Your throne, to talk with You in prayer and to worship you, read my Bible today so that I might know You more personally, tune my ear to hear Your voice so that I will know when to turn to the right or to the left and follow Jesus more closely. I trust You to guide me at all times. I want to thank You Jesus for your example of laying down Your life for me. Thank You for loving me and for calling me Your friend. In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.


Dear God, I want to know You more, to love You more, to serve you more. Please increase my hunger for Your Word and for Your presence in my life. Please help me to keep my heart humble; and to strengthen my commitment to Your ways. I want my heart's desire to be for You, and to use the Spiritual Gifts that you have given to me to love all others. Please forgive my sins and strengthen my spirit. Help me to know Your presence and to experience Your power as never before. Flow through me to reach those around me, for their blessing and for Your glory. Please cover me with Your blessings so that I may share Your love with others, and that I may be a blessing to You. In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.


Dear God, Thank You for opening Your arms and welcoming me to come to You, to find forgiveness from You, to find rest in You, to find freedom with You, to have abundant life through You. I cry out to You now for those who are heavy on my heart. I pray for those who are going through the fire and those who are going through the valleys. I pray for those who face difficulties and those who have come through trials and are triumphant because of You. Today I lift up in prayer those who are battling health issues as well as those who are facing job loss and financial challenges. I pray for Your grace and mercy, Your peace and love, Your hand upon each of their lives. I pray for miracles and healings. I pray that all who are weary will cry out to You and find rest in you, as they learn to trust You and I thank You for all that You have done and all that You will do. Thank You for hearing my prayers and for Your answers to my prayers today and in the future. May Your works and miracles in my life be a witness to others that You are God. In the powerful name of Jesus I pray, Amen.


Dear God, I trust that You will cause all things, including the bad things that happen, to work for my good. I love You and I thank You for calling me to Your purpose...And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. I thank You for your promises of hope and a future for me...For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord , thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Whatever happens, I know that You are with me and You will never leave me. Please calm my worries, cast out all of my doubts, and reassure me through the peace and presence of Your Holy Spirit in me. Thank You for always providing all of my needs in Your perfect timing and Your perfect ways. You are truly an amazing God. Thank You for Your Strong Consolation — Jesus Christ — in whose holy name I pray, Amen.


Dear God, I thank You that You are the Rock of my salvation. I thank You that my life can be built upon Your strong foundation. Please help build my life on Jesus so that I can weather my life's storms, to keep looking to You, and to be Your grateful child. Please help me to trust Jesus with my life, based upon the firm foundation that I have in Jesus. I pray that You will strengthen me and keep my feet steady on Your solid ground. I pray that I and my loved ones will be committed to You and that we will live lives that glorify You and that bless others. Please replace my grumbling and complaining with an attitude of gratitude toward You. In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.


Food for Thought: I know we usually celebrate today as “Throwback Thursday”, the day we reminisce about people, things, and places of t here past! Today let’s throw away and throw aside (lay aside) all the things that’s causing us not to be and walk in our full God-given potential! He’s able to help you get rid of the waste in our lives just trust Him! Be encouraged!


Dear God, I know that You are calling me to draw near to You as I prepare now for what I will face today. Thank You for drawing near to me as I draw near to You now. Thank You for Your Holy Spirit who leads me to know what actions I must take to accomplish Your will for my life today. I thank You for Your Holy Spirit who works on my behalf and who guides me when I don't know what to do. Thank You for Jesus who is my great Intercessor who stands in the gap and intercedes for me. Please bring intercessors and friends into my life to hold me up in prayer and to help me along the way. Likewise, help me be an intercessory prayer warrior, praying and interceding on the behalf of others around me who need prayer for their special needs and daily struggles. Father God, please bless and increase my prayer times with You. Please be with me and keep me from evil, that I may be a blessing to You and to those around me. In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.


Dear God, Please make me aware of those who are sick and suffering today. I lift up the people who have been born with problems that require intervention and who need Your healing touch. May Your grace and Your loving touch envelop them and their families. I pray for those who have viruses, illnesses or allergies that affect so many. I pray for relief of pain and symptoms...and for Your healing touch for each person. I pray for those who are battling other medical issues, whether heart problems, cancer, and even blood clots or diabetes that can lead to further problems. Please guide the doctors who treat these beloved people, that they will be guided by You and know exactly what to do to bring Your healing to each one. Please help each and every afflicted person to pray with others and to ask You for their full healing. Lord, please give us faith to pray for healing and for the forgiveness of our sins. Please provide Your comfort and please cover each person with Your presence and Your miraculous healing power. Thank You, Lord, for hearing my prayer. In the healing name of Jesus I pray, Amen.


Dear God, You are my refuge during times of trouble. You are the only one who is totally trustworthy. You are great, mighty and awesome. You go before me, you are with me, you will never forsake me, I will not be afraid. Please protect vme, my mind and my body, from the evil in this world today. I trust You to guide me and to be with me, no matter what comes. In You I have strength and stability. I trust Your promises. Thank You my Lord. In the mighty name of Jesus I pray, Amen.


Dear God, I present my body to You as a living sacrifice. Please help me to be holy and pleasing to You. Please guide me and direct me today. Please protect me from all harm and evil, and let me overcome all my fears, for you are with me. Please shine through my life to draw those around me to Yourself. May You be glorified throughout the earth. May others be pointed to Jesus through the testimony of my life. In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.


Dear God, I pray that my life will bring glory to You, that I will shine Your light before others as an example of Your grace and Your love for each person. I am an imperfect person, but through the blood and righteousness of Jesus, I am made righteous and adopted into Your Kingdom as Your child. Thank You for my eternal home with You. In You I am safe and secure forever. I can come to You to share all my concerns and rejoice with You over all that is good. I can talk to You anytime and I know that You listen to me. You are for me, even if many are against me. Thank You for being my Father in Heaven. Thank You Jesus, my true and everlasting friend. Lord, let me love others as You have loved me. Let me lay down my life so that others will know You and know Your love for them. In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.


Dear God, I confess that I have sinned against You and against others. Please have mercy on me, please forgive me and please set me free from my sins. Thank You for Your forgiveness of my sins. Thank You for giving me a new life. Thank You for Jesus, my Savior and my Intercessor. I pray that You would guide me to be a person who lives a life that is pleasing to You, with a good testimony and reputation. I want to become more like Jesus and to grow closer to You every day. Thank You for covering me with Your love. Let me be known for my love for You and my love for others. I praise You Lord God. You are always good, full of grace and full of love. In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.


Fort Worth, TX





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