Have you ever wondered why, when signing credit card receipts at restaurants, you must do so with a pen advertising a certain medication or a strip club? You see ads in restrooms, within menus and generally every other location imaginable. So why in the world must you sign a receipt with a pen from a far-away college? Our business is borne out of a desire to connect local businesses with the quali
ty customers at restaurants in their neighborhood. This enables the advertisers to better target more affluent clientele and provides restaurants free product for their wait staff, an ability to embrace local businesses and control the advertising on the pens their patrons will see. RestaurantPEN is the connecting third leg of a triangle. Restaurants benefit by receiving free pens for their wait staff. American made Bic pens with quality, family friendly business information printed on them presenting a consistent image from table to table. The other leg is the advertisers, who capitalize on the local, quality customers of the restaurants near them. So rather than placing an ad in a city-wide newspaper, you can target customers right around the corner from your business in a restaurant you likely frequent. Restaurants receive high quality free product and advertisers achieve a more focused local advertising effort to the people you want your business involved with. For additional information on either of these two sides of the triangle click the text link at the top of this page and we will discuss in further detail. Our goal is to be a value added piece of your business and enhance your success. We know what it is like to run restaurants. We know what it is like running a small local business. We have done both. RestaurantPEN is here to get both of you the best possible results.