My Own Melody LLC

My Own Melody LLC My Own Melody LLC is a Christian business proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ through our book "Choosing The Abundant LIFE" and music "Messages Of HOPE"


Comments from the Author

While my intentions are truly honorable, the only true merit of what I have chosen to do, through the guidance of the Spirit of God, will be determined by what He so chooses to do with what I have written. It really doesn’t matter how well versed I am or how elegant I express what I am feeling, if what I do is not directed and blessed by God than I am only taking up precious time. While what I have accomplished may be considered worthy and my intentions noble, without the continual blessing of a holy and righteous God, all I have done will remain fruitless and unnoted. If God would choose to use my humble efforts for His cause, then it is His doing that has become important and what I have done remains unchanged; I will forever remain His humble servant and have only been chosen to be used of Him. Being used of God is far above any prize or award that this world could ever offer. Being humbled by the approval of a righteous God is far better than being made proud by the applause of sinful humanity. We were all born to serve the Lord and when we submit to His calling we are no longer just servants but we become joint heirs with Jesus the only begotten Son of God. This world is governed by this one inescapable truth. Life is all about God, it has always been about God and it will always be about God. When we are willing to look at life through this one indisputable fact, everything is made clear and our lives take on true meaning and purpose.
Why would I want to be responsible for something that I cannot produce or why would I want to take credit for something that I did not do? Both instances put me in a place of discomfort and I am made to show my insolence when I allow myself to be taken in to their deception. I am who I am and I can only be who God allows me to be. I do not of necessity need to be important, great or well known, if God wishes to place me in that position, He will attend to all that it takes to place me there. Being in the place where God wants me to be is a place of humility and to assume my importance as being anything more than His doing is misguided. I have learned to substitute the phrase “I don’t care” with “I’m not concerned” and by doing so I feel more in tune with God and His true purpose. When I propose not to care I am being thoughtless and uncompassionate while not being concerned I am showing my faith in a God that is all about total insight and vision. This world cannot provide me the things I need for my survival. It can offer me nothing that is profitable or worth dying for. What free gift or promises of eternal peace has this world provided? Where am I to go when I am in need of strength and deliverance? Truly the problems that I have are presented me by the world, does the world have the ability or desire to take away what it has provided? When I see a world that is all about difficulties and problems and I am immediately made aware of its inability to solve even the smallest of them, I am not made to rejoice. When I hear someone say, “this is all we have we need to make the best of it”, I immediately wonder if they have ever met the One who created everything, the One who is in control of it all.
Truthfully this world is not about solutions and the things that it can give you in the light of eternity are to be considered worthless. God’s Word tells us not to love the world or the things of the world and if we are to measure up to God’s expectations we will abide by His teachings. Somehow I feel that God telling us to be wary of what this world has to offer is not a fit of jealousy or spite. Recently I heard a television pastor say that God was jealous of those that won massive wealth in the lottery because the money they won did not belong to Him. I began to question his motives and his service to God and I wondered how anyone who says they were here to represent God the King of Glory could be so misinformed. As I thought about what he had said I began to doubt his Christianity and his right or authority of being a pastor. I have heard people make foolish statements before but this to me seemed to be past the realm of incompetence. Notably, that church is no longer with us today and he has been relived of his position as pastor. God owns it all and to suggest that anything on this earth was not under His control was ludicrous. When Christianity or the church becomes mixed with the world it can only corrupt what God has said must remain holy and unspotted. When those that we look up to, those that are intended to be our examples become corrupt we are all made to suffer.
It is not my intention to criticize but to warn; it is nor my motive to lecture but to teach. The grace of God has taken me from a world without Him and placed me in a location where I can gain the true peace of His anointed council. It is only by the grace of God that I continue to live; I have no other purpose but to honor Him. He is the one that I rely upon, He is the one that must direct my steps and He is the one that I reverently fear. The direction that I take must be anointed of Him. Without Him I am empty and alone. As I think about this world I am made to fear but as I fear my mind is drawn unto Him and in His perfect love; I am made to rejoice (1 John 4:18).
How am I to fight the battle of the senses? My flesh tells me that it is all over and I am alone and defeated; it tells me that there is no righteous or just cause to defend or to hold on to. If life has become too easy it has become about the temporal and the ordinary. If I am to rely upon what I am being told than I am only a fool, a fool with no expectation or true victory. When I am being told that I am nothing, that what I do and where I go has no true meaning or importance; I know deep in my heart I have been given a purpose and that is to honor Him. Jesus, He is the true savior of my soul; Jesus, the only true meaning and purpose for living. As I hold onto the everlasting arms of God I will not fear. By faith I am made to rely upon God; He will provide what I need. When by my lack of truth or understanding I see one thing and He sees another, it is His dependability that draws me to His righteous end. While I remain constant and moveable, He will use me for His purpose. I must be constant in the fact that I belong to Him, moveable in the sense that I am always ready to see things the way He wants me to see them. It is this interaction that causes us to become what He wants us to be, co-workers and friends. As a friend I am blessed by just knowing Him, as a co-worker I have been made a joint heir with Him in Heaven His eternal kingdom.
As I write there is so much more being considered and preformed. My mind is fixed not only upon what He is leading me to say but in constant prayer seeking His guidance and will for my life. I have no planned agenda or ulterior motive, I only seek to do what I feel He is leading me to do, to write what He is telling me to write. Words in my heart must express those things I feel He wants me to capture and reveal. Words on a page have no true meaning unless He reveals them to the one who is there to comprehend. My vocabulary is very small but I know enough to say thank you and to show my eternal worship and praise. While I empty myself of all doubt and vain glory; I am also required to open myself up to His divine leadership and perfect will.
If you can understand what I have written it is He that has given you the wisdom to understand. While we seek to know Him it is He that must enlighten our hearts and provide for our understanding. What I see with my eyes is not always what I see with my heart and taking in the things of this world can sometimes cause me embarrassment and bitter pain. So much of the time I am not knowledgeable enough to know what I am to do or compassionate enough to even care. I am by no means a finished work and as God sees fit to use me I am made useable and complete in His perfect will. The only value that I possess is my willingness to be used of Him. God will never hold back the truth from His children or tell them something that is dishonest or useless. Somehow I feel that time out or taking a nap is not intended while we are here on this earth and to spend time doing the frivolous and incidental will gain no reward.
So much of the wealth of this world is being use to corrupt and destroy the things of God. Sometimes I wonder why He allows evil men to gain the where-with-all to do those things that to me seem divisive and utterly appalling. I have never been so bold as to ask God if He knows what He is doing but as I ponder the many things of life I am left in wonder. I am reminded that God is who He says He is and that He is in control of this world and everything that exists upon it. That’s a pretty powerful God when the sun continues to rise each morning and set each night. The seasons continue to fall into place and the grass and fields are perpetually watered. To God there are no mysteries and as man seeks to serve Him God will reveal Himself in a way that is beneficial and needed.
There is no blessing more precious than that of being able to see things the way that God sees them. Knowing how and what God thinks, gives you the potential of gaining true peace and complete wisdom. Being able to please Him is the ultimate obtainment and should contain no purpose other than that of gaining His true favor. What better friend could you have than Jesus? Having total power with complete humility, what better combination? In God we find the ability to rule, the compassion to serve; there can be no truer friend than Jesus.

