My Pete Rose story:
During the mid 1990's I was co-hosting a reasonably popular morning show on WQAM called "The First Team". At the time, Joe Rose was my partner. We were invited to a "celebrity" golf charity event and while I was sitting in my cart waiting to get going, someone walked over to me and said "Hey, Pete Rose would like to say hi".
I thought that was cool, it means he's a listener. I certainly know about him as a ballplayer. manager and all the rest.
I walk over, he warmly greets me. We've never met. In less than 30 seconds, he brought up an NFL game he gambled on involving the Raiders.
Not a lot of self awareness there to say the least! This was way before we had betting available everywhere.
Also, few debates get me to tune out faster than whether or not he belongs in the Hall of Fame. It's the same argument on both sides with no new information.
It is also mildly ironic the Hall put out a social media post on his death tonight.