Ron had thought many times since his encounter that day with neutrinos about what he would say to this crowd. He had debated whether to relate the fullness of that experience or just share a few minor details. The experience was deeply personal and intimate. As such he was not comfortable relating such matters in a public setting like this. Even as he stood before this crowd, he was unsure what words would emerge from his lips.
Ron hesitated to speak. A delay of a few seconds turned into a full minute. Suzanne, who sat over to the side of the stage with others on the team, was becoming unsettled. She looked at Nora who then looked at Dr. Engel sitting off stage. He, too, was perplexed and shrugged. Suzanne decided she needed to intervene, so she stood, intending to walk over to Ron. As she did so, Ron suddenly opened his mouth.
“Folks, how do I describe an event that, to my knowledge, no one else has ever experienced?” Ron lingered for several more seconds. “After giving it much thought, I have decided not to try to explain this experience on a personal level.” The audience gave a disappointed response. “If I use a scientific explanation to describe what took place, I would only be speculating. I would like, however, to propose what I believe occurred that day from a somewhat pseudo-scientific perspective. But to do so requires me to go beyond a strictly naturalistic viewpoint. Dr. Myers and I have discussed my summations, but I cannot attest to whether she or any other team member would accept what I am about to tell you. My hope and prayer is that you will receive what I tell you with an open mind.” An unsettled audience response was quickly replaced with silent anticipation.
“On a personal level, I will simply tell you that what I experienced was serene and pleasant. Now here is my speculative account as to what occurred.” Ron glanced at the scribbled notes he had written earlier and then tucked them into his shirt pocket. “As Simon related to you, neutrinos are the smallest known particle in the entire universe. They skim through space, moving even past the smallest atoms and other microscopic particles. There is no mass we know of that can hinder their course. They continue their journey through the universe with nothing to impede or thwart their progress. They have little detectable mass. Science has yet to discover an energy source other than the atomic reaction that brought about their initial creation and propulsion. But I have another theory.”
Ron glanced toward the team. He was surprised to see Suzanne’s face displaying an agreeable smile. She and Nora both displayed a hint of approval of where they anticipated Ron’s theory would lead. Ron then looked down at Mona on the front row. She mouthed “I love you” when she saw him look her way. It was her love that often motivated him through his pursuits.
Ron had prayed silently before addressing this crowd, knowing he would be crossing some barriers in the minds of some. “Beyond the smallest particle in space, beyond even neutrinos themselves, is another realm. I believe it to be the eternal realm—the area that exists beyond the boundary of matter and time. God’s domain.” Ron could hear stirring among his audience. He did not let that deter him. “I believe neutrinos skim this eternal realm of God. Although they do not exist in this eternal realm, I believe that to be their source of energy. I can compare it to phytoplankton, microscopic organisms floating on the surface of the ocean yet they receive their energy from the Sun. Take them from the sea, and they cease to exist. Not only do neutrinos obtain energy from this eternal realm, but I will go so far as to suggest that they reflect or absorb a portion of this eternal domain.” Ron paused briefly. “They retain the domain of God.” The murmuring in the crowd now became more intense. Ron knew he was losing many in the audience with this talk of the eternal realm of God and that he needed to provide the evidence for such bold conjecture.