Comments from the Author

While my intentions are truly honorable, the only true merit of what I have chosen to do, through the guidance of the Spirit of God, will be determined by what He so chooses to do with what I have written. It really doesn’t matter how well versed I am or how elegant I express what I am feeling, if what I do is not directed and blessed by God than I am only taking up precious time. While what I have accomplished may be considered worthy and my intentions noble, without the continual blessing of a holy and righteous God, all I have done will remain fruitless and unnoted. If God would choose to use my humble efforts for His cause, then it is His doing that has become important and what I have done remains unchanged; I will forever remain His humble servant and have only been chosen to be used of Him. Being used of God is far above any prize or award that this world could ever offer. Being humbled by the approval of a righteous God is far better than being made proud by the applause of sinful humanity. We were all born to serve the Lord and when we submit to His calling we are no longer just servants but we become joint heirs with Jesus the only begotten Son of God. This world is governed by this one inescapable truth. Life is all about God, it has always been about God and it will always be about God. When we are willing to look at life through this one indisputable fact, everything is made clear and our lives take on true meaning and purpose.
Why would I want to be responsible for something that I cannot produce or why would I want to take credit for something that I did not do? Both instances put me in a place of discomfort and I am made to show my insolence when I allow myself to be taken in to their deception. I am who I am and I can only be who God allows me to be. I do not of necessity need to be important, great or well known, if God wishes to place me in that position, He will attend to all that it takes to place me there. Being in the place where God wants me to be is a place of humility and to assume my importance as being anything more than His doing is misguided. I have learned to substitute the phrase “I don’t care” with “I’m not concerned” and by doing so I feel more in tune with God and His true purpose. When I propose not to care I am being thoughtless and uncompassionate while not being concerned I am showing my faith in a God that is all about total insight and vision. This world cannot provide me the things I need for my survival. It can offer me nothing that is profitable or worth dying for. What free gift or promises of eternal peace has this world provided? Where am I to go when I am in need of strength and deliverance? Truly the problems that I have are presented me by the world, does the world have the ability or desire to take away what it has provided? When I see a world that is all about difficulties and problems and I am immediately made aware of its inability to solve even the smallest of them, I am not made to rejoice. When I hear someone say, “this is all we have we need to make the best of it”, I immediately wonder if they have ever met the One who created everything, the One who is in control of it all.
Truthfully this world is not about solutions and the things that it can give you in the light of eternity are to be considered worthless. God’s Word tells us not to love the world or the things of the world and if we are to measure up to God’s expectations we will abide by His teachings. Somehow I feel that God telling us to be wary of what this world has to offer is not a fit of jealousy or spite. Recently I heard a television pastor say that God was jealous of those that won massive wealth in the lottery because the money they won did not belong to Him. I began to question his motives and his service to God and I wondered how anyone who says they were here to represent God the King of Glory could be so misinformed. As I thought about what he had said I began to doubt his Christianity and his right or authority of being a pastor. I have heard people make foolish statements before but this to me seemed to be past the realm of incompetence. Notably, that church is no longer with us today and he has been relived of his position as pastor. God owns it all and to suggest that anything on this earth was not under His control was ludicrous. When Christianity or the church becomes mixed with the world it can only corrupt what God has said must remain holy and unspotted. When those that we look up to, those that are intended to be our examples become corrupt we are all made to suffer.
It is not my intention to criticize but to warn; it is nor my motive to lecture but to teach. The grace of God has taken me from a world without Him and placed me in a location where I can gain the true peace of His anointed council. It is only by the grace of God that I continue to live; I have no other purpose but to honor Him. He is the one that I rely upon, He is the one that must direct my steps and He is the one that I reverently fear. The direction that I take must be anointed of Him. Without Him I am empty and alone. As I think about this world I am made to fear but as I fear my mind is drawn unto Him and in His perfect love; I am made to rejoice (1 John 4:18).
How am I to fight the battle of the senses? My flesh tells me that it is all over and I am alone and defeated; it tells me that there is no righteous or just cause to defend or to hold on to. If life has become too easy it has become about the temporal and the ordinary. If I am to rely upon what I am being told than I am only a fool, a fool with no expectation or true victory. When I am being told that I am nothing, that what I do and where I go has no true meaning or importance; I know deep in my heart I have been given a purpose and that is to honor Him. Jesus, He is the true savior of my soul; Jesus, the only true meaning and purpose for living. As I hold onto the everlasting arms of God I will not fear. By faith I am made to rely upon God; He will provide what I need. When by my lack of truth or understanding I see one thing and He sees another, it is His dependability that draws me to His righteous end. While I remain constant and moveable, He will use me for His purpose. I must be constant in the fact that I belong to Him, moveable in the sense that I am always ready to see things the way He wants me to see them. It is this interaction that causes us to become what He wants us to be, co-workers and friends. As a friend I am blessed by just knowing Him, as a co-worker I have been made a joint heir with Him in Heaven His eternal kingdom.
As I write there is so much more being considered and preformed. My mind is fixed not only upon what He is leading me to say but in constant prayer seeking His guidance and will for my life. I have no planned agenda or ulterior motive, I only seek to do what I feel He is leading me to do, to write what He is telling me to write. Words in my heart must express those things I feel He wants me to capture and reveal. Words on a page have no true meaning unless He reveals them to the one who is there to comprehend. My vocabulary is very small but I know enough to say thank you and to show my eternal worship and praise. While I empty myself of all doubt and vain glory; I am also required to open myself up to His divine leadership and perfect will.
If you can understand what I have written it is He that has given you the wisdom to understand. While we seek to know Him it is He that must enlighten our hearts and provide for our understanding. What I see with my eyes is not always what I see with my heart and taking in the things of this world can sometimes cause me embarrassment and bitter pain. So much of the time I am not knowledgeable enough to know what I am to do or compassionate enough to even care. I am by no means a finished work and as God sees fit to use me I am made useable and complete in His perfect will. The only value that I possess is my willingness to be used of Him. God will never hold back the truth from His children or tell them something that is dishonest or useless. Somehow I feel that time out or taking a nap is not intended while we are here on this earth and to spend time doing the frivolous and incidental will gain no reward.
So much of the wealth of this world is being use to corrupt and destroy the things of God. Sometimes I wonder why He allows evil men to gain the where-with-all to do those things that to me seem divisive and utterly appalling. I have never been so bold as to ask God if He knows what He is doing but as I ponder the many things of life I am left in wonder. I am reminded that God is who He says He is and that He is in control of this world and everything that exists upon it. That’s a pretty powerful God when the sun continues to rise each morning and set each night. The seasons continue to fall into place and the grass and fields are perpetually watered. To God there are no mysteries and as man seeks to serve Him God will reveal Himself in a way that is beneficial and needed.
There is no blessing more precious than that of being able to see things the way that God sees them. Knowing how and what God thinks, gives you the potential of gaining true peace and complete wisdom. Being able to please Him is the ultimate obtainment and should contain no purpose other than that of gaining His true favor. What better friend could you have than Jesus? Having total power with complete humility, what better combination? In God we find the ability to rule, the compassion to serve; there can be no truer friend than Jesus.

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With Veronica Ross – I just made it onto their weekly engagement list by being one of their top engagers! 🎉

With Veronica Ross – I just made it onto their weekly engagement list by being one of their top engagers! 🎉


Fort Scott, KS


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